Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Schnitzler, Arthur

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

937610Collier's New Encyclopedia — Schnitzler, Arthur

SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR, an Austrian dramatist and short-story writer, born in Vienna, in 1862. He was educated in his native city and in 1885 received the degree of M.D. from the University of Vienna. He practiced medicine until 1893, when he published with great success, “Anatole,” a sequence of seven one-act dramas of modern life in Vienna. These, as well as later creations of his, have been played successfully, not only on Austrian and German stages, but also in many other countries, including the United States. Among his other dramatic works were “Der Grüne Kakadu” (1899); “Paracelsus” (1899); “Lebendige Stunden” (1902); “Der Einsame Weg” (1904); “Der Ruf des Lebens” (1905); “Comptess Mizzi” (1909); “Das Weite Land” (1911); “Professor Bernhardi” (1913); etc. Among his fictional works should be mentioned: “Sterben” (1895); “Der Weg ins Freie” (1908); etc. A collection of his writings were published in seven volumes in Berlin, in 1912.