Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms/Volume 1/Tab. 7


AGARICUS GLUTINOSUS Schæff. t. 26. f. 1, 2, 3, 4.

A. LIMACINUS Dicks. fasc. 1. t. 15.
VELATUS With. vol. 3. 290.

Gathered in a fir wood near Bungay, Suffolk, in company with Mr. Woodward, to whose accuracy the botany of England is so much indebted. I have also found it in Essex.

The gluten which envelops this plant is of a very singular nature, being extended from the edge of the pilcus to the stipes, and passing the gills without touching them. As it recedes or dissolves it leaves a portion of a cobweb substance, accompanied by a fine powder. If this powder be the seed, may the gluten contain any thing analogous to pollen?