Columbus Republican Journal editorial on the Dred Scott case

(untitled editorial) (1857)
Columbus Republican Journal

published 31 March 1857

141752(untitled editorial)1857Columbus Republican Journal

According to our promise in our last, we this week give the article from the N. Y. Independent headed "The New Era" on our first page, on the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case and we speak for it a careful perusal. Everyone ought to make himself well acquainted with the whole character and bearing of this decision. This is no trifle which will only be talked about for a short time and, then die off. It strikes at the very vitals of our free institutions and if such things are suffered we are no longer a free people but are at the mercy of a band of tyrants who will rule us with a rod of iron worse than that of a Russian Autocrat. Here is a body of men who cannot be reached thro' the ballot box even the party in power has no control over them. This decision shows what men will do when vested with the vast power of the present Supreme Court of the U. S. when once they become corrupted and no sane person can deny but that this court is so at the present day. It has been shown that they have resorted to the most glaring falsehoods to sustain this decision; and those editors who justify and uphold them, so far as we have seen, give no reason to show the justice of such a course. If you offer any argument you are only met by slang, such as black republican, abolition, nigger worshiper, &c. They try to put you down by ridicule instead of argument., in fact they can adduce none, they will tell you that you must submit to the decision of the Supreme Court however arbitrary, tyrannical and unjust it may be or you are a disunionist. With such a court and such men as we now have for judges neither our lives, our liberty nor our property are safe. Our State rights have been invaded by this court in one case and they will not hesitate to do so in another if it suits their convenience or is for their interest or the interest of Slavery -- of either the white or black race. What hope can we have of obtaining justice from men who have so grossly outraged every principle which we as freeman hold dear? Men who will resort to falsehood in one case will also do it in another. Men who will pervert the law in one case will do it in all cases where interest or favoritism is concerned. What chance would a free state man have in such a court if opposed by a slaveholder? None whatever.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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