Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States/Book 3/Index

Boston: Hilliard, Gray & Co., pages 761–776Contents:
ACADEMY, Military iii. 155
ACCOUNTS, Public, to be published iii. 213, 214
ACCUSATION, Self, Criminals not bound to iii. 656–660
ADJOURNMENT of Congress, by whom iii. 293, 294, 297
of each House ii. 303–330
ADMIRALTY, Jurisdiction. (See Judiciary) iii. 525–536
ADMISSION of new States into the Union iii. 184–192
ALIENS, who are iii. 570, 571
suits by, and against iii. 568–572
ALIEN ACT, whether constitutional iii. 164–166
AMBASSADORS, appointment of iii. 354, 372, 373, 380
Receiving of iii. 412, 414
Dismission of iii. 418, 419
Protection, and rights of iii. 519–525
Suits by and against iii. 519–525
AMENDMENTS OF CONSTITUTION, how made iii. 685–690
APPEAL, Nature and Effect of iii. 626–651
APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (See Judiciary) iii. 572, 576, 626–651
APPOINTMENTS, to office by president, and senate iii. 372–386
By congress, and heads of departments iii. 354, 382–386
When discretionary in congress iii. 354, 382–386
When complete iii. 397–408
When the party is in office iii. 408–409
In case of vacancies iii. 409–412
APPORTIONMENT, of Representatives ii. 103–114, 137–158
of Direct Taxes ii. 420, 462–465
APPROPRIATIONS, of Money iii. 64, 213, 214
for Internal Improvements iii. 149–153
ARMS, right to bear iii. 746
ARMY AND NAVY, power to create and regulate iii. 64–80
ARREST of Members of Congress iii. 318–325
ARTS AND SCIENCE, Promotion of iii. 48–52
ATTAINDER, Prohibition of Bills of, by congress iii. 209–211
by States iii. 238–239
Effect of, in Treason iii. 169–173
AUTHORS, Copyright of iii. 48–52
AYES AND NOES, Call of, in congress ii. 301–303
BAIL, excessive, Prohibition of iii. 750, 751
BANK OF UNITED STATES, Constitutionality of iii. 127, 149
States cannot tax ii. 486–501
BANKRUPTCY, Power of congress over iii. 4–15
BILL OF RIGHTS, Propriety of iii. 713–722
BILLS OF ATTAINDER, Prohibition of by congress iii. 209–211
by States iii. 217, 238
BILLS OF CREDIT, Prohibition of iii. 220–237
What are iii. 227–237
BILLS OF EXCHANGE, Purchase of, by U. States iii. 153
BORROW MONEY, Power of congress to ii. 503, 504
CANALS AND ROADS, Power of congress as to ii. 149–153
CAPITATION TAX, Power to lay ii. 424–458, 462
CAPTURES, Regulation of iii. 59–64
CAROLINAS, Origin and Settlement of i. 117–128
CASES, What are within the judicial power iii. 499–519
CENSUS, when to be taken ii. 103, 114–118
CESSIONS, for Seat of Government iii. 101–103
for Forts, Arsenals, &c. iii. 103–108
of Foreign Territory iii. 156–161
CHARTER Governments, what i. 145–146
CHARTERS, Whether contracts, protected by constitution iii. 258–264
CITIZENS, who are iii. 564–567
Privileges and Immunities of, in each State iii. 673–675
COINAGE, Power of congress, over iii. 16–22
Counterfeiting iii. 21
Prohibition upon the States iii. 217, 219, 220
COLONIES, AMERICAN, Origin and Settlement of i. 1–132
Title of Territory i. 1–20
General Review of i. 132–183
Common Law in i. 132–141
Governments in i. 142–147
Rights of i. 142–165, 171–176
COLONIES, Legislative powers of i. 171, 172
COLUMBIA, District of iii. 96–101
Taxes in iii. 462–469
Legislation in iii. 102–108
COMMERCE, Power of congress to regulate (See Taxes) ii. 503–543
Foreign ii. 510
Domestic ii. 510
with Indians ii. 510, 539–541
Exclusive power in Congress ii. 512
Encouragement of Manufactures ii. 519–538
COMMON LAW IN COLONIES, Introduction of i. 132–137, 141
COMMON DEFENCE, Taxes for ii. 366, 368, 429, 444, 458
COMPACTS, by States iii. 270, 271
COMPENSATION (See President, Judges) iii. 337–339
iii. 490–498
for Property taken for Public uses iii. 656–661
CONTEMPTS OF CONGRESS, how punishable iii. 298, 305–317
CONTEMPTS OF COURTS, punishable iii. 650
CONFEDERATION, Origin and Formation of i. 209–216, 141
Articles of i. 217–223
Decline and Fall of i. 224–252
CONGRESS, Adjournment of ii. 293, 294, 297
Quorum of ii. 294, 297
Rules of ii. 298, 299
Ayes and Noes ii. 301–303
Compensation of ii. 318–324
Disqualifications of members of ii. 330–337
Qualifications of Representatives ii. 46, 88–103
of Senators ii. 204–208
Organization and modes of Proceeding ii. 337–365
Division into two Branches ii. 26–45
House of Representatives ii. 46–172
Senate ii. 173–280
Elections of ii. 280–297
Elections of i. 420–435
Meetings of ii. 280–297
Privileges of ii. 297–327
Journals of, to be kept ii. 301, 302
Contempts of ii. 298, 305–317
Mode of passing laws ii. 338–342, 357–365
Impeachments by and before ii. 159–171, 214–279
Power to Lay Taxes ii. 366–502
Borrow Money ii. 503, 504
Regulate Commerce ii. 504–543
Naturalization iii. 1–3
Bankrupt Laws iii. 4–15
Coin Money iii. 16–20
Weights and Measures iii. 20, 21
Counterfeiting Coin iii. 21
Post-offices and Post-roads iii. 22–47
Promotion of Science and Arts iii. 48–52
Piracy and Felonies on the High Seas iii. 52–53
Offences against the Law of Nations iii. 52–58
War and Captures iii. 59–64
Army and Navy iii. 64–80
Militia iii. 81–95
Seat of Government iii. 96–101
Forts, Arsenals, Dock-yards, &c. iii. 101–108
Incidental Powers iii. 109–126
Resulting Powers iii. 111–124
Bank of United States iii. 127–148
Vacancy in Presidency iii. 334–337
Establishment of Judiciary iii. 449–456, 648–650
Appropriations of Money iii. 64
Internal Improvements iii. 149–153
Embargoes ii. 509, iii. 161–164
Alien and Sedition Act iii. 164–166
Treason, punishment of iii. 169–173
State Records, proof and effect of iii. 174–183
Admission of new States iii. 184–192
Government of Territories iii. 193–201
CONNECTICUT, Origin and Settlement of i. 72–80
CONQUEST, Laws of, as to Colonies i. 133
CONSCIENCE, Rights of iii. 702–705
Origin and Adoption of i. 252–258
General objections to i. 259–278
Whether a Compact or League i. 279–343
Formed by the People, and not by States i. 318–322, 448
General objections to i. 344–382
Rules of Interpretation of i. 383–442
Preamble, Exposition of i. 443–494
Division of powers, Legislative, Executive, Judicial ii. 1–26
Legislative power, Division into two Branches ii. 26–45
The House of Representatives. (See Representatives.) ii. 46–172
The Senate. (See Senate.) ii. 173–280
Mode of passing Laws ii. 338–342, 357–365
President's negative ii. 343–356, 421
Powers of congress. (See Congress.) ii. 366 to iii. 217
Executive department. (See President.) iii. 277–424
Judicial department. (See Judiciary.) iii. 425–456
Supremacy of Constitution, Treaties and Laws iii. 693–701
CONSTRUCTION, Rules of,—of Constitution i. 383–442
CONSULS, Appointment of iii. 354, 372
Suits, by and against iii. 519–525
CONTEMPTS OF CONGRESS, how punishable ii. 298, 305–317
whether pardonable by President iii. 353, 354
CONTRACTS, Impairing, prohibition of iii. 240–268
of the United States, how interpreted iii. 200, 201
CONVEYANCES, of Land under Colonial Governments i. 160, 161
COPYRIGHT, of Authors iii. 48–52
CORPORATION, composed of citizens, when entitled to sue iii. 556
Foreign, when it may sue iii. 571
CORRUPTION of Blood, in Treason iii. 169–173
COUNSEL, Right to, in criminal cases iii. 664–666
COURTS. (See Judiciary.) iii. 425–456
State, appellate jurisdiction, over iii. 572, 576–612
CRIMES, how prosecuted and tried iii. 652–656
CRIMINALS, Fugitive iii. 675–677
not bound to accuse themselves iii. 656–660
Trial of iii. 652–656
not to be twice tried iii. 656–659
CROWN, Rights and Prerogatives of, in the Colonies iii. 132–137
DEBTS in Colonies, a charge on land i. 167, 168
Revolutionary, provided for iii. 691, 692
of United States, priority of payment iii. 153, 154
DEBT, PUBLIC, stock not taxable by a State iii. 495–501
Old, declared valid iii. 691, 692
DEFENCE, Common, power to tax for iii. 366–502
DELAWARE, Origin and Settlement of i. 115–117
DESCENT, Rules of, in Colonies i. 165, 166
DIRECT TAXES, What are ii. 424–428, 462–469
How apportioned ii. 103, 420, 424
DISCOVERY, Right of, to America i. 3–20
Effect of, on Indian Title i. 132–138
DISQUALIFICATION and Disability to hold office iii. 330–337
of Electors iii. 329, 330
DISTRICT of Columbia iii. 96–101
Taxes on iii. 462–469
Legislation in iii. 102–108
DIVISION of Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers, Reasons for ii. 1–26
of Legislative, Reasons for ii. 26–45
DUTIES, Power to lay ii. 367–440
Meaning of ii. 419, 421, 423
to be uniform ii. 367, 419–428
Prohibitions on States ii. 471, 486. iii. 270
ELECTIONS of Representatives ii. 46–88, 280–292
of Senators ii. 173–203, 280–292
of President and Vice-President iii. 311–330
ELECTORS of President and Vice-President iii. 311–330
Time of choice of iii. 330–332
of Representatives and Senators. (See Elections.) ii. 46–88, 280–292
Disqualifications of ii. 329, 330
EMBARGO, power to lay ii. 509. iii. 161–163
What constitutional iii. 164–166
ERROR, Writ of, Nature and Effect of iii. 626–629
EXCISES, What are. (See Duties.) ii. 367, 423, 424
EXCLUSIVE, what powers of congress are, or not i. 420–435
EXECUTIVE department, Organization of iii. 277–280
EXECUTIVE, Unity of, Reasons for iii. 281–291
Duration of office iii. 278, 291–302
Re-eligibility. (See President.) iii. 302–308
EXPORTS, Prohibition of Duties on ii. 422, 469–471
EX POST FACTO LAWS, prohibition of, by congress iii. 212, 213
by a state iii. 238, 239
FELONIES, What are iii. 52–56
On High Seas iii. 52–56
FINES and FORFEITURES, Pardon of by President iii. 353, 354
Prohibition of, excessive iii. 750–751
FLORIDA, Purchase of iii. 160, 161
FREEDOM of the Press iii. 722, 731, 744
of Speech iii. 722, 731, 735
of Religion iii. 722
FUGITIVE, Criminals iii. 675–677
Slaves iii. 675–677
GENERAL WELFARE, Power to Tax for ii. 366, 368, 444, 458, 502
GEORGIA, Origin and Settlement of iii. 128–131
GOVERNMENT, Republican form of, guarantied iii. 679–684
GRAND JURY, in Crimes iii. 655–659
GUARANTY of Republican form of Government iii. 679–684
HABEAS CORPUS WRIT, Privilege of iii. 206–209
Suspension of iii. 206–209
HIGH SEAS, what is iii. 52–58
Crimes on iii. 52–58
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (See Representatives.) ii. 46–172
IMPAIRING CONTRACTS, Prohibition of iii. 240–268
IMPEACHMENT, Power of, in House of Representatives ii. 159–171, 214
Trial of in Senate ii. 214–279
of President and Vice-President ii. 247, 255, 278
Proceedings on ii. 250, 273–277
who are liable to ii. 255, 257
for what offences ii. 262–271
IMPLIED POWERS OF CONGRESS iii. 109–126, 752, 756
of Courts iii. 650
IMPLIED EXEMPTIONS from State Power iii. 125
IMPORTS, a State cannot tax iii. 474–486
IMPOSTS, Meaning of. (See Duties.) ii. 419–422
INCIDENTAL POWERS OF CONGRESS iii. 109–126, 752, 756
INDEPENDENCE, Declaration of i. 190–192
INDIANS, Title to Territory, i. 7, 132, 135–138
Commerce with ii. 510, 539–543
INDICTMENT, when necessary iii. 656–659
INFERIOR OFFICERS, who are in sense of Constitution iii. 382, 386, 387
INFORMATION, in Criminal Cases iii. 659
INJUNCTIONS, to or by State Courts iii. 624–626
to or by United States Courts iii. 624–626
INSOLVENT LAWS, how far constitutional iii. 252–256
INSPECTION LAWS, what are ii. 472, 473
INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, Power of Congress. (See Appropriation.) iii. 149–153
INVENTIONS, Patents for iii. 48–52
JEOPARDY of life or limb, in crimes iii. 656–659
JOURNALS of each House to be published ii. 301, 302
JUDGES, Appointment of iii. 456, 457
Tenure of Office iii. 457–489
Duties of, none but Judicial iii. 651
Compensation of iii. 490–497
Impeachment of. (See Judiciary.) ii. 255, 257
JUDICIARY, Organization and Powers of iii. 425–652
Importance of iii. 425–436
Appointment of Judges iii. 456, 457
Tenure of Office iii. 457–489
Compensation of iii. 490–497
Establishment of Courts iii. 437–449
Jurisdiction of Courts iii. 499–651
When exclusive or not iii. 613–622
Power of Congress over iii. 51, 449–456
Whether Congress can vest Power in State Courts iii. 619–624
Original Jurisdiction iii. 572–576
Appellate Jurisdiction iii. 572, 576–590, 626–651
from State Courts iii. 576–612
Cases, what are iii. 499–519
JUDICIARY, Parties in suits iii. 499, 549–560
when a State a party iii. 549–560
Suits by and against Ambassadors iii. 519–525
Admiralty Suits iii. 525–536
Suits by United States iii. 536–542
by or against States iii. 543–549
by citizens of different States iii. 543, 561–564
under grants of different States iii. 543, 567, 568
by or against Foreigners or Foreign States iii. 543, 568–571
Trial of Crimes iii. 652–656
Original iii. 572–576
Appellate. (See Judiciary.) iii. 572, 576–612, 626–651
over Cases from State Courts iii. 562, 576–571
Regulation of, by Congress iii. 648–650
Removal of Suits from State Courts iii. 608–611
When exclusive, or concurrent iii. 613–622
As to facts iii. 626–650
By Appeal iii. 627–629
By Writ of Error iii. 627–629
JURY, TRIAL BY, in Criminal Cases iii. 652–656
in Civil Cases iii. 628–648
Grand Jury iii. 655–659
KING, Rights and Prerogatives of, in Colonies i. 161–170
LANDS PUBLIC, Power of Congress over iii. 184–191
LAWS OF UNITED STATES, Supremacy of iii. 693–701
LAW OF NATIONS, offences against iii. 52–58
LAW OF THE LAND, Meaning of iii. 656–661
LEGISLATION, when exclusive in Congress. (See Commerce.) i. 420–433; ii. 420–425
in ceded places iii. 96–102
on high seas iii. 56–58
when not exclusive. (See Taxes.) i. 420–425, 433
LEGISLATURE. (See Congress, Senate, Representatives.)
LETTERS OF MARQUE AND REPRISAL, Power of Congress iii. 59–64
Prohibition on States to issue iii. 218, 219
LIBERTY of the Press iii. 722–731, 744
of Speech iii. 722–731, 744
in Congress ii. 318
LOUISIANA, Purchase of iii. 156–160
MAINE, Origin and Settlement of i. 64–71
MANUFACTURES, Power of Congress to encourage ii. 429–440, 519–538
MARYLAND, Origin and Settlement of i. 92–97
MASSACHUSETTS, Origin and Settlement of i. 44–63
MEASURES AND WEIGHTS, Power of Congress as to iii. 20, 21
MILITIA, Power of Congress over iii. 81–95
Discipline and Government of iii. 83–88
Calling forth by Government iii. 88–94
Command of iii. 93–95
Right to bear arms iii. 746, 747
MINISTERS, PUBLIC, Appointment of iii. 372, 373
Receiving of, by Executive iii. 414–419
Violations of Rights of iii. 522
Right to sue iii. 519–525
MONEY, Coinage of iii. 16–22
Power to borrow iii. 503
Bills, or Revenue Bills ii. 338–343
NATIONAL BANK, Constitutionality of iii. 127–149
NATURALIZATION, Power of iii. 1–3
NAVIGATION, Regulation of iii. 507–510
NAVY AND ARMY, Power to establish iii. 64–79
Regulation of iii. 79, 80
"NECESSARY AND PROPER," Meaning of, as to powers of Congress ii. 109–126
NEGATIVE of President on Laws ii. 343–356, 421
NEW-ENGLAND, Origin and Settlement of i. 34–43
NEW-HAMPSHIRE, Origin and Settlement of i. 64–68
NEW-HAVEN COLONY, Origin and Settlement of i. 73, 74
NEW-JERSEY, Origin and Settlement of i. 104–108
NEW-YORK, Origin and Settlement of i. 98–103
NOBILITY, Prohibition of Titles of by Congress iii. 215, 216
by the States iii. 269
NORTH CAROLINA, Origin and Settlement of i. 117–127
OATH OF OFFICE, by Officers of United States iii. 155, 702
of Senators and Representatives iii. 155, 702
of President iii. 339
(See Impeachment.) ii. 247, 255, 278
by State Officers iii. 702–705
OBLIGATION OF A CONTRACT, what it is iii. 243, 244
OFFICE, Tenure of, by Judges. (See Judiciary.) iii. 457–485
by President and Vice-President iii. 278, 291–302
Appointments to. (See Appointmeints.) iii. 354, 372–386
Disqualifications to hold ii. 330–337. iii. 331–334
Whether Commission necessary to iii. 397–408
Foreign, Prohibition to hold iii. 215, 216
When Appointee is in iii. 408, 409
OFFICERS, who are inferior in sense of Constitution iii. 382, 386
ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. (See Judiciary.) iii. 572–576
PAPER MONEY, Prohibition of (See Tender.) iii. 220–236
PARDONS AND REPRIEVES, by President iii. 340, 343–354
Whether extending to Contempts iii. 353
not extending to Impeachments iii. 340, 351, 353
PARLIAMENT, Powers and Rights of, over Colonies i. 172–183
PARTIES TO A SUIT, who are, and when a State iii. 549–560
PENNSYLVANIA, Origin and Settlement of i. 109–114
PEOPLE, Constitution framed by i. 318–322, 446
PETITION, Right of iii. 745, 746
PIRACY, Power to define iii. 52–58
PLANTATIONS AND COLONIES, General Law Governing i. 132–141
PLYMOUTH COLONY, Origin and Settlement of i. 36–43
POLL TAXES ii. 444–458
POST-OFFICE AND POST-ROADS, Power respecting iii. 22–47
POST-MASTER GENERAL, Suits by iii. 154
his Patronage an anomaly iii. 387, 388
POWERS OF CONGRESS, Incidental iii. 109–126
Express. (See Congress.)
Implied iii. 109, 126, 752, 759
When exclusive, or not i. 420–435
POWERS, reserved to States or People iii. 751, 754
PREAMBLE OF CONSTITUTION, Exposition of i. 448–494
PRESS, Liberty of the iii. 722, 731, 744
PRESENTMENT, what it is iii. 657
PRESIDENT, Negative on Laws ii. 343–355, 421
Mode of Choice of iii. 311–330
Re-eligibility of iii. 302–308
Duration and Tenure of Office iii. 278, 291–302
Non-election of iii. 335, 336,337
Vacancy of Office of iii. 334–337
Powers of iii. 340–424
Incidental iii. 418, 419,420
Duties of iii. 412–414
Appointments by iii. 372–386
when complete iii. 397, 408
Removals by iii. 388–397
Power to require Opinions of Departments iii. 340, 343
Calling forth Militia iii. 88–95
Making Treaties (See Treaties.) iii. 354–372
Command of Militia iii. 93–95
Resignation of iii. 334–337
Pardon and Reprieves by iii. 340, 343–354
Qualifications of iii. 331–334
Compensation of iii. 337–339
Oath of office iii. 339, 340
Commander of Army and Navy iii. 340–342
Power to Convene and Adjourn Congress iii. 412–414
Receiving Ambassadors iii. 414–420
Resignation of Office iii. 334, 335, 337
Impeachment of ii. 247, 255, 278. iii. 421
Veto ii. 343–356. iii. 343–356, 421
PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. (See Vice-President.) ii. 208–211
PRESENTS FROM FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS, Prohibition of iii. 215, 216
PROCESS, Due, of Law, what is iii. 656, 661
PROCLAMATIONS, BY PRESIDENT, when proper iii. 419, 429
of Neutrality iii. 419, 420
PROHIBITIONS on the United States iii. 202–216
on the States. (See States.) iii. 217–269
PROPERTY taken for Public Use, Compensation for iii. 656, 661
PROPERTY OF UNITED STATES, Power of Congress over iii. 193–198
PROTECTIVE DUTIES. (See Taxes.) ii. 429–446
PUBLIC LANDS iii. 184–191
PUNISHMENTS, CRUEL, not to be inflicted iii. 750, 751
PURCHASE by the United States of Foreign Territory iii. 156–161
of Bills of Exchange iii. 153
of House of Representatives ii. 46, 88–103
of Senate ii. 46, 204–208
of President iii. 331–334
RATIFICATION OF CONSTITUTION, how made i. 256, 257. iii. 709–712
RECORDS AND LAWS OF STATES, how proved iii. 174–183
Effect of Proof iii. 174–183
of Colonies, effect of iii. 176, 177
RELIGIOUS TEST, Prohibition of iii. 702, 705, 731
RELIGION, Freedom of iii. 722–731
REMITTANCES, how United States may make iii. 153
Whether the Concurrence of the Senate ought to be required iii. 388–397
REMOVAL of Suits from State Courts iii. 608–611
REPRESENTATIVES, House of, in Colonies i. 149, 150
first Colonial, in Virginia i. 25, 26
in Congress ii. 46–172
How chosen ii. 45–88
Term of Service ii. 47, 67–88
Qualifications of ii. 46, 88–103
Apportionment of ii. 103–114, 137–158
Speaker of House of ii. 151–156
Impeachment by ii. 159–171
Disqualifications of ii. 330–337
REPRIEVES AND PARDONS, Power of President iii. 340, 343–354
REPRISAL, Letters of Marque and Reprisal. (See Letters of Marque.) iii. 59–64
RESERVED Powers and Rights of the People iii. 751–754
REVENUE, Bills to raise ii. 338–343
REVENUE BILLS, what ii. 338–343
REVOLUTION, AMERICAN, Origin and History of i. 171, 184–208
Powers of Government

during the

i. 184–208
RHODE-ISLAND, Origin and Settlement of i. 81–92
RIGHTS RESERVED to the States and People iii. 751–754
ROADS AND CANALS, Power as to iii. 149, 153
Power of Legislation over iii. 102–108
SEAT OF GOVERNMENT iii. 164–166, 743, 744
SENATE, Organization of ii. 173–184
How chosen ii. 173–184
Number of ii. 184–186
Term of Service ii. 187–203
Vacancies in, how supplied ii. 203
Qualifications of ii. 204–208
President of ii. 208–211
Power to try Impeachments. (See Impeachments.) ii. 214–279
Disqualifications of ii. 330–337
SLAVES, Representation off ii. 107–114
Migration and Importation of iii. 330–337
Fugitive iii. 675–677
SLAVERY, Restriction of, in Territories iii. 184, 191, 192
SLAVE TRADE, Prohibition of iii. 202–206
SOLDIERS, Quartering of, prohibited iii. 747, 748
SOUTH-CAROLINA, Origin and Settlement of i. 117, 127
SPEECH, Liberty of, in Congress ii. 318
STATES, Admission of new iii. 184–192
Prohibitions on. (See Prohibitions.) iii. 217–276
Treaties, Alliances, Compacts iii. 217, 218, 270–272
Letters of Marque and War iii. 218, 276
Coining Money iii. 219, 220
Bills of Credit iii. 220–238
Tender Laws iii. 236, 237
Impairing Contracts iii. 240–266
Bills of Attainder iii. 217, 237
Ex post facto Laws iii. 238, 239
Titles of Nobility iii. 269
Keeping Army or Navy iii. 272
Laying Duties or Imposts iii. 474–486
Laying Taxes iii. 471, 475–501
Tax on Bank of United States iii. 486–495
on Public Debt iii. 495–501
Tax on Importations ii. 474–486
Tonnage Duties iii. 270
Declaring War iii. 272, 273
Suits by and against. (See Judiciary.) iii. 543, 545–560
When a party to a Suit iii. 549–560
Courts of, Appeals from iii. 572, 576–612
SUPREMACY of Constitution, Laws, and Treaties iii. 693–701
TAXES, Power of Congress to lay ii. 366–534
Extent of power ii. 366–502
Whether to regulate Commerce ii. 430–434, 529–534
or encourage Manufactures ii. 429–440
for Common Defence and General Welfare ii. 367, 368, 429, 444–458
for Internal Improvements iii. 149–153, 440, 458
(See Appropriation.) ii. 440–448
Direct, what ii. 424–428, 442
Indirect, what ii. 419–424
Power not exclusive ii. 411, 412
Restrictions on Power ii. 469–471
Prohibitions on the States, as to ii. 471, 475–501
on District of Columbia ii. 462–469
TENDER LAWS, Prohibition of iii. 236–238
TERRITORIES OF UNITED STATES, Government of iii. 193–202
Restriction of Slavery in iii. 184, 191, 192
Law of Conquered i. 133, 134, 194
Law of Plantations. (See United States.) i. 133, 134
TEST, Religious, Prohibition of iii. 702, 705
TESTIMONY OF CRIMINALS, not compulsive iii. 656–660
TONNAGE DUTIES, by United States ii. 469
Prohibition on States ii. 471, 474, iii. 270
TREASON, Definition of iii. 667–670
Evidence of iii. 667–671
Effect of Conviction iii. 169, 170
Punishment of iii. 169–173
TREATIES, Prohibition on States to form iii. 217, 218, 270, 271
Power of President and Senate to make iii. 354–372
TRIAL OF CRIMES, in what place iii. 652–655
by Jury, in Criminal Cases iii. 652–656
in Civil Cases iii. 628–648
TROOPS, Quartering, Prohibition of iii. 747, 748
UNITED COLONIES, Powers of, during Revolution i. 184, 208
UNION, Importance of i. 451–463
UNITED STATES. (See Constitution.)
Supremacy of Laws of iii. 693–701
Priority of Debts to iii. 153, 154
Right to Sue iii. 154, 155
Right to Contract and Grant iii. 154, 155
Right to Purchase Foreign Territory iii. 156–161
Right to Acquire Domestic Territory iii. 184–192

(See Prohibitions.)

UNITY OF EXECUTIVE, Reasons iii. 281–291
VACANCIES, Appointments by State Executives to Senate ii. 203
Appointments by President in recess of Congress iii. 409–412
in Office of President and Vice-President iii. 334–337
VETO, President's ii. 342–356. iii. 421, note
VICE-PRESIDENT, How chosen iii. 311–330
Reasons for Creation of iii. 308–311
President of Senate ii. 208, 211. iii. 309, 310
Powers and Duties ii. 208. iii. 334, 335
Vacancy of Office of iii. 334, 337
Impeachment of iii. 247, 255, 278
Duration of Office of iii. 308, 309
Resignation of iii. 334–337
VIRGINIA, Origin and Settlement of i. 21–33
WARRANTS, General, Prohibition of iii. 748–750
WAR, Power of Congress to Declare iii. 59–64
Prohibition on the States iii. 270, 272
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Power of Congress as to iii. 20, 21
WITNESSES, Criminals not bound to be iii. 656, 660
in Criminal Cases iii. 656–662
WRIT OF ERROR, Nature and Effect of iii. 626, 629