Compendium of US Copyright Office Practices, II (1984)/INDEX/C

- C -
Cable systems, certain contracts entered into by 1600-1
Cable systems (Statement of Account) 1600-1
Calendar (Gregorian) 900-11
Calendar year, end of 1300-1, 1300-2, 1300-3, 1300-4, 1300-13
Calendrical systems (other) 900-11
Calibrated forms for use in conjunction with machine or device 500-18
Calibrations and their arrangement 500-18
Calligraphy 500-4
Camera angle 500-15
Canada 1200-1, 1200-3, 1200-8, 1200-9, 1200-11
Canada, manufacture in 1200-8
Canada, printed or reprinted in 1200-8
Cancellation (notations of) in original record of registration 700-10
Cancellation of basic registration 1500-13, 1500-20
Cancellation of registration for dishonored check 700-10
Captions 1200-5
Carbon copies of applications 700-5
Card Catalog, Copyright 100-3
Cards (greeting) 1000-2, 1000-7
Cards (punched) 300-15, 800-33, 1000-20
Carpeting 800-30
Cartographic features 500-16
Cartographic material (uncopyrightable) 500-17
Cartographic representations of area 500-16, 800-4, 800-12
Cartoon (pictorial) published in weekly magazine 700-6
Cartridge 300-27, 400-47, 1000-24
Cartridges 1000-2
Carving (sculptural) 500-2, 500-9
Carvings 800-1
Cassette 300-28, 400-47, 1000-24
Cassette (audio) accompanying film­strip 700-3
Cassettes 1000-2
Sasting (sculptural) 500-2, 500-9
Catalog Card Number (Library of Congress), year date in 1000-9
Catalog entries of basic registration, annotation on 1500-4
Catalogs 700-2
Catalogs of Copyright Entries 100-3, 1300-7
Cautionary letter 1000-4, 1300-13
See also Warning letter.
Cautionary letters 100-5
Celestial maps 500-16
Ceramic figurines 500-1
Ceramics 800-11
Certain contracts entered into by cable systems 1600-1
Certificate of acknowledgment 1600-15
Certificate of original registration 1300-6
Certificate of record returned to sender 1600-27
Certificate of registration 100-2, 1200-11
Certificate of registration (original), return of 1500-22
Certificate of supplementary registra­tion 1500-6
Certification 1200-12
Certification (official) 1600-5, 1600-6
Certification (sworn) 1600-5, 1600-6
Certification, sworn or official 1600-2
Certified application 700-5
Certified copies 100-3
Change in nationality or domicile after publication 1100-12
Change in statement of nature or extent of authorship 1500-15
Change of domicile, citizenship, and place of publication 1500-13
Change or correction of title 1500-14
Change or error in name of corporation or organization 1500-13
Changes in content of work 1500-18
Changes in facts occurring since basic registration 1500-3
Channel 400-47
Channels (normal) of commerce 1000-23
Characters 200-4
Characters (dramatic) 400-15
Characters (raised) for the use of the blind, copies in 1200-9
Characters, use of protected 200-4, 300-5, 400-6
Charts 500-1, 700-3
Charts (astronomical) 500-17
Charts (marine) 500-16
Check, payment by 700-8
Checks (dishonored) 700-10
Checks (uncollectible) 700-10
Chevron stripes (design) 500-3
Chief, Acquisitions and processing Division, copyright Office 800-43, 800-44, 1500-19
Chief, Examining Division, Copyright Office 800-43, 800-44, 1500-19
Child (illegitimate) 1300-17
Children (adopted) 1300-17
Children, widows, and widowers 1300-16
Chip 300-15, 300-26, 300-28
Choice of date of first publication 900-8
Chord charts 400-5
Chord symbols (harmonic) 400-8
Choreographic work (improvisations) 400-19, 400-21
Choreographic works 400-18ff., 700-3
Choreographic works (derivative) 400-20
Choreography (abstract) 400-18
Choreography and pantomimes distin­guished 400-22
Choreography, content of 400-19
Choreography, embodiment of 400-19
Choreography fixed in hologram 800-38
Chromatic scales 400-3
Chronological or numerical designations on serials 700-3
Cinematographic authorship 400-26
Citizen.See also National, definition of.  
Citizen of-a-nation 1100-2
Citizens (nationals but not) 1110-2
Citizenship. See also Nationality.
Citizenship, change of 1500-13
Citizenship of author 1300-8
Claim (copyright), abandonment of 1500-22
Claim (copyright), restriction of 1000-4
Claim, doubtful validity of 1500-17
Claim (extent of), correction of problems relating to 1500-20
Claim in derivative works, extent of 300-6
Claim (renewal), extent of 1300-32
Claimant (copyright), name and address of 700-1
Claimant (copyright), statement of ownership 700-1
Claimant (copyright) who is not author 700-1
Claimant, legal name of 1000-11
Claimant on application, name as 1000-11
Claimant or author, error in name or address of 1500-12
Claimant (renewal), deceased person as 1300-31
Claimant (renewal), duly authorized agent of 1300-8
Claimant (renewal), employer as 1300-27
Claimant (rightful), statement as to 1500-12
Claimant same for both sound recording and underlying work 700-3
Claimant (unnamed renewal) identified by status only 1330-32
Claimant, wrong name given as 1500-12
Claimants (joint renewal) 1300-28
Claimants or authors (additional) 1500-10
Claimants (renewal), single class of 1300-16
Claimants (renewal), successor or representatives of 1300-32
Claims (adverse renewal) 1300-29
Claims (original and renewal), simul­taneous submission of 1300-7
Claims (unacceptable renewal) 1300-31
Clarification of information 1500-3
Class PA, Form PA 700-3
Class (single) of renewal claimants 1300-16
Class SR, Form SR 700-3
Class TX, Form SE 700-3
Class TX, Form TX 700-2
Class VA, Form VA 700-3
Classes (administrative), authority of Register of Copyrights to specify 800-2
Classical ballet 400-19
Classification (administrative) of works 700-1
Classification for administrative purposes only 700—7
Classification involving two or more categories of authorship 700-6
Classification of booklet and cassette tape 700-7
Classification of claim in phonorecord containing words, music, and sound recording 700-7
Classification of contributions to collective works 700-6
Classification of derivative works 700-6
Classification of multimedia works 400-25
Classification, significance of 700-7
Classification of sound recordings 400-33
Classification where two forms seem appropriate 700-6
Classified information, works containing 100-6
Clean motion pictures 800—8, 800-36, 800—37
Clear words of conveyance, lack of 1600-13
Clothing. See Wearing apparel.
COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) 300-16, 300-28
Code 300-28
Code (object) 800-34
Code of Federal Regulations 100-2
Code (source) 800-34
Coding 300-28
Coined words 400-13
Collage 500—2
Collect shipment 800—40
Collection (multi—disk) of phonorecords, notice on 1000-24
Collection of dramas 400-17
Collection of sound recordings as copyrightable authorship 400—44
Collection, separate indexing of individual titles in 1500-3
Collections of the Library of Congress, "Best Edition" of Published Copyrighted Works for the 800-46
Collective musical works 400-12
Collective work, ownership of contribu­tion to 300-11
Collective works 200-6, 300-7, 300-8
Collective works, alternative position of notice on contributions to 1000-20
Collective works, classification of contributions to 700-6
Collective works, contributions to 800-5, 800-6, 1000-2
Collective works made for hire 300-9
Collective work, notice on contribu­tions to 1000-19
Collector (private), original oil painting sold to 900-2
Collotypes 500-14
Coloration 500-3
Color reproductions of photographic prints 500-13
Coloring 200-3, 500-13
Coloring of periodical editions 300-10
Combination (simple) of standard symbols 500-3, 500-5
Comedy (musical) 400-17
Comedy sketches 400-13
Commerce, normal channels of 1000-23
Commercial label, handmade drawing of 900-12
Commercial prints or labels (published) 800-25
Commercial value of designs 500-3
Commercial value or aesthetic appeal 500-3
Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) 300-16, 300-29
Common design, joint authorship and 1300-24
Common geometric figures or shapes 500-3, 500-5
Common-law rights in sound recordings fixed before February 15, 1972 400-37
Common-law spouse 1300-17
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 200-9, 1100-2, 1100-3, 1100-10, 1100-11, 1200-6
Communication, telegraphic or similar unsigned written 1300-2
Communications between applicant and Copyright Office 100-6
Comparisons of copyright deposits 100-4
Compatible stereo 400-50
Compilation, identification of pre­-existing material in 700-2
Compilations 200-6, 300-7
Compilations and derivative works, determination of eligibility for 1100-10
Compilations, maps as 500-16
Compilations, motion pictures as 400-26
Compilations (non-registrable) of sound recordings 400-45
Compilations of dramas 400-17
Compilations of information 700-2
Compilations of music 400-11
Compilations of sound recordings 400-44
CompiLe 300-28
Compiler 300-16, 300-29
Compilers 1300-16
Complete and unambiguous statement of facts 1600-23
Complete copies: missing parts 800-6
"Complete" copy of motion picture 400-31
"Complete" deposit (in general) 800-2, 800-5
"Complete" deposit (motion pictures) 800-7, 800-35, 800-36, 800-37
Completed registrations corrected by recordation 1500-7
Completeness of documents 1600-13
Composite work, identification of 1300-10
Composite work, individual contributions to 1300-24
Composite works 1300-9, 1300-10, 1300-11, 1300-24, 1300-25
Composite works and periodicals, renewal of contributions to 1300-9
Composition, perspective in photographic 500-15
Composition (photographic) 500-15
Compositions (musical) 1300-24
Compulsory license, musical arrangements made under 400-5
Compulsory license, notices of intention to obtain 1600-1
Computation of recording fees 1600-18ff.
Computation of copyright term 1000-14
Computations and the like 200-2
Computer 300-29
Computer chips 300-15
Computer program, application form for 300-23ff.
Computer program instructional booklets 300-35
Computer program (specific deposit examples) 300-21
Computer programs 300-15, 700-2, 800-33
Computer programs, deposit for regis­tration of 300-18
Computer tapes 1200-8
Computing and measuring, devices and similar articles designed for 500-18
Computing devices 300-2
Computing term for published works 1300-3
Computing term for unpublished works 1300-4
Concealed notice 500-6, 1000-16, 1000-25, 1000-26
Concept or plan of action 500-18
Concepts 200-2, 300-2
Concepts and ideas 500-9
Conceptual basis for separability test 500-11
Condition of annotation, recordation as 1600-3
Condition of renewal registration, recordation as 1300-11
Condition to renewal, original regis­tration as 1300-11
Conductor's score (music) 800-7
Confidentiality 800-43
Consanguinity 1300-19, 1300-20
Consecutive listing of titles in series 1600-20
Constitutional provision 100-1
Consular or diplomatic officer, official seal of any 1600-6
Constructive notice of facts stated in recorded document 1600-11
Contact (name, address, and telephone number) and fee 1200-12
Container (permanent), notice on sepa­rable parts published in 1000-23
Container (phonorecord) 1000-3, 1000-10, 1000-16, 1000-24
Containers, reels, or spools 1000-23
Containers, three-dimensional 800-12
Content and quality of deposit 800-2, 800-11
Content (copyrightable) of editions, difference in 800-10
Content of choreographic works 400-19
Content of work, changes in 1500-18
Contents, mere listing of 200-4, 300-1
Contents of work, disclosure of 900-3
Continuity (motion pictures) 800-36, 800-37
Continuity or shooting script as re­quired description of motion picture 400-29
Continuous or ongoing grants of special relief 800-44
Continuous reproductions of works on sheet-like or strip material 1000-23
Contracts (certain) entered into by cable systems 1600-1
Contribution to periodicals, transfer of copyright in 1600-9
Contribution published with separate copyright notice 1300-11
Contribution to collective work, owner­ship of 300-11
Contributions (individual) to composite work 1300-24
Contributions (renewal of), first pub­lication as basis of 1300-9
Contributions, separate renewal regis­trations of 1300-10
Contributions to collective works 300-10, 800-6, 800-6, 1000-2
Contributions to collective works, alternative position of notice on 1000-20
Contributions to collective works, classification of 500-6
Contributions to collective works, notice on 1000-19
Contributions to periodicals and com­posite works, renewal of 1300-9
Contributions to periodicals (group of), single registration for 800-2
Contributions to periodicals, group registration for 700-4
Convention (Buenos Aires) of 1910 1100-6, 1100-7
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms 1100-3, 1100-7
Convention (Mexico City) of 1902 1100-6
Convention (Universal Copyright) 1100-1, 1104-4, 1100-5, 1100-7, 1100-14, 1100-15, 1300-7
See Also U.C.C.
Conveyance, lack of clear words of 1600-13
Conveyance (words of) in transfer docu­ments 1600-12
Coordination and arrangement of compila­tions 300-8
Copies and phonorecords distinguished 400-35
Copies, backing of 1000-22
Copies (carbon) of applications 700-5
Copies (complete): missing parts 800-6
Copies (deposited), incomplete appearance of 900-12
Copies deposited, preliminary form of 900-12
Copies (500), importation of additional 1200-9
Copies, framing of 1000-22
Copies (handmade) 1200-9
Copies in raised characters for the use of the blind 1200-9
Copies left in public places 900-3
Copies (matting) 1000-22
Copies, manufacturing requirements applicable only to 1200-6
Copies (mimeographed) 1200-9
Copies (mimeographed) of play 900-12
Copies, mounting of 1000-22
Copies of musical works 400-3
Copies of published works, deletions or insertions in 900-12
Copies, omission of notice from rela­tively small number of 1000-13
Copies or phonorecords, errors in statements or notices on 1500-18
Copies or phonorecords (existing multiple) 900-4
Copies or phonorecords (multiple) 900-2
Copies or phonorecords not in existence 900-5
Copies or phonorecords, offering to distribute 900-1, 900-4, 1100-2
Copies or phonorecords, purpose of offering to distribute 900-5
Copies, permanent receptacle for 1000-20, 1000-22
Copies printed from type 1200-8
Copies (typewritten) in multiples 1200-9
Copies (visually perceptible) 1000-1, 1000-2, 1000-18
Copies (visually perceptible), notice on musical works published in 1000-18, 1000-19
Copy (advertising) 700-2
Copy (deposit) of motion picture, recall of 800-41
Copy limit (two-thousand) 1200-3
Copy or phonorecord deposited, appearance of 900-2
Copy or phonorecord, unrestricted public access to 900-4
Copyright Act, unspecified fees in 700-10
Copyright (ad interim) 1200-1, 1200-2, 1200-3, 1200-9, 1300-12, 1300-13, 1300-14, 1300-15
Copyright and document, unclear relationship between 1600-4
Copyright and material object: owner­ship distinguished 300-13
Copyright and material object: trans­fer of ownership distinguished 300-13
Copyright, automatic extension of 1300-1
"Copyright by author" 1000-15
"Copyright by publisher" 1000-15
Copyright Card Catalog 100-3
Copyright claim, restriction of 1000-4
Copyright claimant, name and address of 700-1
Copyright claimant, statement of ownership 700-1
Copyright claimant who is not author 700-1
Copyright Convention (Universal) 1100-1, 1100-4, 1100-5,

1100-7, 1100-14, 1100-15, 1300-7

Copyright deposits, comparisons of 100-4
Copyright, duration of 1300-1
Copyright Entries, Catalogs of 100-3, 1300-7
Copyright, exploitation of 1300-22, 1300-23
Copyright (first-term) 1300-3, 1300-3, 1300-7
Copyright in contribution to periodical, transfer of 1600-9
Copyright notice. See Notice of copy­right; see also Notice.
Copyright notice, addition or correction of 1500-19
Copyright notice, contribution published with separate 1300-11
Copyright notice, form of 1000-2
Copyright notice (machine-readable) 800-35
Copyright, notice of 1000-1ff.
Copyright, notice of renewal 1000-26
Copyright notice, omission of 1000-7, 1000-8, 100-9, 1000-13, 1000-15, 1000-16, 1000-17, 1000-24. 1000-25
Copyright Office 100-1
Copyright Office annotation 1300-4
Copyright Office, Chief of Acquisitions and processing Division 800-43, 800-44
Copyright Office, Chief of Examining Division 800-43, 800-44
Copyright Office communications 100-6
Copyright Office, Deposits and Acquisitions Section of Acquisitions and processing Division 800-39
Copyright Office, deposit in 900-4
Copyright Office error 1300-7
Copyright Office forms, photocopies or other reproductions of 700-5
Copyright Office official search report 1300-6
Copyright Office policy concerning publication 900-1
Copyright Office policy on nationality or domici1e 1100-9
Copyright Office policy regarding purported transfers 1600-2
Copyright Office records 1300-6, 1300-10, 1300-14, 1300-27, 1500-1ff.
Copyright Office records, corrections and amplifications of 1500-1fff., 1600-16
Copyright Office Regulations 100-2
Copyright or claim, abandonment of 1500-22
Copyright, original term of 1300-1, 1300-2, 1300-3, 1300-4, 1300-7, 1300-10
Copyright owner, authority of 1000-1, 1000-7, 1000-13, 1000-15
Copyright owner, authorization by 900-1
Copyright owner is not signer 1600-9
Copyright owner, name of 1000-2, 1000-3, 1000-9
Copyright ownership, execution of transfers of 1600-2
Copyright ownership: statement by claimant 700-1
Copyright proprietor 1300-8
Copyright, proprietor of 1300-2
Copyright record (fundamental) 1500-1
Copyright, recordation of transfers and other documents pertaining to a 1600-1ff.
Copyright relations unclear 1100-8
Copyright, renewal of 1300-1ff.
Copyright (statutory) secured before 1978 1500-12
Copyright term, computation of 1000-14
Copyright term for works made for hire 900-8
Copyright term of anonymous and pseudonymous works 900-8
Copyright term (single) 1300-1
Copyright treaties (multilateral) 1100-6
Copyright (U.S.) protection, eligibility for 1500-13
Copyright (U.S.) subsists, averment that 1300-8
Copyrightable authorship on form of sound engineering 400-38
Copyrightable elements of sound re­cordings, acceptable descriptions of 400-41
Copyrightable pictorial, graphic, and sculptural expression 500-2
Copyrightability in general 200-1ff.
Copyrightability (music) 400-2
Copyrightability (nondramatic literary works) 300-3
Copyrightability of music, limitations on 400-5
Copyrightability of pictorial or graphic material 500-13
Copyrightability of sound recordings 400-37
Copyrighted (Published) Works for the Collections of the Library of Congress, "Best Edition" of 800-8, 800-46
Copyrighted works (published), "best edition" of 800-, 800-46
Copyrights (Register of), authority to specify administrative classes 800-2
Corporate body, renewal by 1300-25
Corporation as transferor 1600-7
Corporation, change or error in name of 1500-13
Corporation doing business 1100-11
Corporation separate and distinct from members or shareholders 1100-10
Corporations 1300-16
Corporations and similar organizations, nationality and domicile of 1100-10
Correcting or amplifying information in another supplementary registration 1500-4
Correction and amplification on Form CA, single form sufficient for 1500-25
Correction, document returned for 1600-16
Correction of error in recorded document 1500-8
Correction of error in registration 700-4
Correction of minor errors 1500-21
Correction of problems relating to extent of claim 1500-20
Correction of problems relating to recorded documents 1500-20
Correction or addition of copyright notice 1500-19
Correction or amplification of Copy­right Office records by recordation of document 1600-16
Correction or change of title 1500-14
Correction space on Form CA 1500-23
Corrections and amplifications of copyright Office records 1500-1ff.
Corrections or amplifications by recordation 1500-7
Corrections (supplementary registra­tions) 1500-2
Counting of titles 1600-19
Country 1100-2, 110-5, 1100-12, 1300-14, 1600-16
See also Nation and date of first publication.  
Court actions, notification of filing and determination of 1600-1
Cover of book, front or back of 1000-17
Covering letter, titles given only in 1600-12
Coverings (floor) 800-30
Craftsmanship (artistic), three-dimensional works of 500-9
Craftsmanship, works of artistic 500-1
Creation, incorrect date of 1500-16
Creation of work, year of 700-2
Cross-referencing supplementary registrations 1500-7
Cubes (multicolored geometrical) 500-6
Currency, acceptability of 700-9
Currency (foreign), fees made payable in 700-9
Current Act, Transitional and Supple­mentary provisions of the 400-5, 700-8, 1000-14, 1100-8, 1200-1, 1200-2, 1200-3, 1300-15
Customs Service (United States) 700-4, 1200-10
Cyclopedic, periodical, or other composite work 1300-24
Cylinders (multicolored geometrical) 500-6