Complete Encyclopaedia of Music/A/Andreozzi, Gaetano

69099Complete Encyclopaedia of Music — Andreozzi, GaetanoJohn Weeks Moore

Andreozzi, Gaetano, born about the middle of the eighteenth century, was a relation and pupil of Jomelli, and master of the Royal Chapel of Naples. He composed for all the principal theatres of this capital, and also for the greater part of Italy. His principal operas are "Arbace," "Olympiade," and "Catone," Florence, 1787 ; "Agesilao," Venice, 1788. His favorite air, "Ali! quest' anima non speri," is still much celebrated in Italy, and the oratorio "La Passion di Giesu Cristo" is justly esteemed. His style was learned, graceful, and dignified. Andreozzi also composed some quartets for the violin, in excel-lent taste.