Complete Encyclopaedia of Music/A/Angri, Elena

69133Complete Encyclopaedia of Music — Angri, ElenaJohn Weeks Moore

Angri, Elena, the famous contralto, was born on the Island of Corfu, May 14, 1821, and, judging from the name alone, of Italian parents. The misfortunes of her father forced Elena to cultivate her musical talents, and she went, under the care of an uncle, to Naples and Florence, to enjoy the instructions of the distinguished masters, Taglioni and Doglia. At the age of eighteen. Linari engaged her for the Scala at Milan, whence she went to Vienna, and was appointed first singer to the imperial court. Her next engagement was for St. Petersburg ; but an attack of cholera forced her to give this up. In 1849, she appeared in the Royal Italian Opera at Covent Garden, in London, and during the winter of 1849-50 was prima donna at the Italian Opera in Paris. In the autumn of 1850 she returned to London, having accepted an engagement to sing in the national concerts. In January of the last year she accompanied Ernst in a tour through Ireland, Scotland, and England, and aroused every where the highest enthusiasm. She has always been an especial favorite of Rossini, Meyerbeer, and Spontini, the latter of whom wrote an Italian sonnet in praise of her full and sonorous voice - one also of extraordinary compass.