Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/Title IV/Subtitle A


Part I — Budget Enforcement
Sec. 401. Discretionary Spending Limits, Program Integrity Initiatives, and Other Adjustments.
Sec. 402. Point of Order Against Advance Appropriations.
Sec. 403. Emergency Legislation.
Sec. 404. Point of Order Against Legislation Increasing Short-Term Deficit.
Sec. 405. Point of Order Against Certain Legislation Related to Surface Transportation Funding.
Part II — Other Provisions
Sec. 411. Oversight of Government Performance.
Sec. 412. Budgetary Treatment of Certain Discretionary Administrative Expenses.
Sec. 413. Application and Effect of Changes in Allocations and Aggregates.
Sec. 414. Adjustments to Reflect Changes in Concepts and Definitions.
Sec. 415. Exercise of Rulemaking Powers.