2926771Confiscation in Irish history — IndexWilliam Francis Thomas Butler



Abercorn, estate of, 202, n.; head of family pardoned by William III., 220, n.

Absentees, Statute of, 10; effect of, 11; vests part of Longford in the King, 78, n.; 80.

Adventurers, 22, 159, 160, 163, 179; frauds of, 193, 194.

Annaly, the territory of the O'Ferralls, 76.

Antrim, settlements in, 17; Bissetts in, 18; MacDonalds or MacDonnells in, 18, 52; Protestants in, 49; Scots in, 118; Presbyterians of to be transplanted, 133; British element in, 249.

Antrim, Marquis of, 168, 172, 202. Ara, Mac i Brien of, 57, n.; 109, n.; 110; plantation of, 104, n. O'Mulrian of, 109, n.; 110. Ormonds, and, 111.

Ards, 18.

Arklow, Blackwater of, 64; lordship of, 70; shires of, 94. Arlington, see Bennet. Armagh, ownership of, 39; claims to, 40; church lands in, 42; lands of Sir J. Davies in, 47; Protestants in, 49.

Attainder, Act of, of Long Parliament, 143, n.; 217.

Attainder, Act of James II., 215 —18.

Aughrim, 90, n.; 92.

Austrey, E., Cromwell's servant, 160.


Bagenals purchase Idrone, 23; head of family executed for murder under Cromwell, 127.

Bagwell, Ireland under the Stuarts, references to, 52, n.; 91; 97, n.; 114, 115, n.; 165, n.

Balyna, Roger More of, 185.

Bantry, barony of in Wexford, 64, n.

Barretts, relationships of, 9, n.; tributary to the Desmonds, 26; marriages of, 59, n.

Barrymore, Earl of, joins Parliament against King, 118; estates of not confiscated, 136; in James II. 's Parliament, 213, n.; conforms to Established Church, 238.

Barrymore, barony of, Catholics of Cork, Kinsale, and Youghal assigned lands in, 143, n.; 182. Beaumont, Sir John. Grant to by Richard II., 63; foundation of King's title in Wexford plantation, 64.

Belin, K. of Britain, 18.

Bennet, Secretary of State, obtains Lord Clanmahere's estate, 181.

Betagii, 25.

Bere and Bantry. Desmond's rents from, 27; MacCarthys in, 31; claims of MacCarthy Mor in, 32, n.; freeholders of, 34; controyersy for, 34, n.; landholders of in 1641, 35; partition of, 204.

Berkeley, Lord. Estates of confiscated by Act of Absentees, 10, 11.

Birmingham, Lord, 196.

Blackwell, frauds of, 194, n.

Blundell, to be compensated for labours over plantation of Wexford, 71.

Bohemia, confiscation in, 159, 242; parallel with Ireland, 242; Irish landowners in, 243; Germans and Czechs in, 243; reverts to Catholicity, 243.

Bonn on status of native Irish, 3; Englische Kolonisation in Irland, 4; statements in, 29, n.; 149, n.; 212, 237, n.; 238, n.; 239, n.; 240, n.; 241, 246.

Boyle, Earl of Cork, 118.

Brady, the Queen's footman, to get lands in Wexford, 71; 74.

Brawny, barony of, 95.

Breda, declaration from, 166, n.; promise of King from, 167.

Breffny, in De Lacy's grant, 85.

Breffny O'Reilly, claims to, 85.

Breffny O'Rourke, claims to, 85— 86.

Brittas, Lord, 148, 196.

Brownes, of Killarney, undertakers, 30; deprived of their estates by Cromwell, 130—131 recover at Restoration, 168 obtain Coshmaing, etc., 32 controversy of with MacCarthys, 33; become Catholics, 131; remain Catholics, 238.

Buckingham, Duchess of, and O'Cahane's wife, 53; Duke of, quarter of Upper Ossory granted to, 87.

Burkes, see De Burgo.

De Burgo or Burke, in Mayo and Galway, 7; bad title of to lands, 8, 9, 98; grant of Connaught to Richard, 98; inheritance of, 98, 106.

Burke, MacWilliam, the Upper of Clanricard, Henry VIII. 's grant to, 11, 40, 99.

Burke, MacWilliam, of Mayo, 101.

Byrnes' country, 92, n.; plantation of, 93, 94; boundaries of, 93; Catholic landowners in, in 1641, 95.


Carbery, MacCarthy of, 26, 31, 203; peasant proprietors in barony of, 158, 202, 203. Carew MSS. at Lambeth, SO, 83, 89.

Carew "Marquess," 21.

Carew, possessions of family of, 21.

Carew, Sir Peter, claims of to lands, 21; proposals of for a settlement, 22; claims of in Cork and Kerry, 23; recovers Idrone, 21, 23.

Carew, Sir George, 23, n.

Carew, Lord. Letters of Chichester to, 72, 73.

Carlingford, Lord, 178, n.; 228, n.

Carlisle, Earl of, and lands in Wicklow, 93.

Carlow, settlers expelled from, 12, n.; Idrone in, 21; part of subject to Art MacMurrough, 64, n.

Carte, Life of Ormond, on O'Byrnes of Wicklow, 91; on confiscation of Connaught, 107; on confiscation of Ormond, 112, 71:; on Restoration settlement, 165, n.; 172, 190, 192, n.; 194; on Restoration Parliament. 170, n.; on imprudence of the Irish, 171.

Castleconnel, Lord, 148, 178.

Castlehaven, Earl of, condemned to death by Cromwellians, 124; to be restored to his estate, 178, n.

Castlemaine, Lord, 213, n.

Cavan, plantation of, 3; journey of Deputy, etc. to, 38; rights of chiefs and clansmen in, 40, 44, 45; church lands in, 43; not affected by Act attainting Shane O'Neill, 19, n.; 43; forfeiture of chiefs of, 44; Scots in, 49; not in De Burgo grant, 93, n.

Chatterton, grant to, 20, n.; 41, n.

Chevers, estate of, 21.

Chichester, Lord Deputy, abolishes serfdom, 37; his promises to the inhabitants of Ulster, 41; his plan for a plantation, 41, n.; grant to, 48, n.; his massacres, 48, n.; 249, n.; his dealings with Wexford, 63—74; with Longford, 77—82; with Ely, 83; with Leitrim, 86.

Churchill, Winston, Commissioner for executing Act of Settlement, 181, n.; 187, n.; 190; on wickedness of Act of Explanation, 195, n.

Clanbrassil, Earl of, 129.

Clancarthy, heiress of Earl of, 130; Lord Muskerry created Earl of, 172, n.; in James II.'s Parliament, 213, n.; estates of forfeited, 221, n.; 231.

Clancolman, O'Melaghlin's territory, 89.

Clandeboy, 18, 19, 20, n.; 48, n.; 252.

Clan Dermond, 31, 32, n.

Clan Donnell Roe, 31, 32.

Clanmahere, vested in Crown, 14; land of O'Dempseys, 15.

Clanmahere, Lord, estate of granted to Arlington, 181; loses everything, 203.

Clanricard, Earl of, grant to, 11, 40, 99; marriages of, 59, n.; loyalty and connections of, 105; condemned to death by Cromwell, 124; allowed to live in England, 125, n.; loyalty of, 168; recovers his estate, 202; fate of estate of under William III., 221, 7Z..; conforms to the Established Church, 238.

Clanwilliam, barony of, 149.

Clare, Co. Landowners of to get Letters Patent for their estates, 80, 102; petition on behalf of the landowners in, 103; they acknowledge the King's title, 107; devastation of in 1653, 117; assigned to transplanted Irish, 134, 135; landowners of how dealt with, 147, 150, 151; lands in held by the "new interest," 198; Articles of Limerick, re, 222.

Clare, Lord, 35, 213, n.; 221, n.; 231.

Clarence, Lionel, Duke of, marries De Burgo heiress, 106.

Clarendon, Lord, hostile to the Irish, 172; on English hatred of the Irish, 173; on proceedings in Court of Claims, 189.

Clarendon, second Earl, Viceroy, 208.

Clarke, G., Secretary of War. His account of the Articles of Limerick, 222, 223.

Clonlonan, barony of, 95.

Clyn, Friar, 12; 56, n.

De Cogan, inheritance of, 22, 24.

Colclough, Sir T., 66: Dudley, petitions for restoration to his estate, 192, n.

Commission of Grace, 208.

Comyn, Sir Nicholas, 147.

Connaught, lands held in by the Burkes, 8; Hy. VIII.'s title to, 10; composition of, 11, 85, 86, 100—101: confiscation in under Elizabeth, 35; dealings of James I. with landowners of, 80, 95, 96, 101; early history of, 97; Crown title to, 98—100, 105—107; patents for lands in not enrolled, 103, 104; projected plantation of, 104, 112, 113; transplantation of Irish to, 115, 134—139, 143—147; certificates of transplantation to, 147—149; only gentry transplanted to, 146, 149; fate of landowners of, 150, 151, 198; peasant proprietary in, 102, n.; 151, 203; Protestants of, 151, 152; Protestant purchasers in, 198, 200; area in set out to transplantees, 152, 153, 162, 198, 201; area confiscated in, 157; value of land in, 135, 159; fate of transplantees to, 163, 177, 178, 188, 201, 206, 207; forfeitures in under Wm. of Orange, 202, 7i.; 220.

Corcabaskin, 35.

Cork, Earl of, 32, n.; 118.

Cork, citizens of, remain loyal in 1641, 118, 140, 168; expelled from city, 118, 140, 141; fate of under Cromwell, 141—143; fate of at Restoration, 169, n.; 181, 182; fate of under William of Orange, 231.

Cork, Protestant garrison of, revolts to King, 120; revolts from King to Cromwell, 123, 141.

Cork, County, Barrys in, 7; claims of Earls of Desmond in, 22, 24; of Sir P. Carew in, 23; MacCarthys in, 22, 24, 97; Barretts of, 26; landowners of in 1641, 155, 11.; landowners transplanted from, 149, n.; Catholic landowners in, circa 1800, 239.

Cosha, 90, n.; 92, 94.

Coshmaing, territory of, 30, 31, 32, 130, 131.

De Courcy, grants by, 18; grant of Ulster to, 19.

Covenanters, Scottish, 115.

Covenant, to be again set up, 186.

Coventry, Commissioner for executing Act of Settlement, 186, n.; 187, n.

Cromwell, Richard, a "patentee" in Wexford, 69.

Cromwell, or Gromwell, forfeits land under Cromwellian Settlement, 139, n.

Cromwell, Oliver. Confiscation under, 115—164; invades Ireland. 121; obtains release of Inchiquin, 125, n.; Munster towns betrayed to, 128; orders restoration of Spencer's estate, 139; exempts Catholics of Fethard, Cork, Kinsale, and Youghal from transplantation, 143; subscribes as an Adventurer, 160; hailed as chief of the churls, 239, n.

Crosby. Settles O'Mores in Kerry, 16.


Darcy of Plattin, 169.

Davies, Sir John, on expulsion of Irish from their lands, 2 and 3; letter to Salisbury, 3, 38, n.; 46, n.; 51; on land in Pale, 3; journey to Ulster, 38; on respective rights of chiefs and clansmen, 40, 42, 45; lands of in Armagh, 47, n.; on title of Irish in Munster, 55; on corbes, etc., 42, n.

Davis, Thomas. Patriot Parliament of 1689, 206, n.; statements from, 211, 213, 216.

Decies, Fitzgerald of, 28.

Delvin, Baron of, claims of in Co. Longford, 76—78; accused of attempting to murder Salisbury, 78, n.

Delvin, Sir John MacCoghlan of, 87; plantation of, 89, n.

Derry, settlements in, 17; church lands in, 39, 42; claims to, 39, 40; Montgomery, Bishop of, 42; lands of Londoners in, 46; Irish in, 47; Protestants in, 49, n.; James II. and, 54, 209; held by Parliament, 121, 131; revolt of, 210, 71.; Bramhall, Bishop of, condemned to death by Cromwellians, 124.

Desmond, Earls of, doubtful title of, 8; Irish landholders under, 7, 25, 26; lands and claims of, 22, 24; confiscation of lands of, 23, 27—30; lords dependent on, 26; exactions by, 28; MacCarthys enemies of, 30.

Dipps, 64.

Donegal, ownership of, 39, 40; church lands in, 43; Protestants in, 49, n.

Down, settlements in, 17, 18; no confiscation in, 48; Scots in, 118; Presbyterians of to be transplanted, 133; British element in, 249.

Dorchester, Lord, 102, n.; 104, n.

Drogheda, held for King, 117; handed over by Ormond to Parliament, 120; townsmen of always loyal, 168; restored to their property, 181, n.

Dublin, held for King, 117; handed over by Ormond to Parliament, 120; citizens of never acted against Parliament, 132; fate of, 132, 181; always loyal, 168.

Duffry or Dufferin, 70, 90, n.

Duhallow, Mac Donough MacCarthy of, 203.

Dunboyne, Lord, 193, 213, n.

Dunsany, Lord, abject letter of, 184; declared nocent, 184; restored to his estate, 193; 213, n.


Elizabeth, Queen, confiscations under, 16—34; leniency shown by, 33.

Ely, English expelled from, 56, n.; Crown title to, 83, 84; plantation of, 84.

Ensignmen, 169, 178, 179, 195, 198, n.; 205.

Eoghanacht O'Donoghue, 31, 32, 130, 131.

Esmonde, Sir Laurence, to be granted lands of Irish in Wexford, 63; proceedings of in Wexford, 65; grant of lands in Wicklow to, 92, n.; Lord, letter of to Dorchester, 104, n.; Sir Thomas, a sufferer under Cromwell, 192, n.

Essex, Walter, Earl of, grant to and atrocities of, 20; obtains Farney, 35.

Eustace, Lord Chancellor, 167, 171, 192, 72.; 194, n.

Evatt, Surgeon-General, 182. Explanation, Act of, 186, 190— 196; objections to, 187, 194, 195, n.; scene in House of Commons at passing of, 194; ruin to Irish caused by, 195; provisions in, 195, 196.


Farney, occupied by MacMahons, 35; granted to E. of Essex, 35, 36.

Fermanagh, 19, 38; Sir J. Davies' visit to, 38; rights of chiefs in, 38, 40, 44; confiscated, 44, 45; church lands in, 43; natives of scholars and husbandmen, 44; freeholders in, 45; exploits of English regiment in, 49, n.; Scots in, 49.

Ferns, left to Murtough MacMurrough, 3; Crown manor, 60, n.; property of See of, 65.

Fews, The, 19, 41, n.; O'Neill of, 39, 51.

Finch, Sir H., on unheard innocents, 188; on selfishness of great men among the Irish, 191; report of on Acts of Settlement and Explanation, 206, 207.

Fisher, Sir Edward, to be granted lands of Irish in Wexford, 63; report of on Wexford, 65.

Fitton, Lord Chancellor under James II., 209, n.; 212.

Fittons of Any, transplanted, 30.

Fitzgerald, Sir James Fitzmaurice, rebellion of, 22, 23; of Decies, 23.

Fitzmaurices, Barons of Kerry or Lixnaw, 26, 193, 252.

Fitz Maurice, see Sir James Fitz M. Fitzgerald.

Fitzpatrick, Colonel John of Castletown, 178, n.; Mrs. executed by Cromwellians, 127.

Fitzstephen, inheritance of, 22.

Fitzwilliam, Lord, decreed nocent, 184.

Forth, transplantation of landlords from, 146; confiscation in, 202.

Forty-nine officers, 167, 180.

Fox, The, or Shinnagh (O'Caharny), 56, n.; plantation of his country, 89, n.

Froude, 50; on Articles of Limerick, 224.


Galway, second port in British islands, 162; last town in his dominions to hold out for Charles, 168; townsmen of to be restored to their estates, 169; articles of, 156, n.; 222, 227, 228, 229.

Galway, Co., settlers in adopt Irish customs, 8; De Burgos in, 98, 106; jury of refuses to find Crown title, 106; punishment of, 106; proprietors in, 156; Catholic landowners in in early 19th century, 238.

Ginkell, 223, 226, 227.

Giraldus, Cambrensis, on confiscation, 2.

Glynnes, The, 19.

Gookin. Great Case of Transplantation, 145.

Gormanston, Lord, claims of to Breffny O'Rourke, 85—87; price set on head of, 179; son of restored to his estate, 179, 193.

Gormund, son of K. Belin of Britain, 18.

Grace, of Courtstown, 221, n.; 231.


Hadsor, on Wexford plantation, 75.

Hardinge, on Cromwellian Confiscation and Restoration Settlement, 115, n.; 149, 11.; 157, 162, n.

Harrington, Shilelagh granted to, 64.

Henry VIII., policy of in Wales and in Ireland, 9; dealings of with land, 10, 21; grants of, 11; respects Irish usages, 17; receives Ulster clans as subjects, 18; principles guiding, 21; receives the Connaught lords as subjects, 99; enters into indentures with Irish of Ormond, 110; area in hands of natives at accession of, 233.

Hickson, Miss, 67, n.; Ireland in the Seventeenth Century, 69, n.; 73, n.; 82, n.; 91, 126, n.

Hughes. Fall of the Clan Kavanagh cited, 61, n.


Idrone, Sir P. Carew and, 21, 23; Bagenals of, 23; Mac Morrough Kavanaghs of, 21, n.

Ikerrin, 104, n.; O'Meaghers of, 109, n.

Ikerrin, Lord, transplanted to Connaught, 148; among the nominees, 196, 213, n.

Imaal, 90, n.; 94.

Imokilly, 24; freeholders in, 28.

Inchiquin, creation of title of, 17; Murrough "of the Burnings," Baron of, 118; joins royalists, 120, 121, 140, 142; condemned to death, 124; released from Barbary pirates, 125; expels Catholics from Cork and Youghal, 140; levies a tax on Kinsale in support of the King, 142; among the "Ensignmen," 169.

Inishowen, 37, n.

Iregan, land of O'Dunnes, 15, 87; plantation of, 89, n.

Iveagh, divided among the clansmen, 48, n.; Lord Magennis of among the Ensignmen, 178; loses his estate, 192, 196, 203.


James I., dealings of in early part of reign, 37, 55; title of to Wexford, 63—64; dealings of with Wexford, 67, 68; with Longford, 77, 78; favours plantations, 79; gives titles to the landowners of Clare and Connaught, 80, 96, 102, 105; stops confiscations in Wicklow, 91.

James II. (Duke of York), hostility of to the Irish, 172, 208; obtains forfeited estates, 180; upholds Act of Settlement, 203; lands in Ireland, 211; Parliament of, 211—218; sets aside revenues to compensate deserving persons, 215; opposes repeal of Act of Settlement, and Act of Attainder, 218.


Kerry, Co., O'Mores transplanted to, 16; claims to land in, 22, 23; Earls of Desmond and, 24; numbers transplanted from, 149, 158; landowners in in 1641, 202; after the Restoration, 202, 225; Catholic landowners in in early 19th century, 238.

Kerry, Lord, Baron of and Lixnaw, 28, 136, 193, 213, n.; 228, n.; marries Petty's daughter, 193.

Kerry, Knight of, shows "constant good affection," 132.

Kildare, Earls of, rebellion and forfeiture of, 10, 11, 14; claims of to Offaly, 14; to Fermanagh, 19, n.; to Leitrim, 86, n.; grant to in Longford, 82; conform to Established Church, 238.

Kinelmeaky, 31, 33.

King, Archbishop, 206, n.; on composition of James II. 's Parliament, 212, 213; on Act of Attainder, 216.

King's County, clans in, 13, n.; 56, n.

Kingston, Lord, 190, 213, n.; pardoned by William III., 228.

Kinsale, townsmen of declare for English in 1641, 118, 140; case of tried by a special court, 141—-143; exempted from transplantation, 143; fate of at Restoration, 168, 181, 182.


Lansdowne, Marquis of (see Kerry, Lord), 193, 252.

Laurence. Interest of Ireland, 200, n.

Leicester, Earl of, grant to, 181, 182.

Leinster, effect of Statute of Absentees on, 10, 19; confiscation in under Elizabeth, 35; plantation of, 55—96; Kings of, 60, 61; Irish districts in remaining unplanted at end of reign of James I., 90, 97; Protestants of support the King, 117, 123; royal authority withdrawn from, 120; value of land in, 135, 159; numbers transplanted from, 149; English in in 1659, 150; number of landowners in in 1641, 155; area confiscated in by Cromwell, 157.

Leitrim, County, ownership of land in, 31, n.; 86; clans in, 56, n.; King's title to, 79, 86; plantation of, 82, 85—87, 97, 93, n.; claims to, 86; set out to Cromwellians, 151; no Catholic landowners in after the Restoration, 220, n.

Leix, Irish proprietors not expelled in, 3; in Mortimer inheritance, 10; early history of, 12; Crown title to, 14; Acts for confiscation and plantation of, 14; scheme for settlement in, 15; risings in, 16; fate of clansmen of, 16; settlers in largely Catholic, 16.

Limerick, citizens of resist Cromwell, 168; articles of, 156, 220, 222—227, 231; persons adjudged to be within, 227, 229, 230; Act for confirming Articles of, 219, n.; 225, 226, n.; 231; protest of Lords and Bishops against, 225.

Limerick, Earl of, 221, n.

Livonia, comparison of with Ireland, 245, n.

Longford, Co., O'Ferralls in, 56, n.; the ancient Annaly, 76; plantation of, 76—82; large part of vested in King by Act of Absentees, 78; "civil education" of natives, 80; gavelkind in, 80.

Lützow, Count, on Bohemia, 242, n.; 243.


Macaulay and James II.'s Parliament, 215, n.; 217, 218, n.; and Treaty of Limerick, 223.

MacCann, lands of vested in the Crown, 19.

MacCarthys, join Sir J. Fitz Maurice's rebellion, 22; clans of, 30, 31, 32; enemies of Desmonds, 30.

MacCarthy Mor, lands of and payments to Desmonds, 27; clans under, 30; claims to lands by, 31; controversy with Brownes, 32.

MacCarthy, MacDonough of Duhallow, loses his estate, 203.

MacCarthy, Florence, 33.

MacCarthys of Muskerry, 52.

MacCarthy Reagh, obligations of to Desmonds, 26; claims to lands by, 31, 33; Colonel loses his estate, 203.

MacCoghlan, 56, n.; grant to, 57, n.; Sir John, 87.

MacGeoghegan, 56, n.; territory of, 89.

MacGillamocholmog, retains part of Co. Dublin, 3. Mac Gillapatrick, grant of Henry VIII. to, 11, n.; lands of, 56, n.; lands of confiscated, 87.

Mac Gillicuddy, recovers his estate, 195.

Mac i Brien, 56, n.; grant to, 57, n.

MacKenna, lands of vested in the Crown, 19.

MacMahon of Corcabaskin, 35.

MacMurrough Kavanagh. Donnell chosen King of Leinster, 60, n.; Cahir last King of Leinster, 60; succession of last kings of family of, 61, n.; decay of power of, 61; Art, agrees to give up his lands to Richard II., 63; parts of Wicklow and Carlow subject to, 64, n.; Murtough, lands left to round Ferns, 3.

Magennis, see Iveagh. Phelimy, Con and Manus, 203, n.

Maguire, Hugh, 44; Cuconnaght, 44, n.; Conor Roe, 44, n.; grant to, 51; rents, etc. of, 45, n.

Maguires and Shane O'Neill, 19, n.

Mahaffy, Rev. J.P., on Dr. Murray and Archbishop King, 206, n.

Mary, Q., confiscations under, 12, 14; releases O'Conor, 15, n.

Massacres, at Rathlin, 20, n.; by Chichester, 48, n.; 249, n.; in Ulster, 122, 125, 127; at Carrickmines, etc., 126; penalties for, 125—127.

Massereene, Lord, dealings of with estate of Sir H. O'Neill, 185, n.; 203; and with estate of D. O'Neill, 203.

Masterson, Sir R., 63, n.; 66, 69, n.; 71, 74; Mastersons, estates of, confiscated by Cromwell, 139, n.

Mayo, scarcely any native landowners in, 7; settlers in adopt Irish customs, 8; De Burgos in, 98; MacWilliam of, l0l; peasant proprietors in, 102, n.; jury of finds title for Crown, 105; part of distributed to Cromwellians, 151; Catholic landowners in in early nineteenth century, 239, n.

Mayo, Lord, executed for murder, 127.

Meath, Lord, recovers his estates from Cromwell, 136, n.

Meath, no landowners of native descent in, 3; Breffny included in De Lacy's grant of, 85.

Monaghan, Farney in, 35, 36; MacMahons of, 35; Sir J. Davies' journey in, 38; area of, 45, n.; divided among the clansmen, 97, n.

Montgomery, Bishop of Derry, Clogher and Raphoe, 42.

Montgomery, Viscount, 124 129.

Mortimer, Lord Roger de, 12.

Mortimer inheritance, Henry VIII. heir to, 10; Leix. part of, 12, 14; Ulster, part of, 17, 19; Upper Ossory, part of, 87, n.; Connaught, part of, 98.

Moycashel, 89, 95.

Munster, Statute of Absentees and, 10; scheme for confiscation in under Elizabeth, 21— 23; plantation in, 29, 30, 34, 35; Irish districts in, 56, 97, 109; rebellion of 1641 in, 118; Protestants of side with Parliament, 118, 131; go over to King, 120, 128; revolt to Cromwell, 128, 140, 160; lists of transplantees from, 143, 148; English in in 1659, 150; area confiscated in by Cromwell, 157; value of land in, 135, 159.

Murray, Rev. R. H. Revolutionary Ireland and its Settlement, 206, n.: Statements from, 209, n.; 211, 212, 216, n.; 223.

Muskerry, MacCarthys of, 52; barony of set apart for inhabitants of Cork, etc., 143, 182, n.; Lord of, 172, 182, n.


Nominees, 178, 191, 196, 197, 199, 201, 205.


O'Brennans, confiscation of lands of, 112, n.

O'Brien, Murrogh, last King and first Earl of Thomond, 17; Conor, Murrogh's predecessor, 17; Donough, son of Conor, to succeed to earldom, 17; Sir Daniel of Doagh proves " constant good affection," 132, n.; Daniel, founder of the line of Viscounts Clare, 35.

O'Byrnes, forfeiture of, 34, n.; lands of, 92—94; O'Byrne, Phelim MacPheagh, 91—92.

O'Cahane, his country confiscated, 19; claimed by Earl of Tyrone, 40; imprisoned, 40; claims of, 41, 52; wife of, 53.

O'Callaghan, Conor of the Rock, 59, n.

O'Callaghan, Lord Lismore, 246.

O'Carroll, 13, n.; 56, n.; Sir Teig, 83; Sir William, 83; Sir Charles, 83; Johan, 83, 84; John, 84, n.

O'Conor of Offaly, 13—16.

O'Conor, Kerry, 26.

O'Conor Don, among the ensignmen, 178; loses his estate, 203.

O'Conor, Sligo, loses his estate, 203.

O'Conor, Roderick, King of Ireland, 108.

O'Dempseys, lands of, 13; subject to O'Conor Faly, 13; side with English, 15; lands of clansmen granted to the chief, 15.

O'Dogherty, Inishowen granted to, 37 n.; 40; lands of, 39; rebellion of, 40, 41.

O'Donnell. Sides against Shane O'Neill, 19, n.; Red Hugh, 37; rising of, 38, 101; Rory made Earl of Tirconnell, 37; flight of, 38; claims to land of, 39, 41; Neal Garve, claims of, 37, n.; 52; promises to, 39, 7i.; imprisoned, 40.

O'Donnells of Newport and Westport, 150.

O'Donoghue, Mor, 30, 31.

O'Dunnes, territory of, 13, 56, n.; not confiscated, 15; grant to chief of, 57, 87.

O'Dwyer, in Tipperary, 56, n.; territory of 109, n.

O'Ferralls, 56, n.; controversy as to lands of, 76—79; King's title to lands of, 78—80; plantation at expense of, 80—82; fate of individual clansmen of, 82.

O'Hanlon, 39; obtains a grant of the clan lands, 40; surrenders his lands, 41.

O'Hart. Irish Landed Gentry, 202, n.

O'Kellys in Galway and Roscommon, 98.

O'Kelly, Col. John, restored to his estate, 193.

O'Kennedys, 56, n.; territory of, 109, n.; intruders in Ormond, 110.

O'Mahony, 31, 32, 33, n.

O'Meagher, 56, n.; territory of, 109, n.

O'Melaghlin, 56, n.; claims of Crown not pressed against, 89.

O'Molloy, 13, n.; 56, n.; 57, n.; 59, n.; 87.

O'More, Lysaght, expels English, 12; Roger or Rory of Balyna, 185.

O'Mores, conquest of, 13; exile and death of chief of, 14; insurrections of, 16; remnant of transplanted to Kerry, 16.

O'Neill, Con, grant to, 12, n.; 18, 40; successor to, 17.

O'Neill, Shane, 16, 17, 19; Act attainting, 17, 18, 42, 43. O'Neill of Clandeboy, 18, 20, n.; 252.

O'Neill, Matthew, 17.

O'Neill, Turlough Lynagh, 20.

O'Neills, claims to land of, 39, n.; 40, n.

O'Neill, Hugh, Baron of Dungannon. Earl of Tyrone, 20, 37; flight of, 38; property of, 39; claims of, 40, 41; rising of, 101.

O'Neill, Owen Roe, 179, n.

O'Neill, Sir Henry of Killileagh, 178, n.; estate of, 185, n.; Lord Massereene and, 203.

O'Neill, Daniel, 178, n.; Lord Massereene and, 203.

O'Neill, Lord, killed by rebels in 1798, 252.

O'Rahilly, acclaims Cromwell, 239, n.

O'Rourke, attainder of, 31, n.; 56, n.; claim of Lord Gormanston and Mr. Rochford to lands of, 85, 86; Sir Brian executed at Tyburn, 86; Sir Teig, 60, 85; Tiernan, King of Breffny, 85; Brian, son of Sir Teig, 86.

O'Ryans or O'Mulrians, 56, n.; territory of, 109, n.; intruders on English lands, 110.

O'Shaughnessy, Henry VIII. 's grant to, 11, n.; 99.

O'Shee, Colonel, 252.

O' Sullivan Bere, Donnell, 34, 35, 192, 204; Sir Owen, 34, 204; Captain Daniel loses his estate, 192; Philip, 204.

O'Tooles, dealings of Henry VIII. with, 10; lands of, 90, n.

Offaly, position of, 12; held by O'Conor, 13; sub-clans in, 13; title of Crown to, 14; Acts re confiscation and plantation of, 14.

Oriel, MacMahons of, 35.

Ormond, country of, 107, 109; plantation of, 107, 7i.; 112, 113; baronies of, 110, n.; 111, n.; Bill for confirming titles in, 113.

Ormond, Earl of, lands of heirs general of vested in Crown by Statute of Absentees, 10, n.; 110; grant of Dipps, 64; "Shires" of Arklow belonging to, 94; claims of to lands in Connaught, 99; grant to Piers, 110, 111; title of to lands, 111; Walter, 112.

Ormond, Marquis and Duke of, 112, 117, 167, 168, 190, 191; surrenders Dublin to Parliament, 120; exempted from pardon for life and estate, 124; on want of skill of the Irish agents, 171; unkind deserter of loyal friends, 172.

Orrery, Lord, 167, 170, n.; 179; statement of on lands restored to Irish, 200, n.

Ossory, Irish proprietors not expelled in, 3.

Ossory Upper, confiscation of, 87; Lord of, 127, 196, 223, n.

Outlawries, Act for hindering the Reversal of, 218, n.; 227, 228,. 232.


Pale, expulsion of natives from, 3; revolt of, 117; articles on surrender of lords of, 133, n.; lords of remain Catholic, 238.

Perrot, Sir John, his composition of Connaught, 100—102, 105.

Petty, Sir William, on loss of life during civil war, 116; statistics from on Cromwellian Confiscation and Restoration Settlement, 132, 154—156, 189, 199— 201, 236; his figures not reliable, 155, 156, 189, 200, 221, 237; census of, 49, n.; 149; obtains estate of O'Sullivan Bere, 192; heiress of marries Lord Kerry, 193; says "the English have a gamester's right to their estates," 197.

Plunkett, Richard, claims Breffny O'Reilly, 85; Sir Nicholas, agent for the Irish, 171, 174.

Powerscourt, O'Tooles of, 10.

Powerscourt, Lord, 94, n.

Prendergast. Cromwellian Settlement, 115, n.; 143, n.; Connaught certificates from, 147—148; statements from, 116, n.; 136, n.; 151, n.; 185, n.; Ireland from the Restoration to the Revolution, 165, n.; 167, n.

Presbyterians, emigration of to America, 49; declare for Charles II., 121; leaders of condemned to death by Cromwell, 124; to lose part of their estates, 128; project to transplant them to Munster, 133; rebels in 1798, 252.


Ranelagh, 92, 94.

Rathconrath, Barons of, fate of, 204.

Rathlin, massacre of, 20, n.

Rhodesia, position of natives in similar to that of Irish, 3.

Rinuccini, 119; opponents of, 178.

Roche's land in Wexford, 65; Roche, Lady, executed by Cromwellians, 127.

Roscommon, Irish in, 98; peasant proprietors in, 102, n.; jury of finds title for Crown, 105.


Salisbury, letter of Sir J. Davies to, 3, 38, n.; 46, n.; 51; letters of Chichester to, 63, 67, 78, n.; Lord Delvin accused of threats to murder, 78, n.

Sarsfields, of Sarsfield's Court, 182, 231.

Sarsfield, Earl of Lucan, exempted from Act of Outlawry of William III., 228.

Settling, Act of Long Parliament for of Ireland, 121—133. 217; Mr. Gardiner on effects of, 126.

Settlement, Act of, 170—182; preamble to, 175—177; Court of Claims under, 182—186; clamour against, 186; decrees under, 187, 188; effect of, 197— 205.

Settlement, Act for Repeal of Act of, 214, 215.

Settlement, declaration for the, of Ireland. 167- 170.

Sherlock, Sir Thomas, 185, 193.

Shilelagh, confiscation of, 35, 91, n.; grant of to Sir H. Harrington, 64; O'Byrnes in, 64, n.; an Irish country, 70, 94.

Slewmarge, title of Crown to, 14; position of, 15.

Sligo, settlers in rooted out, 8, 98; peasant proprietors in, 102, n.; jury of finds title for Crown, 105; set out to Cromwellians, 151; Catholic landowners in in early 19th century, 239, n. Smith, grants to in Ulster, 20.

Spencer, Edmund, 138; grandsons of transplanted as Papists, 139. Steward, Sir Robert, condemned to death by Cromwellians, 124.

Strabane, Lord, one of the "nominees," 178, n.

Strafford, Lord, confiscation of Connaught and Ormond under, 97—113; Commission of for Defective Titles, 104; jesting letter of re Ormond and Clare, 107; execution of, 112.

Stuarts, policy of at accession, 37; effects of plantation of Ulster on fortunes of, 54; character of the confiscations under, 75, 114, 234.

Survey and Distribution, books of, 11, 151.

Survey, Down, 160.

Synnott's land in Wexford, 65, 71.


Taaffe, Count, 251.

Thomond, O'Brien of, 11, n.; last King of, 17; Earl of, 17, 136; inhabitants of, 103.

Thurles, Lady, case of, 130, n.; 183.

Tipperary, Irish in, 7; settlers rooted out in north, 8; manors in held by Desmonds, 24; Irish clans in, 55, 56, n.; 109; project for plantation in, 104; Theobald Walter's grant in, 109; plan for a plantation in, 110—12; transplantation from, 143, 144, 148, 149; extent of English element in 163.

Tirconnel, never occupied by invaders, 8; not included in Act attainting Shane O'Neill, 19; granted to Rory O'Donnell, 37, 39; church lands in, 43.

Tudors, general policy of towards Irish, 21, 75.

Tyrconnel, Talbot, Duke of, 181, n.; 208, 210, 211.

Tyrone, confiscated, 19; claims to, 39, 40; Protestants in under James II., 230.

Tyrone, Earl of, see O'Neill.


Ulster, vested in Crown as part of the Mortimer inheritance, 10, 17; Irish of left in possession, 18; Crown title to, 18, 19; earldom of, 19; experiments in colonisation in, 20; nominal confiscation of, 36; mistaken views on confiscation of, 38, 50; legal ownership of at the "Flight of the Earls," 39—41; church lands in, 42, 43; details of plantation of, 46, 47; British element in, 48—50, 150; settlement of Scots in, 18; 48, n.; 49, 118; Presbyterian emigration from, 49, 253; area affected by Plantation of, 50—51; area left to Irish in, 51; effects of Plantation of, 53; special features of Plantation of, 95, 239; revolt of Irish of, 115, 117; extent of transplantation from, 147, 150; Catholic landowners in in 1641, 155; area forfeited in under Cromwell, 157; value of land in, 135, 159; project to transplant Presbyterians from, 133; few Catholic landowners in after the Restoration, 203, 220, n.; revolt of British in, 210; tenancy in, 241, 247; Presbyterians from in United States army, 253.


Wandesforde, gets the lands of the O'Brennans, 112, n.; estates of sequestrated by Cromwell, 136, n.

Waterford, no landowners of Irish descent in, 3; fate of citizens of under Cromwell, 162.

Westmeath, Irish proprietors not expelled in, 3; Irish clans in, 56, n.

Westmeath, Earl of, acreage set out to in Connaught, 153; among the nominees, 196.

Wexford, no landowners of Irish descent in south of, 3; plantation of, 60—75; King's title to, 63; Act of Absentees and, 65, n.; landowners in, 69; landowners of to be transported to Virginia, 74; only landowners transplanted from, 146; barony of Forth in, 146, 202; number of landowners in, 155, n.; 203.

Wicklow, Irish in, 60, 64, n.; 90, n.; proposal to plant, 91; dealings with natives of, 91—95; transplantation from, 149, n.

William III. and Articles of Limerick, 223, 224, 225; grants of, 227, 230; pardons certain peers and others, 228.


Youghal, see Kinsale.