Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005

Public Law 108-447
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005
by the 108th Congress of the United States

Note: This is the original legislation as it was initially enacted. Any subsequent amendments hosted on Wikisource may be listed using What Links Here.

497699Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 — 2004the 108th Congress of the United States

An Act
Making appropriations for foreign operations, export financing, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005,
and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Sec. 1. Short Title.

This Act may be cited as the ``Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005´´.

Sec. 2. Table of Contents.

The table of contents of this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short Title.
Sec. 2. Table of Contents.
Sec. 3. References.
Sec. 4. Statement of Appropriations.
Title I — Agricultural Programs
Title II — Conservation Programs
Title III — Rural Development Programs
Title IV — Domestic Food Programs
Title V — Foreign Assistance and Related Programs
Title VI — Related Agency and Food and Drug Administration
Title VII — General Provisions
Title I — Department of Justice
Title II — Department of Commerce and Related Agencies
Title III — The Judiciary
Title IV — Department of State and Related Agency
Title V — Related Agencies
Title VI — General Provisions
Title VII — Rescissions
Title VIII — Patent and Trademark Fees
Title IX — Oceans and Human Health Act
Title I — Department of Defense — Civil
Title II — Department of the Interior
Title III — Department of Energy
Title IV — Independent Agencies
Title V — General Provisions
Title VI — Reform of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority
Title I — Export and Investment Assistance
Title II — Bilateral Economic Assistance
Title III — Military Assistance
Title IV — Multilateral Economic Assistance
Title V — General Provisions
Title I — Department of the Interior
Title II — Related Agencies
Title III — General Provisions
Title IV — Urgent Wildland Fire Suppression Activities
Title V — General Reduction
Title I — Department of Labor
Title II — Department of Health and Human Services
Title III — Department of Education
Title IV — Related Agencies
Title V — General Provisions
Title I — Legislative Branch Appropriations
Title II — General Provisions
Title I — Department of Transportation
Title II — Department of the Treasury
Title III — Executive Office of the President and Funds Appropriated to the President
Title IV — Independent Agencies
Title V — General Provisions — This Act
Title VI — General Provisions — Departments, Agencies, and Corporations
Title I — Department of Veterans Affairs
Title II — Department of Housing and Urban Development
Title III — Independent Agencies
Title IV — General Provisions
Title I — Miscellaneous Provisions and Offsets
Title II — 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemoration Act
Title III — Rural Air Service Improvement Act of 2004
Title IV — L-1 Visa and H-1B Visa Reform Act
Title V — National Aviation Heritage Area Act
Title VI — Oil Region National Heritage Area Act
Title VII — Mississippi Gulf Coast National Heritage Area Act
Title VIII — Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act
Title IX — Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004
Title X — Snake River Water Rights Act of 2004
Title I — Small Business Reauthorization and Manufacturing
Title II — Miscellaneous Amendments

Sec. 3. References.

Except as expressly provided otherwise, any reference to ``this Act´´ contained in any division of this Act shall be treated as referring only to the provisions of that division.

Sec. 4. Statement of Appropriations.

The following sums in this Act are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005.

December 8, 2004.

Legislative History

    • No. 108-599 (Comm. on Appropriations)
    • No. 108-792 (Comm. of Conference)
    • No. 108-346 accompanying S. 2812 (Comm. on Appropriations)
  • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 150 (2004):
    • July 13, 15, considered and passed House.
    • Sept. 23, considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 2812.
    • Nov. 20, House and Senate agreed to conference report.
    • Dec. 8, Presidential statement.

See also



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