Copper Sun (Cullen)/If Love be Staunch

Copper Sun
by Countee Cullen
If Love be Staunch
4122448Copper Sun — If Love be StaunchCountee Cullen

If Love Be Staunch

If love be staunch, call mountains brittle;
Love is a thing will live
So long, my dear,—oh, just the little
While water stays in a sieve.

Yea, love is deathless as the day
Whose death the stars reveal;
And love is loyal all the way,
If treachery be leal.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt,
No thing is sweet as love,
But, oh, the bitterness spewed out
Of the heart at the end thereof!

Beyond all cavil or complaint,
Love’s ways are double-dyed;
Beneath the surplice of a saint
The cloven hooves are spied.

Whom yesterday love rhymed his sun
Today he names a star;
When the course of another day is run,
What will he say you are?