Copper Sun (Cullen)/Scandal and Gossip

4122699Copper Sun — Scandal and GossipCountee Cullen

Scandal and Gossip

SCANDAL is a stately lady,Whispers when she talks;Waves of innuendoRipple where she walks.
Speaking with a lifted shoulder,Flicker of a lash,Scorning words as dangerous,She is never rash.
Gossip is a giddy girlRunning here and there,Showing all the neighborhoodWhat she has to wear.
Gossip babbles like a brook,Rages like a flood,Chews her placid hearsaysAs a cow her cud.
Scandal hobnobs with the richOver purple wine;Gossip has the vagabondsIn to chat and dine.
Scandal never visits us;We are far too poor;Gossip never missed a dayKnocking at our door.