The Tragedy of Coriolanus

ACTS: (not listed in original)


Caius Martius, later named Coriolanus

Cominius, Roman Generals
Titus Lartius,

Menenius Agrippa, Friend to Coriolanus

Sicinius Velutus, Tribunes of the People
Junius Brutus,

Young Martius, Son to Coriolanus

A Roman Herald

Tullus Aufidius, General of the Volscians

Lieutenant to Aufidius

Conspirators with Aufidius

A Roman, named Nicanor

A Volscian, named Adrian

A Citizen of Antium

Two Volscian Guards

Volumnia, Mother to Coriolanus

Virgilia, Wife to Coriolanus

Valeria, A noble lady of Rome

Gentlewoman, attendant of Virgilia

Roman and Volscian Senators, Patricians, Ædiles, Lictors, Soldiers, Citizens, Messengers, Servants to Aufidius, and other Attendants.
Scene: Rome and the Volscian country to the south, with the towns of Corioli and Antium.]