Cotton MS Domitian A IX/Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

For other versions of this work, see Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

Pages ff.9v-r (the folio is bound into the volume backwards, verso-recto). This fragment of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is identified as manuscript H, and covers portions of the years 1113-1114.

2177946Cotton MS Domitian A IX — Anglo Saxon Chronicle

ſwa ꝥ hig uneaðe ſpecon mihton. þar æft͏͛ ge for ſe abƀ Petruſ on gloweceſtre on þone dæg .xvi ꝁƚ avḡ. ⁊ ſe king ſette Wiƚƚ ðar to (illegible text) munuc on ðā ylcon mynstre on ðam dæg .iii. n͏ͦ octoƀ. eac he beb


ſe king henrig on windeleſoran to ðā midanwintran, ⁊ bær ðar hiſ kinehelm ⁊ geaf ðar ƀrice on wigraceſtre Teodalde hiſ clerice. Eac he geaf ꝥ abƀrice on rameſige Rainalde wæſ m͏ͦ on caðū Eac he geaf ꝥ abƀrice on eoforwic Ricarde wæſ m͏ͦ on ðā ylcon mynſtre. (illegible text) geaf ꝥ abƀrice æt ðornige Rodƀte wæſ m͏ͦ æt ſc͏͞e ebroulfi. Eac he geaf þone eorldō on norðhātunſcire dauide wæſ ðære cwene broðor. þar æft͏͛ gefór Thomaſ ſe arceƀ on eoforwic on ðone dæg .xiii ꝁ maꝵ. þar æft͏͛ he geaf ꝥ abƀrice æt cernel. wiƚƚ wæs m͏ͦ æt caðum. Þa to ðā eaſtran he wæſ æt þórp wið norðhātune. þar æft͏͛ he geaf ꝥ erceƀrice on cantwarabyrig Rawulfe wæſ ƀ on rofeceaſtre. ⁊ he feng þar to on ðone dæg .vi ꝁƚ mai. þa ðar æft͏͛ gefór ſe abƀ Nigel on byrtune on ðone dæg .v. n͏ͦ mai. þar æft͏͛ forbarn ciceſtre ⁊ ꝥ mynſt͏͛ ðar forð mid on ðone dæg .iii. n͏ͦ mai. þa to ðā pentecoſten wæſ ſe king æt ſc͏͞e Albaneſ ſtowe. her æft͏͛ he ferde mid hiſ fyrde in to wealan to mide ſumeran ⁊ macode caſtelas ðar inne. ⁊ ða wyliſcean kingaſ coman to hī ⁊ be coman hiſ menn ⁊ hī held aðaſ ſworan. þar æft͏͛ he cō to winceſtre ⁊ geaf ðar ꝥ erceƀríce on eoforwic Turſtane his clerice. ⁊ ꝥ abbódrice æt ſc͏͞e Eadmunde he geaf albolde wæſ m͏ͦ on becc. on ðone dæg .xvii ꝁƚ ſept̄. þar æft̄ he geaf ꝥ abƀrice on myclan ýge Ealdulfe wæſ m͏ͦ on ðā ylcon mynſtre. on ðone dæg Exaltatio Sc͏͞e.✝. Eac he geaf ꝥ abƀrice on byrtune Goiſfriðe wæſ m͏ͦ on ealdan mynſtre. æt ðā ylcon ſæle ſe arceƀ Radulf geaf ꝥ ƀrice on rofeceſtre