Cowie's Printer's Pocket-Book and Manual/Resolutions respecting Periodical publications

Resolutions agreed to by the Delegates assembled to consider the state of Periodical Publications.

1. Publications, and parts of publications, when pulled in galleys or slips, to be made up at the expense of the employer.

2. That all publications containing two bodies (not being notes) be cast up to the respective founts, and charged the 2s. 6d. allowed by the Seventh Article of the Compositors' Scale.

3. All publications which appear weekly, or at shorter periods, whether stamped or unstamped, which contain general news, such as parliamentary reports, reports of police or law courts, foreign or provincial intelligence, reports of daily occurrences, or notices of bankrupts, to be paid according to the existing Scale for Newspapers; but all those which contain only reviews of books, notices of dramatic or musical performances, articles on the fine arts, accounts of the meetings and proceedings of religious, literary, or scientific societies, and advertisements, to be paid the same as monthly or quarterly publications.

4. That no companionship allow its work to be made up by an individual on the establishment, or in any other way effect a compromise with the employer, contrary to the usage of the Trade.