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3669996Current Economic Affairs — IndexWalter Renton Ingalls



Aberthaw Construction Co., 38
Activity and prosperity, 10, 31, 114
Agrarian discontent, 13, 43
Agricultural products, 76
Agriculture an over-expanded industry, 46, 49
American Bankers’ Association, 5
American Engineering Council, 5
American Federation of Labor, 5, 122
American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 153
Analysis of inventory, 160
Anderson, B. M., Jr., quoted, 4, 46, 49
Anthracite wages, 66
Army tests of mentality, 175
Automobiles, 11, 50, 51, 85, 88, 95, 98, 102, 116, 146, 147


Banks, assets of, 151
Barnes, Julius, 32, 88
Belgium, eight-hour day in, 22
Biological assertions, 15, 17, 161, 175
Biology and economics, 15, 17, 174, 181, 184
Birkenhead, Earl of, 183
Bonus for soldiers, 178
Bowley, quoted, 7
Bradstreet, 38
building statistics, 80
Brickmasons, work of, 62
Bridgeport Engineers’ Club, 1
Brigham, Dr. C. C., quoted, 177
Brookhart, Senator, 142
Building, 11
character of, 88
materials, consumption of, 93
statistics of, 13, 80, 81, 95
Bullock, Prof., quoted, 60
Business cycles, vi, 116
Butler, Dr. N. M., quoted, 179


Cairnes, quoted, 130
Calwer, Richard, quoted, 20
Capital, 44
and labor, 185
defined, 201
goods, 11, 46, 96, 101, 116
of American farmers, 53
savings, 51, 72, 115, 117, 163, 164
Capitalism, defined, 113
Capitalistic system, 115, 118, 119
Capitalization, 205
of income, 160
Carter, Charles F., quoted, 135
Cassel, Gustav, quoted, 3
Cereals, consumption of, 94
Chemicals, consumption of, 95
Classes, economic, viii
of farmers, 43
Clayton Act, 130, 141
Clerical wages, 66
Coal, consumption of, 94, 97
mining in Germany, 21
Commodities, consumption of, 72, 91, 93
Commodity prices, 59
Communism, 118
a failure, 205
Comparison of index numbers, 37
Compensation to railway labor, 40
Composite index, 36, 39, 66
Conservation of energy, law of, 174
Consumption, defined, 91, 93
goods, 11, 96, 116
of coal, 97
of commodities, 72, 91, 93
of copper, 96
of fibers, 100
of fuels, 97
of lead, 96
of petroleum, 98
of zinc, 96
Copper, consumption of, 96
Corporations, ownership of, 154
Cost of electrical power, 99
of living, 31, 65, 72
Credit, defined, 201
farmers have had too much, 49
Credits to Europe, 48
Croppers, 44
Cutten, Dr. George B., quoted, 178, 180


Davis, Secretary, 197
Deflation, 48, 68
Deliveries for consumption, 91
Demand and supply, law of, 60, 122, 174
Democracy, founded on mistaken theory, 178
Dodge, building statistics, 80
Dwellings, number of, 14, 147


Economic classes, viii, 105
position of engineers, 162
of farmers, 63, 67, 72, 76, 77, 104, 110, 148, 160, 166
restrictions, 57, 62, 64, 67, 70, 124, 129, 163, 169, 171
unbalances, 12, 14, 41, 43, 62, 67, 90, 102, 105, 108, 110, 116, 125
Economics and biology, 15, 17, 174, 181, 184
and psychology, 15, 17, 184
of farming, 45
quantitative, 2, 9
Economy, political, defined, 1
Eight-hour day, vii, 17
in Belgium, 22
in France, 22
in Sweden, 22
Electrical power, cost of, 99
Employment in Germany, 18
Engineering News, 38
Engineers, economic need for, 206
function of, 16
position of, 162
Equilibrium in industry, 9
Europe, prices in, 68
productivity in, 68
Expense of government, 7, 64, 170


Factory wages, 66
Families, number of, 3
Farm capital of the U. S., 53
Farmers as capitalists, 44
classes of, 43
have had too much credit, 49
indebtedness of, 54
inefficiency of, 55
position of, 13, 43, 63, 67, 72, 76, 77, 104, 110, 148, 160, 166
wealth of, 50
Farming economics, 45
Fawcett, quoted, 1
Federal Reserve Board, 38, 49, 79, 83
Federal Trade Commission, 130
Fertilizers, 104
Fibers, consumption of, 94, 100
Foodstuffs, consumption of, 94
Ford, Henry, 160
Foreign debts to U. S., 83, 145
France, eight-hour day in, 22
Frear, James A., quoted, 142
Freight rates, 39, 47, 60, 61, 65
Friday, Dr. David, quoted, 54, 154
Fuels, consumption of, 94, 97
Fuller, George A. Co., 38


Gary, Judge, 197, 198
General Electric Co., 153
General Motors Co., 153
Germany, coal mining in, 21
employment in, 18
wealth of, 4
Gompers, Samuel, quoted, 32, 88, 189
Government, expense of, 7, 64, 170
Gravitation, law of, 174
Gray, Dr. L. C., quoted, 52, 54, 148, 149, 161
Great Britain, trade unionism in, 123


Hoffmann, Dr., quoted, 20
Hoover, Herbert, vi, 32, 71, 73, 74
Hours of labor, vii, 17
in Germany, 19
Hoyt, Homer, quoted, 142


Idealism has failed to solve problems, 183
Idealists, ideas of, 126
Immigration, restriction of, 132
Imports and exports, 80, 83
Income, capitalization of, 160
division of, 7, 30, 110, 116, 159, 167
of American people, 4, 33, 39, 82
Indebtedness in United States, 150, 152
of farmers, 54
to United States, 83, 145
Index, composite, 36, 37, 39, 66
numbers, comparison of, 37
of freight rates, 39
of railway wages, 33, 35, 36
Indicia of wages, 66
Industry, equilibrium in, 9
Inflation, 59, 65, 69
Intangible wealth, 158
Intelligence tests, 176
Interstate Commerce Act, 130
Interstate Commerce Commission, 33, 39, 48, 153
Inventory, analysis of, 160
Italy, syndicalism in, 29


Jevons, 8


King, Dr. W. L., 6, 143, 144
Knauth, Dr. O. W., 154
Knights of Labor, 123


Labor and capital, 185
efficiency of, 62, 67, 78, 83, 85, 124, 139
hours of, vii, 17, 85, 117, 169
in Germany, 19
in transportation, 30
parasitic theory of, 26, 119
residual claimancy of, 8, 18, 119, 168
unions, 63, 67, 120, 122, 137, 169
LaFollette, Senator, 48, 135, 142, 199, 201
Laissez faire, 1, 126, 130, 136, 175
Lauck, W. Jett, quoted, 8
Law of supply and demand, 60, 122, 174
Laws of nature, 174
Lead, consumption of, 96
Leadership, need for, 15, 187
League of Nations, 17
Leather, consumption of, 95
Lenin, 195
Life insurance companies, assets of, 151
Living, cost of, 31, 65, 72
on principal, 50
wage, 8, 87, 165


Macaulay, Lord, 184
Machines, economics of, 28
Mallock, quoted, 7, 177
Malthusian doctrine, 2, 182
Mann, Frank, quoted, 13
Manufactures, statistics of, 84
McAdoo, William, 64, 191
Meat, consumption of, 94
Mechanicalization, economics of, 28
Mentality, tests of, 175
Metallurgy, organization of labor in, 24
Metals, consumption of, 93
Minerals, consumption of, 95
Mining, safety in, 137
Money, defined, 201
Mortgages in United States, 148, 149
Mueller, Dr., quoted, 20
Mussolini, 195


National Bureau of Economic Research, vi, 5, 7, 30, 33, 38, 143
National income, 33, 39
National Industrial Conference Board, 38, 85
Natural laws, 174
Need for leadership, 15
Number of families, 3


Open shop, 124


Parasitic theory of labor, 26, 119
Parker, E. W., 66
Passenger ratea, 65, 120
Pennsylvania Railroad, 153
Petroleum, consumption of, 94, 98
Platinum, price of, 61
Political economy defined, 1
Population, statistics of, 75
Power, cost of, 99
Prices, 59
in Europe, 68
Principal, living on, 50
Production, agricultural products, 16
quantity of, 65, 68, 72, 75, 76, 83, 165
Productivity in Europe, 68
in Germany, 18
Progressives, 200
Prohibition, economic effects of, 90, 99, 183
Prosperity and activity, 10, 31, 114
Psychological assertions, 17, 175
Psychology and economics, 15, 17, 184


Quantitative economics, 2, 9


Railway, freight rates, 39, 47
labor, compensation to, 33, 40
rates, 65
wages, 66
Railways, 11, 14, 30
number of workers on, 33, 35
ownership of, 153
regulation of, 135
statistics of, 78
value of, 146
Reactionaries, 200
Real estate, value of, 147
Rents, why high, 13, 65
Residual claimancy of labor, 8, 18, 119, 168
Rockefeller, John D., 160
Rubber, consumption of, 95
price for, 61
Russian experiences, 163, 204


Safety in mining, 137
Savings, 50, 61, 72, 82, 97, 101, 106, 110, 115, 125, 152, 164, 170
Scale of living, 16, 50, 72, 74, 83, 87, 116
Sentiment and statistics, 10
Sherman law, 130, 140
Shipping, subsidy for, 136
Siemens, C. F. von, quoted, 19
Socialism, 118
Socialistic assertions, 19, 26, 28
Socialists in Germany, 21
Sociologists, aims of, 175
Soldier bonus, 178
Statistics and sentiment, 10
nature of, 10
of building, 13, 80, 81, 95
of manufacture, 84
of population, 75
of railways, 78
of workers, 8, 33, 35, 118, 121, 149
Steel industry, 12-hour day in, 26
wages, 66
Stinnes, Hugo, quoted, 19
Stoddard, Dr. Lothrop, 203
Survival of the fittest, 18
Sweden, eight-hour day in, 22
Swiss Bank Corporation, 68
Syndicalism, 118
in Italy, 29


Tariff, effect of, 57, 131
Taxation, 133, 170, 194
Tenant farmers, 44
Terman, Dr. Lewis, quoted, 176
Tests of intelligence, 176
Trade Commission Act, 130, 140
unions in Great Britain, 123
Transportation Act, 135
labor in, 30
Twelve-hour day, vii, 17


Unionized labor, 31, 32, 34, 63, 67, 120, 122, 137, 169
U. S. Labor Board, 135
U. S. Steel Corporation, 123, 153, 197, 198


Value of railways, 48, 146
of real estate, 147


Wages, indicia of, 66
rates of, 66, 84, 106, 114, 123
Walker, Francis A., quoted, 1, 8
Walsh, Frank P., 143
War, effects of, vi
Wealth, defined, 201
intangible, 158
of American people, 4, 6, 50, 53, 82, 125, 133, 142
of farmers, 50
Wheat production, 77
Wiggam, Albert E., quoted, 180
Workers, number of, 8, 33, 35, 118, 121, 149


Zinc, consumption of, 96