Department of Defense and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States Act, 2002/Division A/Title IX


Counter-Terrorism and Operational Response Transfer Fund


  (including transfer of funds)

For protection against terrorist attacks that might employ either conventional means or weapons of mass destruction, and to prepare against the consequences of such attacks; to deny unauthorized users the opportunity to modify, steal, inappropriately disclose, or destroy sensitive military data or networks; and to accelerate improvements in information networks and operations, $478,000,000: Provided, That of the amounts made available under this heading, $333,000,000 is available only for improving force protection and chemical and biological defense capabilities of the Department of Defense, and improving capabilities to respond to attacks using weapons of mass destruction: Provided further, That $70,000,000 is available only for improving the effectiveness of Department of Defense capabilities in the areas of information assurance and critical infrastructure protection, and information operations; and $75,000,000 is available only to develop and demonstrate systems to protect against unconventional nuclear threats: Provided further, That in order to carry out the specified purposes under this heading, funds made available under this heading may be transferred to any appropriation account otherwise enacted by this Act: Provided further, That the funds transferred shall be merged with and shall be available for the same purposes and for the same time period as the appropriation to which transferred: Provided further, That the transfer authority provided under this heading is in addition to any other transfer authority available to the Department of Defense: Provided further, That within 90 days of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall provide to the Congress a report specifying the projects and accounts to which funds provided under this heading are to be transferred.

Former Soviet Union Threat Reduction

For assistance to the republics of the former Soviet Union, including assistance provided by contract or by grants, for facilitating the elimination and the safe and secure transportation and storage of nuclear, chemical and other weapons; for establishing programs to prevent the proliferation of weapons, weapons components, and weapon-related technology and expertise; for programs relating to the training and support of defense and military personnel for demilitarization and protection of weapons, weapons components and weapons technology and expertise, and for defense and military contacts, $403,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2004: Provided, That of the amounts provided under this heading, $12,750,000 shall be available only to support the dismantling and disposal of nuclear submarines and submarine reactor components in the Russian Far East.