Diary of ten years eventful life of an early settler in Western Australia and also A descriptive vocabulary of the language of the aborigines/A descriptive vocabulary of the language in common use amongst the aborigines of Western Australia/Part 1/M


Ma-ap, s.—The spleen.

Mabo, s.—The skin of men and animals; the bark of trees.

Madăp, s.—Fungus of the white gum tree, used for tinder.

Madja, s.—Hæmadorum paniculatum, an edible root.

Mădji, s.—Rope; string.

Madjinda, s.—The carpet snake; very venomous.

Madjit, s.—A species of shark.

Madjit-til, s.—(K.G.S.) The magic stone of the shark. These are pieces of crystal supposed to possess supernatural powers; some of them are much more celebrated than others. None but the native sorcerers will touch them.

Madto, s.—The green-backed crane.

Madun, s.—The small squirrel-like opossum.

Maggo—(Vasse.) Naked.

Măggoro, s.—The winter of Western Australia, including the months of June and July. It follows Burnoru, and is followed by Jilba. At this period of the year cobbler-fish abound, and the mullet become blind, occasioned, it is supposed, by the superabundant mixture of the fresh water with the salt water in the estuaries. These fish are then said to be Melbămbalagadak—Mel, an eye; Bambala, a film or cataract; and Gadak, possessing.

Măggorong, s. The name given to a pig.

Mahr-rok, s.—Yesterday.

Majerăk, s.—The small Hottentot fig. (Mountain dialect.) The fruit is eaten by the natives.

Mala—A species of mouse.

Malaj, v.—Pres. part., Malajin; past tense, Malajăga; to grow.

Malaga, s.—Ironstone. This rock is said to possess a large quantity of magnetic iron ore. The strata of the Darling hills consist very greatly of it, overlying the granite; and its appearance would lead anyone to conclude that little or no nourishment was to be derived from the soil in which it abounded; yet it bears some of the finest timber in the settlement, colonially called the mahogany trees. Much of this stone is also supposed to contain a large proportion of iron of a very pure quality. Some experimental trials which have been made on a small scale to extract the metal have been attended by the most satisfactory results.

Malga, s.—A species of spear-wood found in the hills.

Malgar, s.—Thunder.

Mălgărak—(K.G.S.) To cure an enchantment.

Maliji, s.—A shadow.

Mallaluk, a.—Unsuccessful in killing game.

Mallat, s.—A species of eucalyptus found only eastward of the hills.

Mallo, s.—Shade. To the north the word is applied to Europeans.

Măllowaur, s.—Acanthosaurus gibbosus (Preiss). The horned thorny lizard. A very singular animal, found in the York district. It is marked something like a tiger, with dark bands on a tawny ground. The colours are particularly brilliant when the creature is in good health, though it seems to possess a chameleon power of altering the shade of these colours, according to the light it is in. In appearance it is one of the most formidable, though, in reality, one of the most harmless and innocent of animals. The head, back, and tail are covered with regularly arranged small protuberances, each surmounted with a horn or spike: yet it may be handled with the most perfect impunity, nor does it seem to have any means of attack or defence. Its eyes, though bright, are peculiarly diminutive, its mouth small, and its motions very awkward. It is colonially called the devil, from its peculiar appearance when placed erect on its hind legs.

Măl-yar, s.—The ignited portion of a piece of burning wood.

Mal-ya, s.—The brain.

Mal-yangwin, part.—(Northern dialect.) Singing.

Mal-yarăk, s.—Mid-day.

Mal-yi, s.—A swan. There is no other sort than the black swan in the colony.

Malyn, a.—In the habit of; accustomed to.

Mammal, s.—A son. The sons soon emancipate themselves from the control of the father, and at a very early age beat their mother if she displeases them; but no mother ever corrects a child by beating.

Mammilyar—(K.G.S.) Dew.

Mammăn, s.—A father.

Mammango, s.—The white of an egg.

Mammărăp, s.—A man. The derivation of this word seems to be from Mamman, a father, and Abbin, to become. The men are rather active and sinewy, than strong and muscular. They are well formed, broad in the chest, though generally slender in the limbs. Some very tall men are found among them, but the average height is rather below than above the European standard.

Mammart—(K.G.S.) The sea.

Manar—(K.G.S.) A species of iguana.

Manbibi, s.—The small Hottentot fig.

Mănda, ad.—Amongst; between; speaking of a division among individuals as Manda-yong-owin, giving anything to be shared between several persons.

Mandarda, s.—A mouse. There are several indigenous species.

Măndig-ăra, s.—A girl not arrived at years of maturity; a woman who has had no children.

Mandjar, s.—A sort of fair which takes place among the aborigines, where the inhabitants of different districts meet to barter with each other the products of their respective countries. Thus, if the people from the North and the Murray River and Perth were to meet together on one of those occasions, the following articles might be exchanged among them; but it is rather an interchange of presents, than a sale for an equivalent.

Kyli. Nulbărn. Krdjo.
Wunda. Burdun. Boka.
Dowak. Dtabba. Kun-yi.
Wirba. Durdadyer. Wundu.
Miro. Kokăl-yăng. Bu-yi.
Gidji. Wilgi. Bururo.
Borryl. Ngower. Dardak.
D-yuna. Niggara.

Mandjallă, a.—Idle; inactive; lazy; tired.

Mandju, s.—Decayed roots; seasoned wood. Applied also to flesh or bodies of animals when dried up by the sun, or burned when roasting at the fire.

Mando, s.—Pubes.

Mando, s.—A wooded spot; a place full of trees; a thicket.

Mandu, s.—Batta mandu, sunbeams.

Mandubin, a.—Browning; turning brown as meat roasting.

Man-ga, s.—A nest. Robbing birds' nests is a favourite occupation in the proper season of the year.

Man-gar, s.—Barb of a spear made of a piece of scraped wood tied on with sinew, and cemented with prepared resin of the grass tree.

Măn-găra, s.—Hair. Katta măngara, hair of the head. The hair is mostly straight and smooth, but sometimes curling naturally and gracefully around the head and on the neck of the young men. It is generally bound back from the eyes, or tied into a tuft on the top, by a fillet formed of string made of fur. The most frequent colour is black, but different shades are not uncommon, and very light-coloured is sometimes seen. The men only have long hair; the women's is short, and not so much attended to as that of the men.

Mang-art, s.—Raspberry-jam wattle—so called from the fragrant odour of the wood. It is not found to the west of the hills.

Măn-gat, s.—Aunt; mother-in-law.

Man-gyt, s.—The large yellow cone-shaped flower of the Banksia, containing a quantity of honey, which the natives are fond of sucking. Hence the tree has obtained the name of the honeysuckle tree. One flower contains at the proper season more than a tablespoonful of honey. Birds, ants, and flies consume it.

Man-gyt-dju, s.—The hairy petals of the Măn-gyt.

Mănjang, a.—Harmless.

Mănjiral, a.—Fat.

Mannangur—(K.G.S.) To hang down; to be pendent.

Man-yana, s.—To-morrow. This word is used at King George's Sound, and has been heard also in use with one tribe living in the hills; but there is a doubt whether it is not an introduced word.

Man-yi-ni, s.—The hair-seal.

Nanyt, s.—Plyctolophos; the white cockatoo with a lemon-coloured crest; the most easily tamed of any of the tribe. Where these birds are found, the traveller in the bush may generally rely upon finding water. This bird when taken young is easily tamed, and may be taught to speak.

Ma-ow, a.—Few; a small number.

Mar, s.—A cloud; wind.

Mar-arl, or Gedurnmălăk—Milvus Isurus; the kite.

Mar-myart-myart, a.—Cloudy sky; overcast.

Mărang, s.—One of the edible roots.

Maranganna, s.—Anser; the wood-duck. It roosts on trees.

Marda, s.—A nut; the York nut. It is very oily; and the natives pound it and smear themselves with it, when animal grease is not to be had.

Mărda, a.—Bald; as Katta Mărda, bald-headed.

Mardangwin, a.—Hunting by night or moonlight; literally, moon-lighting.

Mardo, s.—A species of rat or mouse eaten by the natives.

Mărdyl, s.—The wrist.

Mardyn, a.—(Northern word.) Three.

Marel, s.—A spacious of unio, or fresh water muscle. Not eaten by the natives, because supposed by them to be poisonous. It has been eaten by settlers with impunity.

Marga, s.—The lower arm; from the elbow to the wrist; bough of a tree.

Marh-jin-bang-ga, a.—Five; literally, half the hands.

Marh-jin-baug-ga-gudjir-gyn, a.—Six; literally, half the hands and one.

Marh-jin-bang-ga-gudjir-Gudjal, a.—Seven.

Marh-jin-belli-belli-Gudjir-jina-biingga, a.—Fifteen; literally, the hand on either side, and half the feet.

Marh-ra, s.—The hand. That of the women especially is small and well formed.

Marah-ragur. s.—The fingers.

Marh-rang, s.—A meddler; a meddling person.

Marh-ra-ngangan, s.—The thumb; literally, the mother of the hand.

Marrallak, a.—Unlucky in the chase.

Marri—(K.G.S.) Flesh; meat; also the bark of a species of eucalyptus.

Marromarro. s.—The peeled sticks, like curled ornamental candlelighters, worn on the head by the performers at the Yallor, or native dance.

Maryn, s.—Vegetable food. All plants, of which any part is eaten by the aborigines, come under this denomination.

Maryn-dadja, s.—Food of all sorts, animal and vegetable.

Matta, s.—Leg; shank; a family or species; the handle of anything. Mattagyu, of one and the same family; literally, of one leg, that is, of one stock.

Mattaboka, s.—Trousers. Compounded of Matta, a leg, and Boka, a covering or clothing.

Mattawit—('K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Maul-Barrang-ijow, v.—To pluck up; to pull out.

Meda, s.—Penis. Membrum virile.

Medarăng, s.—Mourning; but spoken only of a father bereaved of his child.

Medi, s.—Phalacrocorax; common shag.

Mekil—(K.G.S.) A species of iguana.

Mekytch—(K.G.S.) The forehead.

Mel, s.—The eye.

Melak, s.—A fish; colonially called salmon.

Mele. s.—A swan.

Melok—Local name of one of the great family denominations. See Ballarok.

Melkanba, s.—Eyelash.

Melnalyăk, s.—Eyelids.

Menangal—(K.G.S.) The local term for the spring season.

Mendalăng. s.—Acacia, new species, with small, white, oblique ovate-shaped leaves; grows always in very barren places. Pigeons are fond of the seeds.

Mendyk. a.—Ill; in pain: unwell. The natives suffer much from toothache and rheumatism, both of which ailments they endeavour to relieve by topical bleeding, scarifying the skin by a piece of quartz, or by a piece of broken glass bottle. They have recourse now to the white people for physic, and to have teeth drawn and blood taken from the arm.

Menna, s.—The gum of one species of acacia, which is sometimes prepared by being first pounded, then mixed with spittle, and made into a ball, and, finally, beaten into a flat cake, when it is kept by the natives as a provision against a time of want. It is considered good, and is found to be very nourishing.

Merda, s.—Penis. Membrum virile.

Merdelang—(K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Merrak, ad.—Right side up; in a right position. The opposite of Mudjardo.

Merrik, a.—A superstitious power of inflicting death by enchantment.

Met, ad.—Attentively; steadfastly.

Metjarăk, s.—Mesembryanthemum equilatoralis; Hottentot fig. (Toodyay dialect.)

Metjil, a.—Exact; accurate.

Metjo, s.—The seed-vessel of the Gardan, red gum; the seed-cone of the Banksia.

Metjo-nuba, s.—The seed-vessel in the cone of the Banksia.

Metjo-kun-dyle, x.—The inner seed vessel of the Banksia cone. The seed itself.

Meto, a.—Blunt-headed; applied to spears.

Mettagong, s.—A species of fungus, emitting a phosphoric light; the name of an evil spirit, perhaps from the terror inspired by the gleaming of the phosphoric light in dark places.

Miăk, s.—The moon. See Miga. The moon is a male, and the sun a female, in the estimation of the Australian savage.

Miamit, s.—Ptilotis ornata, Gould; yellow-eared honey-sucker.

Middi, s.—Frequently in composition Mid or Mit.—The agent; the medium; the active principle of anything; always used as an affix to other words as Yungar barrang middi, a horse, or the people-carrying agent; Mun-gyt barrang middi, the Mungyt-getting agent, or stick for hooking down the Mungyt, or Banksia cones; Yungar ngannow middi, the people-eating agent, or cannibal. The word thus applied is of frequent and most extensive use in the language.

Miga. s.—The moon. The natives give the following names to the different phases of the moon, but the meaning of several of the terms has not been distinctly ascertained:—

Moon Waxing:

New moon, Werberang warri.
First quarter, Marongorong.
Half-moon, Bangal.
Second quarter, Kabbul.
Full moon, Gerradil Katti.

Moon Waning:

Bina Bardok.
Three quarters, Burno Wandat.
Half-moon, Jidik golang.
Last quarter, Narrat.

Mikăng, s.—Moonlight.

Miki, s.—The moon.

Mila, ad.—Hereafter; at some future period.

Milgar, a.—Fresh; new—as Boka milgar, a new cloak.

Mil-yarm, s.—The stars.

Mil-yu, s.—Samphire. Abundant both on the sea-coast and on the salt plains in the interior.

Mimak, s.—The moon.

Mi-mang-a, s.—A whale. Both sperm and black whales abound on the coast. Sometimes a dead whale is thrown on the shore, and affords luxurious living to the natives.

Mimbat, s.—The eyebrows.

Mimi, s.—The skins or layers of the Bohn root. They resemble the layers of an onion.

Mimidi, s.—Xanthorea; the under-ground grass tree. Sheep and cattle eat the centre leaves. This species is not found eastward of the Darling range.

Mimmal, s.—A species of shag or diver.

Mindar, s.—Grass-tree leaves, of which those that are dry and withered, and fit for burning, are well suited to make a very good traveller's bed in the bush.

Min-dyt, a.—Sick; in pain; unwell. See Mendyk.

Ming-al, s.—A tear.

Ming-al-ya, s,—Tears.

Mihg-art, s.—Eyelash.

Ming-o, s.—The chest.

Minam—(K.G.S.) Truly.

Minang—(K.G.S.) The south.

Mini, s.—An edible root; a large species of Bohn.

Minidang, or Minijidang, s.—Petroica Goodenovii red-crowned robin.

Minjin, s.—See Mallawaur. Another name for the horned thorny lizard.

Minjining, s.—The eggs of lice. See Kolo.

Minning, c.—If; if I might.

Minob, v.—Pres. part., Minobin; past tense, Minobaga; to be jealous. It is singular that whilst the natives to the west of the hills are very jealous, those to the east are said to be rather the contrary, offering their women readily for a small consideration. There are but three children of a mixed race yet known to exist in the colony. These children are said to be not only treated with great affection by the mother, but also with particular care and attention by her husband, and to be regarded as objects of pride and satisfaction by the other natives.

Min-ya, s.—A smell; Minya-djul, a stink.

Min-yang, s.—(Murray River.) A tear.

Min-ya, s.—Dew. The dews of summer are frequent and very beneficial to vegetation. No injury is sustained by persons sleeping exposed to them.

Minyt, s.—The countenance. It is always expressive, and when not distorted by passion, is rather pleasing. The eyebrows of many project considerably, which makes the eyes appear sunk, and the forehead receding; but some faces are quite Asiatic.

Minyt-wallăk-ijow, v.—To alter; to change; to put a new face on a thing. Compound of Minyt, the countenance; Wallăk, in part, divided; and Ijow, to put.

Min-yudo, a.—Stale; mouldy.

Mirak, s.—Applied to a married woman when speaking of her to her brother; a married sister.

Miralgar, s.—Poising; balancing the spear in a quivering state preparatory to discharging it. The attitude of the native at this time is beautiful, the right arm upraised and drawn back, the chest expanded, the head erect, the eye active and gleaming.

Miran, v.—Pres part., Miran; past tense, Miran. To poise or quiver a spear preparatory to throwing.

Mirang, v.—Pres. Part, Mirangwin; past tense, Mirangaga. To cry; to grieve; to lament.

Miro, s.—The throwing-board used by the natives to launch the spear. It is about two feet long, about four inches broad in the middle, and tapering off at each end. One end is armed with a piece of glass or quartz, set on with Kadjo, or grass-tree gum, which is used particularly for scraping and tapering the points of the spears. The other end has a small point or hook resting upon the flat side of the Miro, which is intended to enter a hole at the butt end of the spear, and so steady it in the act of throwing, and which forms also the actual fulcrum from which the spear is projected. This is a lever of considerable power, and could never have been invented by the natives in their present state of barbarism. It is a sort of inflexible sling, and is said to resemble the amentum of the ancients. See Kyli. Also the outskirts of a wood or hunting ground.

Mirow, v.—Pres. part, Mirowin; past tense, Miraga. To call; to cry out. Mo-ăn, a.—Black; dark-coloured.

Mo-diar, s.—The gum of the Mut-yal, or Nuytsia floribunda, colonially, cabbage tree. Very abundant.

Modong, s.—A large sort of Melaleuca. Colonially tea tree, or paper-bark tree. It grows on swampy plains.

Mod-yart, s.—A species of eucalyptus; colonially called cedar. It works more kindly than the mahogany, and is preferred for cabinet work, as being lighter. It is not abundant.

Mogang, s.—A stranger; any person or thing unknown in a place; a foreigner, and regarded by the aborigines, therefore, as an enemy.

Mogin, a.—Like; similar to. (Upper Swan dialect.)

Mogo-in, a.—Like; similar to.

Mohăm, v.—Pres. part, Mohamin; past tense, Moham. To bellow.

Mokyn, a.—(Upper Swan dialect.) Applied particularly to a wild dog. Durda Alokyn, a wild untamed dog.

Molada, s.—White ant. No timber except the mahogany should be suffered to rest at any length of time upon the ground, as they inevitably attack it. All dead timber seems particularly attractive to them. Growing trees, especially blue gum, and red gum, are frequently destroyed by them. They never come voluntarily into daylight, and their presence is detected by pipes of clay, with which they form their covered ways. Large limbs and branches of trees frequently fall suddenly from the effect of their ravages.

Molar, s.—Large pebbles; collection or mass of large gravel.

Molorn, s.—The loins.

Molytch, s.—White ant's nest, made of stiff clay. The natives pull out the young at one season, and eat them.

Monak, a.—Clear; fine; sunshiny weather.

Mongarn—(K.G.S.) A species of acacia.

Mon-gor, s.—Fat, grease.

Mon-gorăl, a.—Fat, stout.

Monno, s.—A whirlwind.

Monong, s.—A pool of water.

Mon-yo, v.—A ceremonious meeting arranged for the purpose of conferring upon certain elderly females the character and office of Moyran, or grandmother. Upon these occasions presents are interchanged between the Moyran and the person conferring the distinction, who is usually some man of influence in the tribe. The parties having embraced, the Moyran offers to the man and his wives implements of war and ornaments. The man, on his part, makes her a suitable return, and the ceremony is concluded. But it is a proceeding which confers upon the woman privileges of importance to all parties. She can henceforth no more be carried off for a wife or female drudge, nor be made a victim of revenge. Her influence is henceforth powerful with her tribe, either in stirring them up to war, or in allaying and reconciling quarrels. She is even permitted, if she think fit, when a dispute is anticipated, to mingle among the threatening combatants, and deprive their spears of their barbs. This is one of those customs which seem to point to a superior system of polity, beyond anything to be expected among a people so immersed as the aborigines now are in ignorance and barbarism.

Mordăk, a.—Deep; steep, or high.

Mordakăkănan, a. v.—To drown.

Mordakălap—To be drowned.

Mordibăng, a.—Unable to do anything; whether from being tired, or any other cause of inability.

Mordo, s.—A mountain. See Kattamordo.

Morh-ragadăk, s.—To-morrow.

Moro, s.—Tail; Os coccygis, the lowest of the spinal vertebræ.

Morh-rogodo, s.—To-morrow.

Moroyt, a.—Stiff; hard as hard clay.

Morytch, a.—Absent.

Morryl. s.—A species of eucalpytus with a rough bark. It splits well for shingles. Found to the eastward.

Moyort, s.—A fish caught in fresh-water pools, by putting a quantity of brush-wood at one end of the pool, and pushing it out to the other, sweeping everything before it.

Moyran, s.—Grandfather; grandmother; grandchild. See Mon-yo for this word, as applied to women.

Munjardo, a.—Overturned; topsy-turvy.

Munjero, a.—Looking on the ground carelessly.

Mudurda, s.—A species of tea tree, or paper-bark tree.

Mulgan—(K.G.S.) Cold.

Mulli, s.—Gum found on the upper part of the Xanthorea flower-stem.

Mulmul—(K.G.S.) In parts.

Multchin, a.—Afraid.

Multchong, s.—A coward; a rascal.

Mulur, s.—A large lake. Fresh-water lakes are not numerous in the interior. A chain of them runs parallel to the coast for a long distance, a few miles back.

Mul-ya, s.—The nose.

Mul-yabin, a.—Offended; sulky.

Mul-ya bunan, or punăn, s.—The nostrils.

Mul-ya mel, s.—The countenance; literally, nose and eyes.

Mul-yak, s.—The first of anything; the commencement of an action; the head of a lake.

Mul yarijow, v.—To sneeze.

Mul-yaritch, s.—A sneeze; the act of sneezing.

Mul-yat, s.—The small bone of the kangaroo's leg, worn by youths through the cartilage of the nose, as a mark of their having attained the years of puberty.

Mul-ya-windu, v.—Fulvia; the coot.

Mul-yin—(K.G.S.) A swampy place.

Mul-yit mul-yit, a.—Sweet; palatable.

Mun—Affix, signifying all together; as Yogomun winjal? where are all the women?

Munang, v.—To bear in the arms; to carry.

Mundak, s.—The bush; the wild country; the woods.

Mundakăl—In the bush; as Bal mundakăl watto, he is gone into the bush.

Mundăng, or Mundămăng—(Vasse.) All; the whole.

Mundo, s.—Squalus: the shark. The natives do not eat this fish. The extremity of the backbone.

Munga, s.—The shoulder.

Mung-urdur—(K.G.S.) The windpipe.

Mun-ing, s.—Mustachios.

Muninjingerăng, s.—The name of a star.

Munong, ad.—Farther off; at a greater distance.

Murada, a.—Full; satisfied.

Muranna, s.—A very large species of lizard.

Murantch—(K.G.S.) The ancle.

Murdar—(.KG.S.) A species of fish.

Murdo, ad.—In vain.

Murdo, or Mordo, s.—A mountain. See Kattamordo. No mountains of any great elevation have yet been discovered. The highest is probably not much more than 3000 feet.

Murdong, s.—A mountaineer.

Murdongăl, s.—A mountaineer.

Murdubalangur—(K.G.S.) To be firm or immoveable.

Murduin, a.—Strong: powerful; fixed; immoveable; hard.

Murga, s.—A ring; a circle of men formed round game intended to be taken; a heap.

Murgyl, a.—Abundant; plentiful.

Murh-ro, s.—Charcoal.

Murh-ronabbow, v.—To go into mourning. This is done by the men among the aborigines, by rubbing the face over with charcoal. The women streak their faces with pipe-clay on such occasions, and daub their foreheads with it. White rings are frequently made round the eyes also.

Murringmuring (K.G.S.)—Green.

Murit, s.—Coturnix Australia; brown quail.

Murit-ya, s.—Hydromus leucogaster; a kind of water rat, rare and shy, but very fierce. It is destructive to young ducks, or water-fowl.

Murna, s.—The sound or rustle of any living creature moving through the bush.

Murolăng, s.—Hemipodius varius; painted quail.

Murorong, s—Macropus; rock kangaroo. Rare and shy.

Murrijo, v.—Pres. part., Murrijobin; past tense, Murrijob. To move; to go; to walk.

Murrjo, s.—Upper part of the back of the neck.

Murtden—(K.G.S.) Three.

Murut, s.—A relation.

Murutbărna, a.—Friendless; unrecognised. A term of reproach, compounded of Murut, a relative, and Barna, a thing wanting an owner; as having no friends to protect his life or avenge his death.

Muturong, a.—Fat; stout. A person with a large paunch is said to be Muturong.

Mut-yal, s.—Nuytsia floribunda; colonially, cabbage-tree. The only loranthus or parasite that grows by itself. Another anomaly in this land of contradictions. It bears a splendid orange flower.

Mu-yăng, v.—Pres. part., Mu-yang-an; past tense, Muyăng-ăgga. To copulate.

Mu-yubarra, a.—Blue.

My-a, s.—A house; the bark of the tea-tree, or paper-bark tree with which the natives cover their huts, which are in shape like a section of a bee-hive, about three feet high. They are formed of a frame-work of sticks stuck in the ground, and thatched with paper bark or grass-tree leaves, or small brushwood, or bark, or whatever is most easily found on the spot.

Mya, s.—The voice.

My-akowa, s.—An echo. Literally, voice come.

My-ar, s.—A house; a place frequented; the haunt of an animal.

My-ardăk, s.—Night.

My-ari, s.—Foliage; the Myar, or haunt of birds and insects. The foliage of the trees does not give a thick shade, as the leaves of many stand edgewise to the branch, presenting only the edge, and not the broad face to the sun.

My-art, s.—Darkness.

My-atyl (K.G.S.)—To deceive; to flatter; to charm with the voice.

Myerbăkkal, s.—Menses; monthly courses of women. During this period the native women live in a small hut apart, though near to their husbands and friends. They are obliged to remain in this state of Wallăk ngwundowin, lying separate, during six or eight days.

Myerri, s.—Liver.

Myra-gyn, s.—The day before yesterday.

Myur, s.—A nephew.