Diary of ten years eventful life of an early settler in Western Australia and also A descriptive vocabulary of the language of the aborigines/A descriptive vocabulary of the language in common use amongst the aborigines of Western Australia/Part 1/P


Observe—The sounds of P and B are in so many instances used indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different districts. See Preface.

Pandopen, v.—(Northern dialect.) To faint; to swoon.

Părtăp—(K.G.S.) To lie; to deceive; from Bărt, not.

Pidilmidăng, s.—Pachycephala gutturalis, Yellow-bellied thrush.

Pira—(K.G.S.) A species of Banksia.

Piring, s.—The gum or resin of the Balga, the Xanthorea, or common grass tree. It is not of so strong a quality as the Kadjo, or resin of the Barro, and is used for fastening on the barbs, and the jagged quartz or glass fragments to the spear-heads, which are not fixed on so firmly but that they may come off in the wound. Though the Piring is a resin, and not soluble in water, wet loosens and destroys it.

Po-nyte, s.—The knee.

Pulbarn, s.—Kennedia. A creeper, with scarlet flowers.

Punan, s.—A hole; an aperture.