Diary of the times of Charles II/Volume 1/Diary continued, February 23 to February 28

2664021Diary of the times of Charles II — Diary continued, February 23 to February 28Henry Sidney

February 23rd.I was with the Prince in the evening; he told me that the Duke of Zell had already made an alliance with the King of France, but bid me not speak of it. He told me the King of France would certainly desire the alliance again when he is at the head of his army at Valenciennes, which I must let them know in England. I think he will do something in Flanders, but he thinks not, unless he can divide us and the States.

25th.Monsieur Barry dined with me, and gave me a memorial, wherein he mentions a person that hath found out the longitude. I went to Madame Somerdykes, where I found the French Ambassador, and we were great friends.

26th.I began to drink the new tea. I was with the Prince in the evening. I asked him why the resolution did not pass; he said it would to-day or to-morrow. He supt with me at night with some ladies. Monsieur Hoste was with me, to assure me that his master was not taking measure with France, but that he endeavoured all he could to maintain the peace of Europe.

28th.I went into mourning for the Princess Elizabeth. The English officers dined with me. I received letters from England.