Diary of the times of Charles II/Volume 1/Diary continued, November 6 to November 10

2642742Diary of the times of Charles II — Diary continued, November 6 to November 10Henry Sidney

6th.Lord Sunderland was with Shaftesbury: he could do no good with him; he saith it will not be in his power to do the King any service. He was to be with him again this afternoon, to advise him to part with the Queen and the Duke, but he would not come after Lord Sunderland had been with him.

Lord Sunderland told me he had been with the Dutch Ambassador, and that he advised us as a private friend that we should agree with what number of ships and men we were to help one another.

7th.I was with my Lord Halifax, and found him out of humour: he told me of Lord Shaftesbury and Montague coming into favour. At night I found Lord Sunderland out of humour; he told me that the Committee of Intelligence was put off, and that there was a council to be held on Monday, to consider what was to be done about this plot.[1]

8th.I went to my Lord President. He desired to know if there are many statesmen in Holland; and if the Pensioner was one.

9th.My Lord Sunderland was ill, but yet was at church. Sir Harry Capel intended to move for a new Parliament, but there is nothing to be done for the present.

10th.The King went to see a ship launched. Lord Halifax told me he thought the Prince would do well to come over; he is very irresolute what to do; the King is unsatisfied with him and Lord Essex. Lord Sunderland told me he thought the King would do well to speak to every one at the Council, and hear what they can say concerning the Parliament. I writ to the Prince of Orange.

  1. I was told that the Duke brought Willoughby to the King; he is much blamed for it. We are afraid he will never leave off tampering, though he promises he will.—Orig. Note.