Diary of the times of Charles II/Volume 1/Mr. Godolphin to Mr. Sidney, February 3, 1680
February 3rd, 1680.
I am very glad to be able to tell you that your quarter is paid, and I take it to be no small proof of my zeal to serve you, considering how hard it is with us; but you are such an Englishman, that one makes one's-self popular by soliciting for you, so that the merit is quite taken from me on that account. My Lord Sunderland will write to you of many things that I will not trouble you with. I will only tell you that, in my opinion, such a letter as he desires the Prince should write to the Duke, to meet him at his arrival here, may be of great good effect; therefore, pray farther it; the King is very firm, and I don't doubt but he will continue so.