Diary of the times of Charles II/Volume 1/Mr. Spencer to Mr. Sidney, January 10


London, January 10.

Most Honoured Sir,

As bad news comes not too late, so good news cannot be sent too soon or too often; wherefore, lest mine of the last post miscarry, I thought it my part to tell you in this that you had the good day on Thursday last; the business was so clear on your side, and the cause so good and conscientious, hat, as soon as I had given in my evidence, all the judges stood up for yon, and the jury gave a verdict at the bar for you without stirring, though Lord Leycester's councel thought to suppress my evidence upon my annuity, but I had released that—this was what they relied on most, and to make my Lord's answer and my oath disagree, and to prove me a knave, but, thank God! I had a better character from the judges and all the court and the jury. We are now continuing to bring on your business for the further and quicker despatch in Chancery. I dare assure you, sir, you need not be afraid of that cruel tyrant, who may shew his teeth but cannot bite. I hear he storms and swears like mad; calls me a hundred rogues, which I am glad to hear, because it is for discharging a good conscience and securing you. He is so hampered now that he knows not where to be.

I have received yours of the 9th, and will enquire for Palma wine, but doubt 'tis not a good time for that, but will get you a pure Canary if you please to signify your will in it; however, I will adventure to send a hamper by the first ship. This night Sir John Felham intends to send for the horse, and it will be Saturday ere it can be here. The groom has been to enquire after him and the dogs. Your friends here, and they are many, rejoice at your good success in this afiair; not so my Lord of Leycester, and in the country my poor wife writes that all are startled, some are glad, and some are afraid; let them tremble still, whilst I with a thousand more rejoice at your prosperity.

I am, Sir,

Your most obliged, most faithful,

Most humble servant,

G. Spencer.