Diary of the times of Charles II/Volume 1/The Earl of Sunderland to Mr. Sidney, October 17

2640139Diary of the times of Charles II — The Earl of Sunderland to Mr. Sidney, October 17George Savile (1633-1695)


Whitehall, October 17th, 1679.


I have moved the King for leave for you to come over here for some short time; and his Majesty being pleased to consent to it, you shall find a yacht attend in the Mues by the 23rd inst. to transport you. His Majesty bids me likewise acquaint you, that he has prorogued the Parliament till the 26th of January next, and that one of the chief reasons which induced him to it was the desire he had that the alliance between him and the States may be concluded before the meeting of the Parliament; and his Majesty says, he hopes the Prince and Pensioner both will continue to use their utmost endeavours to and dispose the States to finish this work of alliance accordingly, before January. His Majesty would have you acquaint the Prince and Pensioner herewith, and that your stay on this side will not be long, but that his Majesty intends you should return to the Hague in a few weeks.

I am, Sir,
Your most humble Servant,