Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century/Dorotheus (3), presbyter at Antioch

181246Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature — Dorotheus (3), presbyter at Antioch

Dorotheus (3), a presbyter of Antioch, ordained by Cyril of Antioch (Hieron. Chron.) c. a.d. 290, who with his contemporary Lucian may be regarded as the progenitor of the sound and healthy school of scriptural hermeneutics which distinguished the interpreters of Antioch from those of Alexandria. Eusebius speaks of him with high commendation, as distinguished by a pure taste and sound learning, of a wide and liberal education, well acquainted not only with the Hebrew Scriptures, which Eusebius says he had heard him expounding in the church at Antioch, with moderation (μετρίως) but also with classical literature. He was a congenital eunuch, which commended him to the notice of the emperor Constantine, who placed him at the head of the purple-dye-house at Tyre Eus. H. E., vii. 32; Neander, Eccl. Hist. vol. ii. p. 528, Clark's trans.; Gieseler, Eccl. Hist. vol. i. p. 247, Clark's trans.
