Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century/Theoctistus, bishop of Caesarea

181899Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature — Theoctistus, bishop of Caesarea

Theoctistus (2), bp. of Caesarea in Palestine, who on Origen's visit to Palestine received him at Caesarea and, like Alexander of Jerusalem, permitted him, though still a layman, to preach before him (Phot. Cod. 118). On the remonstrance of Origen's bishop, Demetrianus, he joined with Alexander in a letter defending their conduct (Eus. H. E. vi. 19). Later, c. 230, Theoctistus and Alexander ordained Origen (ib. vi. 8, 23). Theoctistus probably died when Xystus was bp. of Rome 257–259, and was succeeded by Domnus (ib. vii. 14). Clinton, Fasti Romani, i. 245, 271, 287, No. 83; Le Quien, Or. Christ. iii. 541.
