Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Heraclianus 2.

2257707Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology — Heraclianus 2.1870Various Authors

HERACLIA′NUS ((Greek characters)), bishop of Chalcedon, an ecclesiastical writer of uncertain date. He wrote a work against the Manichaeans, in twenty books, (Greek characters). Photius, from whom alone we learn any thing of the work and its author, describes it as written in a concise and elevated, yet perspicuous, style. It was addressed to one Achillius ((Greek characters)), at whose request it was written ; and was designed to refute the so-called Gospel ((Greek characters)) of the Manichaeans, and the (Greek characters), and the (Greek characters), works of note among the members of that sect. (Phot. Bibl. Codd. 85, 231 ; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. i. p. 551, ed. Oxon. 1740-43; Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. X. p. 705.) [J.C. M.]