Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Herculius

HERCU′LIUS ('EpKovXios)^ praefectns prae- torio lUyrici, A. D. 408 — 412, is probably the Herculius to whom one of the^letters of Chrysostom is addressed. It is in answer to a letter from Herculius to Chrysostom, and expresses Chrysos- tom's appreciation of the affection of Herculius for him, which was " known by all the city," i. e. of Constantinople. The letter was written during Chrysostom's exile, a.d. 404 — 407. (Chrysostom, Opera, vol. iii. p. 859, ed. Paris, 1834, &c.; Cod. Theod. 11. tit. 17. § 4; tit. 22. § 5; 12. tit. 1. § 172; 15. tit. 1. §49.) [J.C. M.]