Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Herdonius, Turnus

2257725Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology — Herdonius, Turnus1870Various Authors

HERDO′NIUS, TURNUS, of Aricia in La- tium, having inveighed against the arrogance of Tarquin the Proud, and warned his countrymen against putting trust in him, Tarquin accused him of plotting his death. Witnesses were sub- orned, and weapons were conveyed by treacherous slaves into the house where Herdonius lodged. His guilt was therefore inferred, and Herdonius was condemned by the great assembly of the La- tins, and drowned in the Aqua Ferentina. (Liv. i. 50, 51; Dionys. iv. 45—48.) The latter his- torian relates the story with some differences, and makes Herdonius a native of Corioli. [W. B. D.]