Dictionary of Indian Biography/Aufrecht, Theodor

2578999Dictionary of Indian Biography — Aufrecht, TheodorCharles Edward Buckland


Born Jan. 7, 1822, at Leschnitz in Silesia: educated at the College of Oppeln: studied Sanskrit and Philology at Berlin, and later the ancient languages of Northern Europe: Privat-docent at Berlin University, 1850: went to England, 1852, to study Sanskrit: Professor of Sanskrit and Philology at Edinburgh University, 1862: Professor of Philology at Bonn, 1875–89: now Professor of the Comparative Study of Languages at Bonn: Levi calls him the "illustrious veteran of Indian studies": he is especially noted for his catalogues of Sanskrit MSB.: among his works may be mentioned: De accentu compositorum Sanskriticorum, 1847: Halayudha's Abhi-dhanaratnamata, 1861: Die Hymnen des Rigweda, 1877: Bluten aus Hindostan, 1873: Das Aitareya Brahmana, 1879: his catalogues of Sanskrit MSS., at the Bodleian Library (1859–64), and at Cambridge (1869): Catalogus catalogorum, a register of Sanskrit works and authors, 1891–3: and Katalog der Sanskrit Hand-schriften der Universitdts-Bibliothek zu Leipzig, 1901.