Dictionary of Indian Biography/Bhau Daji, or Ramkrishna Vital

2887610Dictionary of Indian Biography — Bhau Daji, or Ramkrishna VitalCharles Edward Buckland


A Sarasvat Gond Brahman, and son of a small farmer of Mandra, in Goa: educated in the Native Education Society's School in Bombay, and became a teacher in the Elphinstone School: joined, 1845, the Grant Medical College as a student, and graduated in 1850: as a practitioner, achieved great popularity and success: made original researches in the use of Indian drugs, with a special view to discovering a cure for leprosy in its earlier stages, and contributed some valuable papers to the Antiquary: was a member of the chief educational and learned Societies in Bombay: a Fellow of the University, a Justice of the Peace, the first native Sheriff of Bombay in 1869 and 1871: was also Dr.: died of paralysis in 1874.