Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Behnes, Henry

1219248Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 04 — Behnes, Henry1885Ernest Radford

BEHNES or BURLOWE, HENRY (d. 1837), sculptor, was the younger brother of William Behnes, the sculptor. Both brothers were determined in their choice of a profession by the same circumstance [see Behnes, William]. Henry, being a much inferior artist, was honourably anxious to prevent confusion in the public mind, and took the name of Burlowe. The irregularities of William Behnes are considered to have added a strong incentive to this act of repudiation. Henry exhibited at the Academy in 1831-2-3. He afterwards went to Rome, and was much employed as a bust modeller. He died of cholera in that city in August 1837. According to an account in the 'Art Journal' he was a person 'of sterling character and generous impulses, who sacrificed his life in devotion to those of his friends who had been seized with cholera.' Though 'every way superior to his brother as a man,' he was, says the same writer, 'his inferioras an artist' ... 'the difference in the instant apprehension of form and manipulative power in the two brothers was very remarkable. The composition of the one was hard, piecemeal, and disjointed, while the modelling of the other was rapid, certain, soft, and accurate.' Against this critique may be set the remark of Redgrave: 'He was original in his art and of much promise.'

[Art Journal, 1 March 1864; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists of Eng. School.]