Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Blind links

  • Baldwyn, William (DNB00)
  • Barclay, David (DNB00)David Barclay of Youngsbury
  • Benson, Edward White (DNB00) and Benson, E. W., archbishop of Canterbury → Benson, Edward White in 1st supplement
  • Blake, William (1730-1799) (DNB00), English headmaster
  • Brainerd, David (DNB00), American missionary → David Brainerd
  • Braos, Giles de (DNB00), Bishop of Hereford → Giles de Braose
  • Broughton, Andrew (DNB00), regicide, court official → Andrew Broughton
  • Butler, James (1742-1791) (DNB00), Irish archbishop of Cassel, no article, see James Butler (Q64781399)
  • Falconer, John (d. 1723) (DNB00)John Falconer (bishop)
  • Forbes, John, of Culloden (DNB00), chieftain of Clan Forbes
  • Fordyce, John (DNB00), physician
  • Grove, John (DNB00), English traitor
  • Hardinge, Samuel (DNB00)
  • Hardy, John (DNB00)
  • Hoffner, John (DNB00), painter
  • Howard, Edward (1686-1777) (DNB00)Edward Howard, 9th Duke of Norfolk
  • Howel ab Morgan (DNB00)
  • Hume, Gustavus (DNB00), Irish surgeon
  • Johnstone, Keith (DNB00)
  • Law, Augustus Henry (DNB00), priest, brother of Thomas Graves Law
  • Lawson, John (DNB00), colleague of Knox
  • Le Neve, Philip (DNB00), British author
  • Luard, John Dalbiac (DNB00) (1830-1860), British painter and army officer
  • Lucas, John (fl. 1645) (DNB00), Royalist → John Lucas, 1st Baron Lucas of Shenfield
  • Papillon, Philip (1660-1736) (DNB00)
  • Pease, Henry (DNB00)Henry Pease
  • Pye, Walter (DNB00)Walter Pye
  • Roper, John (DNB00), attorney-general to Henry VIII
  • Threlkeld, Thomas (DNB00) student of Priestley
  • Torriano, Alexander (DNB00), professor of astronomy, Gresham College
  • Traske, John (DNB00), English dissenter
  • Vanbleek (DNB00) or Van Bluck, painter
  • Walker, Robert (High Church) (DNB00)
  • Webb, Philip (DNB01), British architect → Philip Speakman Webb (not dead at time of publication)
  • Wilson, James (1765–1821) (DNB00)James Wilson (anatomist)
  • Wilson, Thomas (17thC) (DNB00), courtier of James I
  • Woodhouse, John (DNB00)
  • Wray, Robert Bateman (DNB00), engraver