Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Cartwright, John (1740-1824)

1904 Errata appended.

1382896Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 09 — Cartwright, John (1740-1824)1887Edward Smith (1839-1919)

CARTWRIGHT, JOHN (1740–1824), political reformer, was descended from an old Nottinghamshire family, and was the third son of William Cartwright of Marnham, and Anne, daughter of George Cartwright of Ossington. He was born 17 Sept. 1740, and educated at a grammar school at Newark, and a private academy at Heath in Yorkshire. At about the age of eighteen he entered the navy, and saw some active service under the command of Lord Howe. He devised certain improvements in gun exercise, afterwards incorporated in Falconer's ‘Marine Dictionary.’ Cartwright rapidly rose in the service, and in 1766 was appointed first lieutenant of the Guernsey on the Newfoundland station, and the following year was made deputy commissary to the vice-admiralty court in that island. Here he took the lead in a short exploring expedition. He returned from Newfoundland in 1770, in impaired health. His mind dwelt constantly on the improvement of naval efficiency, and during several years he endeavoured to draw the attention of the government to plans for a perpetual supply of timber for the navy.

About 1775 Cartwright began publicly to assert his opinions on political matters in ‘A Letter to Edmund Burke, controverting the Principles of American Government laid down in his lately published speech on American Taxation,’ and in a tract on American independence. Two years later his sympathies hindered him from joining Lord Howe's command in North America, and a stop was thus put to his professional advancement. In 1775 Cartwright had been appointed major to the Nottinghamshire militia. He now began a series of writings on reform in parliament. From the first he advocated annual parliaments, universal suffrage, and the ballot. His extreme notions hindered his acceptance by the whigs, but his position as a country gentleman insured him respect. He was frequently in correspondence with Mr. Burke and other leaders of opinion. In 1780 Cartwright began the agitation which earned for him the title of the Father of Reform. A county meeting in Nottingham was succeeded in March of that year by the historic meeting at Westminster, on which occasion the leaders of the whig opposition met Cartwright and his friends, and passed resolutions on the inadequate representation of the people of England. Shortly after he founded the Society for Constitutional Information. He stood for parliament more than once, but his candidature was vain. He unsuccessfully contested Nottinghamshire in 1780 and Boston in 1806 and 1807, and was nominated for Westminster in 1818 and 1819.

Meanwhile he was actively engaged in agricultural pursuits and laying down practical hints for the encouragement of the farming interest. He was likewise in active co-operation with Clarkson, Granville Sharp, and the other anti-slavery leaders. During the alarmist period Cartwright ran personal risk. Having attended a public meeting to celebrate the taking of the Bastille, his promotion in the militia was withheld, and his commission at length cancelled.

About 1800 a plan was started for erecting a naval temple which should record the feats of British seamen. Cartwright produced one which was considered to be far ahead of any other project. Drawings were publicly exhibited at a house in Pall Mall, and an elaborate quarto volume remains as a record of the scheme, and, indeed, as the only part of it which was ever carried out (‘The Trident, or the National Policy of Naval Celebration; describing a Hieronauticon, or Naval Temple’). In 1803–4 Cartwright renewed his representations relative to the defenceless state of the country, particularly in the eastern counties, and produced one of his more important works, under the title of ‘England's Ægis; or, the Military Energies of the Constitution.’ He contributed many papers to Cobbett's ‘ Register’ on this and other topics. He continued to publish numerous writings, of which the more important were: ‘The Comparison: in which Mock Reform, Half Reform, and Constitutional Reform are considered; or, who are the Statesmen to preserve our Laws and Liberties’ (1810); ‘Six Letters to the Marquis of Tavistock, on a Reform of the Commons House of Parliament’ ( 1812); ‘The English Constitution produced and illustrated’ (1823). He also devoted himself during the later years of his life to the cause of Spanish patriotism; and in 1821, at a time when the Greeks were making their struggle for independence, he aided the public subscriptions both in money and by his pen in ‘Hints to the Greeks’ (a study of pikes, in default of bayonets). In 1813 he was arrested in the course of a political tour, but soon released; and in 1820 was tried for sedition and fined 100l.

In 1805 Cartwright left his Lincolnshire home and came up to the metropolis, residing for some time at Enfield. In 1810 he removed to James Street, Buckingham Gate, and in 1819 to Burton Crescent, where he resided till his death on 23 Sept. 1824. A monument has been erected to his memory in the garden opposite. Cartwright was one of the most generous-minded public men of his time. He was tender to his opponents, forgiving to detractors, and always open-handed. He saved persons from drowning, at the risk of his own life, on four different occasions. His writings are excessively dry to the ordinary reader, and quite significant of the enthusiast who could be earnest without being inflammatory. ‘He was cheerful, agreeable, and full of curious anecdote. He was, however, in political matters, exceedingly troublesome, and sometimes exceedingly absurd,’ according to Mr. Place (Add. MS. 27850, fol. 108). Other testimony of his contemporaries seems to show the accuracy of this opinion. Upwards of eighty tracts or other writings, besides the above-mentioned, were published by him, a list of which is given in the biography by his niece (ii. 299–301). Those which expressed a full statement of his views are: ‘Give us our Rights: or, a letter to the present electors of Middlesex and the Metropolis, showing what those rights are,’ &c. (1782); ‘The Commonwealth in Danger: with an introduction, containing remarks on some late writings of Arthur Young’ (1795). The rest of them are mere reiterations. Cartwright married in 1780 Miss Anne Katharine Dashwood, of a Lincolnshire family, but had no issue. His wife died on 21 Dec. 1834, and was buried by her husband in the churchyard of Finchley, Middlesex.

[Add. MSS. 27850 ff. 108 et seq., 27937 ff. 76, 80, 82, 92, 30108 ff. 333, 353, 30109 ff. 61, 124, 125, 30110 f. 80, 30111 f. 8; The Life and Correspondence of Major Cartwright, edited by his niece, F. D. C. (1826); A Memoir of John Cartwright, the Reformer, with a Likeness of that Honest and Consistent Patriot (1831); Tait's Magazine, new ser. i. 437 (1834); Life of S. Romilly (3rd ed.), ii. 109, 218–24, 508; Times, 25 Sept. 1824; Monthly Chronicle, 24 Sept. 1824; Gent. Mag. xciv. ii. 467–9; Monthly Review, lxxiii. 287 et seq.]

E. S.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.56
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
224 i 9 f.e. Cartwright, John (1740-1824): for Northamptonshire read Nottinghamshire
ii 13 f.e. after in vogue insert He unsuccessfully contested Nottinghamshire in 1780, Boston in 1806 and 1807, and was nominated for Westminster in 1818 and 1819
225 ii 17 after issue insert His wife died on 21 Dec. 1834, and was buried beside her husband in the churchyard of Finchley, Middlesex