Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Harrington, William

1346780Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 24 — Harrington, William1890Ronald Bayne

HARRINGTON, WILLIAM, LL.D. (d. 1523), divine, son of William Harrington, of Newbigging, Cumberland, and Joanna, daughter of W. Haske of Eastrington, Yorkshire, was born at Eastrington. On 8 July 1497 he was collated to the prebend of Islington in St. Paul's Cathedral, and in 1505 presented to the rectory of St. Anne's, Aldersgate. He resigned the rectory in 1510. He died before 25 Nov. 1523. He caused his tomb to be erected in St. John's Chapel, St. Paul's Cathedral, shortly before his death (Weever, Funeral Monuments, p. 370). He was the author of 'In this booke are conteyned the commendations of Matrimony, the manner and form of contracting, solempnysing, and lyving in the same; with declaration of all such impediments as doth let matrimony to be made. As also certayne other thynges which curates be bounden by the law to declare oftentimes to their parishe. Imprynted at the instance of Mayster Polydore Virgil, archdeaken of Wells. London per Jo. Rastal,' 4to, n.d. The book is dedicated by Harrington to Vergil; it was reprinted 'by Robert Redman in 1528, 4to.

[Tanner's Bibliotheca, p. 381; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), i. 342, 388; Newcourt's Repertorium, i. 168, 278.]