Lachtín mac Tarbín in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

1432821Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 31 — Lachtain1892Norman Moore

LACHTAIN (d. 622), Irish saint, whose name also appears in Irish literature as Laichtin (Martyrology of Donegal, p. 80), Lachtnain (Annala Rioghachta Eireann, i. 244), Lachtoc, and Molachtoc (Felire Œngusa, ed. Stokes, pp. 57, 64), belonged to the tribe called Muscraighe, who claimed descent from Conaire Mac Modhlamha, a king of Ireland in the second century. His father's name was Torben, and he was born in Munster. He became a disciple of Comgall [q. v.] of Beannchair and founded two churches, one in Ossory at Achadh-úr, now Freshford, county Kilkenny, the other at Bealach Feabbradh, of which the site is now uncertain. A later church, with an Irish inscription of the eleventh century over the door, represents his earlier edifice at Freshford, and near it is a holy well, called after him Tobar Lachtain. He died in 622. In the museum of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, is a silver reliquary, made in the twelfth century, to contain an arm of this saint. His feast is celebrated 19 March.

[Colgan's Acta Sanctorum Hiberniæ; Martyrology of Donegal, Irish Archæological and Celtic Society, 1864; O'Donovan's note in Annala R. E., i. 244–5; Leabhar Breac, facs. fol. 83; Dunraven's Notes on Irish Architecture, 1877, ii. 91; Mo Turas ar Lachtain, 1877.]

N. M.