Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Markham, Peter

1442647Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 36 — Markham, Peter1893William Albert Samuel Hewins

MARKHAM, PETER, M.D. (fl. 1758), writer on adulteration, exposed with some force the abuses in the manufacture of bread during the great scarcity of 1757. His writings did much to attract parliament to the subject suggestions were adopted due making of bread (31 Geo. II, c 29). He published: 1. 'Syhoroc, or Considerations on the Ten Ingredients used in the Adulteration of Bread Flour and Bread; to which is added a Plan of Redress,' &c., London, 1758, 8vo. Reprinted in the same year with the title, 'A Dissertation on Adulterated Bread,' &c. 2. 'A Final Warning to the Public to avoid the Detected Poison; being an Exposure . . . [of] an Infamous Pamphlet by Henry Jackson,' called "An Essay on Bread,"' &c.; 2nd edit. London, 1756, 8vo. Jackson's pamphlet had been written in reply to 'Poison Detected' and 'The Nature of Bread Honestly and Dishonestly Made,' published in the same year.

[Monthly Review, 1768. xviii. 493.]