Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Martin (d.1336)

Martin Alnwick in the ODNB.

1443013Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 36 — Martin (d.1336)1893Andrew George Little

MARTIN of Alnwick (d. 1336), Franciscan, was a member of the Minorite convent at Oxford in 1300. He became D.D. and regent master of the Franciscan schools between 1300 and 1310. In 131 1 he was summoned to Avignon to take part on the controversy between the conventual and spiritual Franciscans, as one of the four advisers of the general minister. The dispute was tried by a commission of cardinals and theologians, and decided at the council of Vienne in favour of the better section of the conventuals. Martin pleaded the cause of the latter, and was eviuently one of the leading Franciscans of the time. Bale says that he died at Newcastle in 1336. He is said to have written a universal chronicle ; but that which is sometimes ascribed to him is the well-known chronicle of Martin us Polonus, friar preacher, with the continuation by Hermann Gygas ; (Arundel MS. Brit. Mus. 371, printed 1750). The 'Questiones Almoich in 1 et 2 Sententiarum,' now or formerly extant among the manuscripts in Bibliotheca S. Antonii, Padua (see Tomasin, Catalogue, a.d. 1039), are probably by Friar William of Alnwick.

[Monumenta Franciscana, vol. i. ; Wood's City of Oxford, ed. Clark, ii. 388 ; Archiv fur Litterntur und Kirchengesehichte des Mtttelalters, ii. 361, iii. 39, iv. 28 seq. ; Bale's Script, cent, v. 26.]