Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Ulecot, Philip de

Sir Philip of Oldcoates in the ODNB.

704357Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 58 — Ulecot, Philip de1899Walter Eustace Rhodes

ULECOT, PHILIP de (d. 1220), judge, was in 1204–5 constable of Chinon (Patent Rolls, p. 40 b). He seems to have been taken prisoner in France, and he stood so high in the royal favour that on 7 May 1207 King John gave him two hundred marks for his ransom (Close Rolls, p. 82 b). He witnessed charters at Rockingham and Carlisle in July and August 1208 (Charter Rolls, pp. 181 b, 182), and is mentioned by Roger of Wendover (ii. 60) as among John's evil counsellors in 1211. On 11 May 1212 he was given the custody of the lands of Robert de Ros (Patent Rolls, p. 92 b). In 1213 he became forester of Northumberland, received several manors from the king, 12 Feb. 1213 (Charter Rolls, p. 190), and became sheriff of that county and custos of the bishopric of Durham during its vacancy in conjunction with the archdeacon of Durham and Earl Warenne (Patent Rolls, p. 94 b). On 3 Sept. 1212 he and Reiner de Clare seem to have been in charge of Richard, the king's son (ib. p. 104). He afterwards held the sheriffdom alone, and continued to hold it during the first four years of Henry III.

In 1216 Ulecot and Hugh de Balliol were put by John in command of the country between the River Tees and Scotland, and held the castles against the barons' ally, the king of Scots (Wendover, pp. 166, 191). The custody of the lands of the bishopric of Durham between Tyne and Tees had, however, been taken from him and given to Robert de Vieuxpont [q. v.] on 15 Aug. 1215 (Close Rolls, p. 225 b). Early in the reign of Henry III Ulecot had a quarrel with Roger Bertram, and was threatened with the seizure of his lands before he would restore Roger's castle of Midford on 4 April 1213 (Close Rolls, p. 357 b), while on 18 July he was ordered to destroy an adulterine castle he had built at Nafferton to the injury of the lands and castle of Prudhoe, belonging to Richard de Umfraville (ib. p. 379 b). He still held his offices in the north, though Pandulph had no confidence in him (ib. p. 434; Rymer, i. 162). In 3 Henry III he was one of the justices itinerant for the three northern counties, and on 16 Sept. 1220 Henry committed Gascony to his custody, in addition to his other commands. He died before 2 Nov. following (Close Rolls, p. 473 b). He married Johanna, sister of the wife of Sewel FitzHenry, and was fined 100l. and a complete horse for doing so.

[Authorities cited in text; Foss's Judges of England.]