Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 11

Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
v i 3 f.e. List of Writers: omit Right
vi ii 10 for Welsh read Welch
3 i 13 Claughton, Piers C.: for in 1870 he was read he was in March 1871
22 for death read resignation
4 i 5 f.e. Clavering, Sir John: after Bath insert From 1770 till death he was governor of Landguard Fort
5 i 10 for Delaware read Delawarr
8 f.e. Clavering, Robert: for was made prebendary of read to which was adjoined
6 f.e. before On 2 Jan. insert From 1713 to 1725 he was treasurer of St. Davids.
8 i 8 f.e. Clay, James: after he sat insert till he was unseated on petition in 1853, and then from 1857
7 f.e. for in 1873 read on 26 Sept. 1873
11 i 2 Clay, William K.: for Wheatley read Wheatly
17 Claymond, John: for 1504 read 1506-7
22 f.e. for 1516 read 1516-7
12 i 39-42 Claypoole, Elizabeth: for exhumed and cast . . . . Kennet, Register) read allowed to remain in the Abbey (Stanley's Westminster Abbey, ed. 1868, p. 179)
13 ii 13 Clayton, John (1709-1773): for 1825 read 1725 and for 1829 read 1729
16 ii 4 f.e. Clayton, Richard: after 11 Dec. 1595 insert was transferred in 1606 to the Leicester St. Margaret prebend
17 i 32 Clayton, Sir Richard: for where he died read from 1825 till his death there
22 f.e. for an only daughter read a son, who became second baronet, and a daughter
ii 36 Clayton, Sir Robert: for 1688 read 1683, when he was turned out on the withdrawal of the city's charter. On his reinstatement after the restoration of the charter in October 1688 he immediately resigned, but was re-elected in October 1689 and sat for Cheap Ward till death.
18 ii 39-40 for a governor of the Irish Society read governor of the Irish Society 1692-1706
18 f.e. after Hospital, insert He was colonel of the Orange regiment of the London militia 1680-1, 1689-90, 1694-1702.
19 i 29 Clayton, Robert (1695-1758): for Robert read John
30 for St. Michael's read St. Michan's
32 after Busie. insert His uncle William, a prominent citizen of Liverpool, was M.P. for that city 1698-1702 and 1713-14.
21 ii 3 Cleasby, Sir Anthony: for 1867 read Feb. 1868
23 i 20 Cleaver, William: for master read principal
ii 9 for lxxxiii. read lxxxv.
16 Cleeve, Bourchier: for probably the son read the tenth son
18 after p, 221) insert by his second wife, Anne daughter of John Bourchier
23 ii 23-34 Cleeve, Bourchier: for Cleeve was survived . . . Elizabeth, read, He married, about 1740, Mary Haydon, who died 28 Dec. 1760, leaving a daughter, Ann.
9 f.e. before Hasted's insert P.C.C. 94 Linch;
24 ii 26 f.e. Clegg, Samuel: for Murdoch's read Murdock's
10 f.e. for 1816 read 1815 and again in 1818
25 i 21 f.e. for three read two
30 i 18-17 f.e. Cleland, William (1674?-1741): for and after 1723 read until 1714 and from May 1724 till July 1738
32 ii 34 Clement, Gregory: for Camelford read Fowey
39 i 32 Clerk, Sir George: after Royal Society, insert president of Zoological Society 1862-7,
44 ii 2 Clerk, William: for 1651 read 1647
29 Clerk-Maxwell, Sir George: after the customs insert in Scotland from 1763 till death
45 i 18 Clerke, Bartholomew: for professor of read lecturer in
46 i 10 f.e. Clerke, Charles: after circumnavigator insert son of Joseph Clerke of Weatherfield, Essex,
ii 40 after 1779. insert Clerke's sister married Paul Henry Maty [q. v.])
47 i 30-31 Clerke, Gilbert: for Luffingham, Northamptonshire read Luffenham, Rutland
ii 27 Clerke, Henry: omit probationer
48 i 30-31 Clerke, Richard: for one of the six preachers . . . . Canterbury read sixth prebendary of Canterbury
ii 10 Clerke, Thomas H. S.: after 1830 insert and made K.H. 1831
55 ii 32 Cliff, Henry de: after secured, insert In 1319 he became canon of York.
56 i 32 Clifford, Anne, Countess of Dorset: for second earl read third earl
58 ii 14 f.e. Clifford, Sir Augustus W. J.: for retired admiral read admiral of the blue
13 f.e. after 1864 insert becoming retired admiral 31 March 1866
61 i 15 f.e. Clifford, George, 3rd Earl of Cumberland: after 1605. insert He was lord-lieutenant of Cumberland from 1595 till death.
63 i l.l. Clifford, Henry de, 1st Earl of Cumberland: before He died insert He was made K.G. in 1537.
64 ii 8 Clifford, Henry, 5th Earl of Cumberland: after lasting, insert In 1614 and 1620 he was M.P. for Westmoreland.
66 ii 36 Clifford, Hugh Charles, 7th Lord Clifford of Chudleigh: for Mary read Mary Lucy
67 ii 27-31 Clifford, John de, 9th Baron Clifford: omit seems now . . . . and Salisbury
32 after Blore Heath insert took the oath of allegiance to Henry VI
33 for (ib. 84) read (ib. 84, where he is confused with John, Lord Clinton, who was attainted; see Rotuli Parl. v. 349)
69 ii 6 f.e. Clifford, Richard: after (9 Aug. 1392) insert in Lincoln Cathedral, and prebendary of Chiswick (18 April 1397)
2 f.e. for and of Norwell read It seems to have been another Richard Clifford who was prebendary of Norwell
70 ii 31 Clifford, Robert de, 5th Baron Clifford: omit (? 'd.' 29 Nov. 1801)
75 ii 5 f.e. Clifford, Rosamond: for president of read resident in
76 i 31-36 omit Before his death . . . . about 1175
18 f.e. for emphatically stated read adopted
17-11 f.e. for But the main argument . . . . the Cliffords, read It is true that William Longsword first appears in history in 1196, when a son of Henry by Rosamond would come of age. The manor of Appleby in Lincolnshire was granted before 1200 to one William Longsword, but he proves to be the brother and not the son of Henry II.; the manor of Appleby in Westmoreland belonged to the Cliffords of the fourteenth century. A confusion between these two properties may well have led the suitors of 1607 to associate the younger Longsword with the Clifford genealogy and to support his suggested parentage.
77 ii 10 Clifford, Thomas de, 6th Baron of Westmoreland: for 1493 read 1393
11 f.e. Clifford, Thomas de, 8th Baron Clifford: for 1334 read 1434
81 ii 32 Clifford, Thomas, 1st Lord Clifford of Chudleigh: for third son, George, read fourth son, Hugh.
88 ii 22-25 Clifton, Robert C.: omit in which college . . . . experimental philosophy,
91 ii 35-36 Clinton, Edward F. de, Earl of Lincoln: for in or about 1530, read in 1534,
93 i 18, 12 f.e. for mother-in-law read step-mother
94 ii 6 f.e. Clinton, Sir Henry (1738?-1795): after appointed insert governor of Limerick in 1775,
5 f.e. after 1779, insert colonel in chief of the 84th regiment 1778-1802,
96 i 20
11 f.e.
8 f.e.
Clinton, Henry F., 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne: for Lyne read Lyme
18 f.e. after exchequer, insert (appointed 1751)
98 ii 29 Clinton, Henry P. F. P., 4th Duke of Newcastle: after insatiable, insert He brought Gladstone in as M.P. for Newark in 1832, and turned him out on the Free Trade question in 1846.
99 i 16 Clinton, Henry P. F. P., 5th Duke of Newcastle: after majority, insert and then contested North Nottinghamshire with equal want of success,
ii 33 Clinton, Sir William H.: after 1790. insert He was M.P. for East Betford 1794-6.
14 f.e. for Alkmar read Alkmaar
100 i 32-33 omit At the conclusion of the war
33 after was made insert lieutenant-general 1813
34 after regiment, insert 1814 and omit and promoted lieutenant-general
19 f.e. for 1830 read 1829
8 f.e. for 23 Dec. 1846. read 15 Feb. 1846. He was lieutenant-governor of Chelsea from 1842 till death.
i 4-5 Clipstone, John: for professor of sacred literature read doctor of divinity
102 i 21 Clitherow, Sir Christopher: for in 1625 read from 1624 to 1635
2 f.e. for 1625 read 1625-6
ii 2 for 1627 read 1627-8
7 f.e. for In 1636-40 read From 1636 till death
107 i 23 f.e. Clive, Catherine: for Boys in Petticoats' read Bayes in Petticoats'
108 i 10 Clive, Edward, Earl of Powis: after 1694. insert He was lord-lieutenant of Shropshire 1775-98 and 1804 till death
118 ii 15 f.e. Clive, Robert, Lord Clive: after year, insert He was lord-lieutenant of Shropshire and Montgomery from 1772 till his death
120 ii 25 Cloete, Sir Abraham J.: after 1854 insert He became major-general 1855, lieutenant-general 1862, and general 1871.
121 i 3 f.e. Clopton, Sir Hugh: for (d. 1497) read (d. 1496)
ii 11 after He was insert alderman of Dowgate ward from Oct. 1485 and
14 for 1492 read Oct. 1491
36 for 1497 read 1496
123 i 17 f.e. Close, Sir Barry: after Close insert who was promoted major-general in 1810
126 i 13 Clotworthy, Sir John, 1st Lord Massereene: for and read becoming M.P. for Co. Antrim in the Irish parliament of 1634. He
23 before On the insert To the Short parliament Clotworthy was returned for Bossiney
127 ii 23 Clough, Arthur H.: for at read under
139 i 32 Coates, Charles: after prince regent, insert From 1808 till death he was prebendary of Wells,
140 i 17 Coates, Robert: omit where he soon after married.
27 after Emma Anne insert whom he married at St. George's, Hanover Square,
30 before Gent. Mag. insert Robinson's Life of Robert Coates
37 for Kent's read Dent's
ii 36 Cobb, James: after secretary insert in 1814
144 i 8 f.e. Cobbett, William: for (1821) read (1820)
ii 2 after places, insert In 1832 he unsuccessfully contested Manchester.
10 for in June read on 18 June
148 ii 24 f.e. Cobden, Richard: for Salden read Sabden
149 i 4 f.e. for 418 read 412
ii 7-8 for In the same year read He was one of the first aldermen, and held office till 1844. In 1838, too
152 ii 21 f.e. for 1858 read 1859
155 i 3 f.e. Cobham, John de, 3rd Lord Cobham: for (1260-1335) read (d. 25 Aug. 1839)
ii 4-6 for His mother's name . . . lord Beauchamp read His mother was Joan, daughter of Sir John Beauchamp of Stoke-under-Hamden
11-17 for As Henry de Cobham . . . his death in 1408 read Dugdale is altogether wrong. According to the extant brasses in the church at Cobham, where almost all the family are buried, Henry de Cobham died in 1339, and John de Cobham the elder, who was already married in 8 Edward III (1314-15), and an admiral of the fleet in 1335, died 25 Feb. 1354-5
18-38 for The Cobham records . . . died in 1358 or 1359 read The younger John de Cobham succeeded to his father's estates in 1355. He was first summoned to parliament 20 Sept. 1355. He went to France in 1359 and was made a banneret in 1370
20 f.e. after Rome insert to obtain from Urban V the appointment of William of Wykeham to the see of Winchester
156 i 9 f.e. for 1408) he seems to have died read 1407-3) he died
8 f.e. after years old insert and was buried in Cobham Church
4 f.e. after 1331 insert (she died in 1395)
l.l. after married insert in 1362
ii 1 after de la Pole insert and died about 1388
4 after widow of insert Her third husband
5 omit is said to have been and after times insert and died 13 Jan. 1433-4
5-6 for One of her husbands read Her fourth husband
10 for another husband read her second husband and for Gerard read Reginald
25 for ten read twenty
26 for (1370-1) read (1380-1)
28 for were read on enamelled copper are
29 omit in Hasted's time
24-22 f.e. for which have been . . . the above article read The Lords of Cobham and their Monuments, by J. G. Waller, in Archæologia Cantiana, vol. xi. 64 et seq.
159 ii 30 Cochrane, Sir Alexander F. I.: for Marcotis read Mareotis
34 omit when
35 for was read had been
36 after boroughs insert in 1800 and sat till defeated at the general election in 1806
160 i 7 f.e. for June read Jan.
166 ii 13 f.e. Cochrane, Thomas, 10th Earl of Dundonald: for Just at this time read In June 1806
8 f.e. for 13 March 1805 read June 1806
167 2 36 after the 27th. transfer to this place the paragraph as corrected from page 166, col. ii, lines 13-3 from end.
23 f.e. for by a triumphant majority read unopposed
7 f.e. for at the head of the poll read with
6 f.e. for being his colleague read although with 1,400 fewer votes
174 ii 6 after 31 Oct. 1860 insert The reparation was tardily completed on 19 March 1878, when, in accordance with the report of a parliamentary committee, 5,000l. was voted to his grandson, Lord Cochrane, 'in respect of the distinguished services of his grandfather, the late earl of Dundonald,' but really as an equivalent for Dundonald's half-pay during the period of his exclusion from the British navy (Parl. Papers, 1877, Nos. 92, 338; Times, 20 March 1878.)
175 ii 4 f.e. Cochrane, Sir Thomas J.: after same station, insert from 1825 to 1834 was governor of Newfoundland,
3 f.e. after rear-admiral, insert He was M.P. for Ipswich 1839-41.
177 ii 10-9 f.e. Cockburn, Sir Alexander J. E.: for secretary of state in 1806, read under-secretary for war and the colonies 1806-7,
9-8 f.e. for in 1811 read from 1811 to 1819
i 1 for Columbia read Colombia
ii 16 f.e. for Dundee read Dundas
i 14 after the Bath insert (1873)
ii 24 f.e. for Hatherly read Hatherley
184 i 7-8 Cockburn, Catharine: for In defence of Locke read 'Defence of Locke's Essay'
ii 14 f.e. Cockburn, Sir George (1763-1847): after British army, insert He was G.C.H. in 1831.
185 ii 12 f.e. Cockburn, Sir George (1772-1853): for (1813) rend (1814)
186 i 5 f.e. for 1820 read 1828
3 f.e. after admiralty insert (1818-30 and 1834-5)
190 i 22 Cockburn, John: after D.D. insert although he was not presented for that degree at Oxford until 27 May 1709 (Hearne's Collections, Oxf. Hist. Soc. ii. 202)
192 ii 21 Cockburn, William (1669-1739): for 1796 read 1696
20 f.e. for when war broke out read but war broke out in 1702
199 i 12 Cockerell, Frederick P.: for Crayley read Crawley
12 f.e. after Hampstead insert (alterations only)
200 i 3 Cockerill, William: for or read and
ii 31 after Brit. Mus. Cat.; insert Emerson Tennent's Belgium, 1841, vol. ii. 161-4, 174-85;
204 i 7 f.e. Codrington, Christopher: after gave him insert in May 1699
205 ii 4 Codrington, Sir Edward: for on 10 July 1821 read in 1825
207 ii 15 after 24 Oct. insert He was made G.C.M.G. in 1832, and was liberal M.P. for Devonport 1832-9.
214 ii 9 Coetlogon, Charles E. de: for Martyn read Martin
219 ii 8 Cogan, Eliezer: omit if not thrice
2 f.e. omit Mr. Milner
l.l. for Gibson read and and omit Lord Over-
220 i 1 omit stone
224 i 29 Cok, John: for In the Cottonian Collection read Among the Additional Manuscripts
30-31 for (Plut. clxviii. c.) read (MS. Addit. 10392)
226 i 10-15 Cokayne, George: for compiled by . . . . 470, 982). read but this was the work of Thomas Cokayne [q. v.]: George is merely one of the signatories of a recommendatory letter addressed 'to the reader.'
227 i 8 f.e. Cokayne, Thomas: after published insert in collaboration with others
l.l. omit This statement is accepted
ii 1-6 omit in the Cockayne 'Memoranda' . . . . in this work.
7 after Museum, insert But there is a copy in the Amherst College Library, Massachusetts, from an examination of which it appears that Thomas was the sole author. Henry Jessey prepared the two indexes, and appended is the English-Greek grammar of Joseph Caryl [q. v.]
ii 28 Cokayne, Sir William: after alderman of insert Farringdon Without (1609-13), of and for soon read (1613-8)
29 for afterwards read of Lime Street (1618-25) and of Broad Street (1625 till death). He was governor of the Irish Society 1611-14
228 i 24 for Holderness read Holdernesse
4 f.e. Coke, Daniel P.: for All Souls read Queen's College
3 f.e. before B.A. insert He migrated to All Souls and graduated
ii 2 for 1775 read 1776
5 omit tory
7 f.e. for prebends read prebendaries
242 ii 26 Coke, Sir Edward: for three read more
250 i 28 Coke, Thomas W., Earl of Leicester: after Edward insert who was returned in his place for Norfolk
252 ii 7 Colbatch, John: after 207, yearly, insert which he held from 1702 to 1720,
10 after divinity, insert which he held from 1707 till death,
253 i 30 Colborne, Sir John, 1st Baron Seaton: before entered insert was educated at Christ's Hospital and
ii 1 after Peninsula, insert joining Wellington at Jaraicejo about 11 Aug.
3 for Venegas, read Cuesta, who was, however, replaced (12 Aug.) by General Eguia before Colborne reached the Spanish headquarters. Eguia was superseded in Oct. by Areizaga
4 for he witnessed read Colborne witnessed
17 omit He commanded
253 ii 18 Colborne, Sir John, 1st Baron Seaton: for his regiment only . . . . Salamanca read or at the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria. He returned to the army in July 1813
19 for but in 1813 . . . . the command read and in September 1813 through the illness of Major-General Skerrett he assumed temporary command
21 omit three
22 omit Vittoria, and for He read In
23 for then again read January 1814 he and after his insert old
29 after K.C.B.'s insert January 1815 and omit afterwards
30 after prince regent insert (June 1814)
2 f.e. omit directly
l.l. after 1825 insert four years before he
254 i 5 for 1830 read 1828
19 for latter read former
20 after year, insert He was colonel of the 94th foot 1834-8 and of the 26th foot 1838-54.
27 after field-marshal insert He was made colonel-in-chief of the rifle brigade 1861
29-30 for in 1814 read on 21 June 1813
261 ii 16 f.e. Coldingham, Geoffrey de: for bishop read bishop elect
264 ii 24 f.e. Cole, Sir Galbraith L.: for 1798 read 1797
22 f.e. after until insert January 1800, retiring before
266 i 21 for He had previously been read He was governor of Gravesend and Tilbury from 1818, till death, colonel of the 103rd foot 1812-4, of the 70th foot 1814-6, and of the 34th foot 1816-26, and was
ii 24 f.e. Cole, Henry: omit Oxford
274 i 26 f.e. Cole, Thomas: (1627?-1697) for and read of
ii 22 Cole, William (d. 1600): for Lincoln read Lincolnshire
18 f.e. for lii read ii
275 i 16-12 f.e. for We may conclude that . . . . appointed by the queen read The precise date of his return is not known, but having married while at Geneva he could not be restored to his fellowship at Corpus. In 1568, however, there being a vacancy in the presidentship, he was nominated to it by the queen
ii 13 for Wood read an authority quoted by Dr. Bliss in his notes on Wood's 'Athenee'
24 f.e. after 194 note), insert He was a prebendary of Winchester 1572-9.
276 i 13-16 for but the above-named daughter . . . . any record, read His son Thomas succeeded him as rector of Heyford-ad-Pontem and held the living from 1600 to 1646.
33 for Landsdowne read Lansdowne
ii 7 Cole, Sir William (d. 1653): for 1639 read 1634
277 i 13-14 Cole, William (1626-1662): omit became B.D New College and
293 ii 14 f.e. Colepeper, John, 1st Lord Colepeper: after elected insert to the Short parliament as member for Rye and
298 ii 10 f.e. Coleridge, Derwent: for 2 April read 28 March
299 i 13 f.e. Coleridge, Hartley: for (1826) read (1820)
302 i 29 Coleridge, Sir John T.: after schools insert in 1812
33 after College insert in 1812
19 f.e. after Ellison insert (he graduated B.A. 1815 and M.A. 1817)
12 f.e. for 1834 read 1824
ii 41 for Gibb read Gilbert
307 ii 13 f.e. Coleridge, Samuel T.: for Gozlar read Goslar
314 ii 31 before Vandyck insert Peter
321 i 12-11 f.e. Colet, Sir Henry: for Castle Baynard read Bassishaw
10 f.e. for 1 Feb. 1483-4 read 28 Aug. 1478, and retired from the corporation 15 Feb. 1481-2. He returned as alderman of Castle Baynard 1 Feb. 1482-3
9 f.e. for 1487-8 read 1486-7
323 ii 22 Colet, John: for extracts read extant
324 ii 6 for 1570 read 1510
326 i 28 Colet, John: after exist, insert He was treasurer of Chichester Cathedral 1516.
9 f.e.
12, 55
Coley, Henry: for Selby read Sibly
330 i 7 Colfe, Abraham: for brother read uncle
32 Colfe, Isaac: after Canterbury, insert He was prebendary of Canterbury from 1596 till his death.
332 i 9 College, Stephen: for Lord William Stafford read William, Lord Stafford
337 i 19 f.e. Colley, Sir George P.: after C. B. insert (1874) and after C. M. G. insert (1878)
18 f.e. after K.C.S.I. insert (July 1879)
344 ii 23 f.e. Collier, Jeremy: for Nicholson read Nicolson
351 i 18 f.e. Collier, John P.: for C. W. Singer read S. W. Singer
353 i 5 f.e. Collier, Robert P., Lord Monkswell: for 1842 read 1841
l.l. for Kemp read Kempe
354 i 42-43 for protected read protested
365 i 28 Collins, Arthur: for thrust into the fourteenth volume read introduced
373 ii 24 Collins, Mortimer: for 1865 read 1855
375 ii 46-47 Collins, Samuel (1619-1670): omit and was incorporated . . . . 1659
376 ii 29 Collins, Samuel (1618-1710): for in 1652 read on 24 June 1659
378 i 18 f.e. Collins, William (1721-1759): for 408 read 419
381 ii 21 Collins, William L.: for 1835 read 1853
382 i 5 f.e. Collinson, John: for Sept. read Aug. and after thirty-six insert and was buried in the nave of Long Aston church
384 ii 13 Collinson, Septimus: after 1827 insert He left 1,500l. to found a school in the parish of Great Musgrave, which is still in existence.
29-30 Colles, John D.: for Kennicott, Pusey, and Ellerton read Kennicott, and Pusey and Ellerton
390 ii 24 Colman, George, the elder: for 1755 read 1757
399 i 29 Colonia, Adam de: for Berchem read Berghem
400 i 1 Colpoys, Sir John: for July read June
ii 3 after year insert when he was made K.B
14-15 omit he had also been . . . . the Bath,
402 ii 29 Colquhoun, John C. (1785-1854): omit (brother of the third)
403 i 12 Colquhoun, John C. (1803-70): before was born insert eldest son of Archibald Campbell-Colquhoun [q. v.]
405 i 1, 13 Colquhoun, Patrick: for Yates read Yeats
4 for Dr. H. Boase read Henry Boase
406 i 18 Colson, Lancelot: after stone, insert He also compiled an almanack for 1680.
407 ii 13 Colt, Maximilian: after resign, insert He married in the Dutch church in Austin Friars, on 31 Jan. 1604, Susanna Geeraerts van Antwerpen (Register, ed. W. J. C. Moens).
22-23 for the preceding June read June 1606
25 for Anne read Mary
26 for the previous December read 16 Sept. 1607
6 f.e. after or Coult. insert In the marriage register he is described as 'Maximilian Poictrin van Utrecht.'
408 ii 43-44 Colton, John: for Caius and Gonville College read Gonville Hall
409 i 35 for 1881 read 1882
417 i 20 Colvile, Sir James W.: for Wedderburn Colville read Wedderburn, who changed his name to Colvile
32-5 for the influence . . . . the appointment of read he was appointed
419 ii 35 Colville, Sir Charles: for 1834 read 1832. He was colonel 5th garrison battalion 1812-5, colonel 34th foot 1815-23, 74th foot 1823-34, 14th foot 1834-5, and 5th foot 1835 till death.
422 i 5-4 f.e. Colville, William: for the Tron Church read Trinity College
424 ii 7 f.e. Colyear, Sir David, 1st Earl of Portmore: after Scotland, insert He was colonel Scots Greys (2nd Dragoon Guards) 1714-7.
425 i 11 omit of
428 i 34 Combe, George: for 1830 read 1820
435 ii 3 f.e. Comber, Thomas (1645-1699): for Barkham read Barcombe
439 ii 4 Comgall, Saint: for St. Finian's read St. Finnian's
444 i 30-2 Compton, Henry (1032-1713): for although a beneficed clergyman . . . . point of view read although once a nonconformist, was now opposed to nonconformity, attacked Compton for his liberality
448 ii 3 f.e. Compton, Sir Herbert A. D.: after cutta. insert A portrait is in the Oriental Club, Hanover Square.
449 i 23 Compton, Henry, 2nd Earl of Northampton: after (Doyle), insert He was lord-lieutenant of Warwickshire from 1630 till death.
450 i 8 Compton, Spencer, Earl of Wilmington: after Campden. insert He became a commoner of Trinity College, Oxford, in 1690. Five years later he contested East Grinstead unsuccessfully.
9 for July read June
11 for five read six
452 i 35 Compton, Spencer J. A., 2nd Marquis of Northampton: for 1849 read 1848
44 for Smeedly read Smedley
ii 27 Compton, Thomas: for Winceslaus read Wcnceslaus
453 ii 15 Compton, Sir William (1625-1663): for who gave him command of a read He joined his father's
459 i 17 f.e. Comyn, John, the elder (d. 1300?): after Margaret insert the Maid of Norway, the child of Princess Margaret and King Eric
463 ii 39 Comyn, Sir Robert B.: for Calcutta read Madras
464 ii 32 Comyns, Sir John: omit was educated . . . . Cambridge
37-9 for in every parliament . . . . 1712 (inclusive) read in 1701-8 and 1710-5
465 ii 2 Conant, John: for 1693 read 1694
466 i 17 f.e. for Woollebius read Wollebius
467 i 24 for 1693 read 1693-4
25 for eighty-six read eighty-five
468 i 33-4 Concanen, Matthew: for but a few weeks afterwards read at the end of 1743. He
35 for 1729 read 1749