Divehi romanization table (2012)
The Library of Congress
4382604Divehi romanization table2012The Library of Congress


Letters of the Alphabet
Consonants (see Note 1)

ހ h ތ t (see Note 4)
ށ ś or ḫ (see Note 1) ލ l
ނ n (see Note 2) ގ g
ރ r ޏ ñ
ބ b ސ s
ޅ ޑ
ކ k ޖ j
އ ʼ or ẖ or omit (see Note 3) ޗ c
ވ v ޒ z
މ m ޓ
ފ f ޕ p
ދ d ޔ y
Vowels (see Note 5)
ައ a ެއ e
ާއ ā ޭއ ē
ިއ i ޮއ o
ީއ ī ޯއ ō
ުއ u ް◌ omit (see Note 6)
ޫއ ū
Divehi Equivalents to Represent Arabic Letters
ޘ (ث) th ޟ (ض) ḏ
ޙ (ح) ḥ ޠ (ط) ̤t
ޚ (خ) kh ޡ (ظ) ẓ
ޛ (ذ) dh ޢ (ع) ʻ (ayn)
ޝ (ش) sh ޣ (غ) gh
ޞ (ص) ṣ ޤ (ق) q

1. Romanize ށް as when it doubles the following consonant or is used as a glottal stop.

aḫvana ައ ްށަވ ަނ
maśaḫ ަމ ަށ ްށ

2. When used in medial position without ް◌ (sukūn), romanize ނ as .

aṁga އ ަނގ
haṁdu ހ ުނދ

3. Romanization of ‫އ‬.

(a) When used in the initial position with any vowel sign, do not romanize.
ata ައ ަތ
idu ިއ ުދ
umuru ުއ ުމ ުރ
egahugi ެއ ަގުހިގ
(b) When used in the medial position with any vowel sign, romanize as ’.
ha’hūnu ަހިއޫހ ުނ
fa’isa ަފިއ ަސ
k’īn ްކީއ ްނ
(c) When a consonant follows ‫ ްއ‬ in medial position, double it in romanization.
cappalu ަޗ ްއ ަޕ ުލ
appacci ައ ްއ ަޕ ްއިޗ
(d) When used in final position with ް◌ (sukūn), romanize as h.
boh ޮބ ްއ
biheh ިބ ެހ ްއ

4. Romanize ‫ ްތ‬ followed by another ‫ ތ‬as t.

atteri ައ ްތ ެތިރ

5. Only the vowel forms that appear at the beginning of a syllable are listed. When the vowels follow a consonant, ‫ އ‬is not used and the vowel signs are added to the consonant forms. Do not distinguish between the two in romanization.

6. ް◌ (called sukūn) generally indicates omission of an inherent vowel associated with a consonant. For its other uses, see Notes 1, 3, and 4.