Divine Songs for the Use of Children (1847)/XII. The Advantages of Early Religion

3948803Divine Songs for the Use of Children (1847) — XII. The Advantages of Early ReligionIsaac Watts
XII.—The advantages of early Religion.

1Happy the child whose tender years
receive instruction well;
Who hates the sinner's path, and fears
the road that leads to hell.

2When we devote our youth to God,
'tis pleasing in his eyes;
A flower, when offer'd in the bud,
is no vain sacrifice.

3'Tis easier work, if we begin
to fear the Lord betimes;
While sinners, who grow old in sin,
are hardened in their crimes.

4'Twill save us from a thousand snares,
to mind religion young;
Grace will preserve our following years,
and make our virtue strong.

5To thee, Almighty God, to thee
our childhood we resign;
'Twill please us to look back and see
that our whole lives were thine.

6Let the sweet work of prayer and praise
employ my youngest breath;
Thus I'm prepared for longer days,
or fit for early death.