Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Basilicon Ointment

Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 1 (1802)
Basilicon Ointment

Edition of 1802.

2848105Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 1 — Basilicon Ointment1802

BASILICON OINTMENT, in pharmacy, a preparation consisting of eight parts of hog's lard; five of white resin; and two of yellow wax: or, according to the London College, of nearly equal parts of yellow resin, bees wax, and olive oil.—The former ingredients, prescribed by the Edinburgh College, are cheaper and equally efficacious.

This ointment is generally employed in the dressing of wounds and ulcers, for digesting and cleansing them, as well as for promoting their cicatrization. Modern surgeons, however, are not willing to attribute any considerable effect to external applications; for they are well convinced, that the healing of wounds depends more on the spontaneous efforts of Nature, especially in a sound and healthy constitution, than upon any artificial aid by liniments, unguents or plasters; and that little benefit can be derived from them, unless the diseased part be properly dressed and cleansed; while the internal state of the body should also be duly attended to. Yet, there are instances on record, in which the basilicon, combined either with a small proportion of the red precipitate of mercury, or, which is still better, the juice of the burdock-root, has proved efficacious in healing scrophulous ulcers, especially those situated near the articulations of bones.