Edition of 1802.

COTTON, a soft downy substance; the production of the gossypium, L. or cotton-tree, a genus of plants comprising twelve species, all of which are natives of warm climates, though four only are cultivated in fields to a very considerable extent. This plant is propagated by seeds, and when reared in Britain, requires to be kept in a hot-house, where it will produce both seeds and its peculiar down.

The cotton used in the manufactures of Britain, is chiefly obtained from the West Indian plantations. It is, in general, of a pale red, but sometimes so short as to be unfit for spinning. None of the latter sort is exported to Europe, though it might be usefully employed with other materials in the making of hats: the small quantities collected of it, are employed for the stuffing of mattresses and pillows.

The first operation which the imported cotton undergoes, after being picked, is that of carding. This was formerly performed by the hand, with a single pair of cards, upon the knee; but, having been found a very tedious process, other methods were soon devised, for affording a quicker and more adequate supply. The earliest improvement for this purpose was made by Mr. James Hargrave, a weaver, in the vicinity of Blackburne, Lancashire: it consisted in applying two or three cards to the same board, and fixing them to a stool, or stock, whence they received the name of stock-cards.—With these, one woman could perform twice, or three times, the former quantity of work. A still more expeditious method of carding, by means of cylindrical cards worked by the aid of machinery, was afterwards invented, and which is, at present, most generally adopted. From the contradictory accounts current, respecting the original inventor, we cannot ascertain, with precision, to whom the merit of it is justly due.

The next, and most important, improvements in this extensive branch of our manufactures, were made by Mr. Archibald Arkwright, a native of Lancashire (who has since received the honour of knighthood), and subsequently of Cromford, in the county of Derby. He first introduced his new method of spinning cotton, in 1768, for which he obtained the King's patent in 1769; and another in 1775, for engines so constructed as to prepare the materials for spinning. The result of Mr. Arkwright's various inventions is a combination of machinery, by which cotton is carded, roved, and spun, with the utmost degree of exactness and equality.

Other machines have been contrived, and a variety of improvements made, at different times, by various mechanics and manufacturers, two of which, by the same artisan, merit particular notice. The first is called a mule, being a kind of union of the warp-machine of Mr. Arkwright's, above described, with that of the woof-machine of Mr. Hargrave, for spinning. The latter process was formerly effected by the hand, upon a machine called a one-thread wheel. Being, however, found inadequate to supply the quantities demanded for weaving, various methods were invented, with a view to expedite this manufacture; but with little effect, till Mr. Hargrave, in the year 1767, obtained a patent for a second mechanical apparatus, by which a great number of threads might be spun at once; and which is called a jenny. This machine has since been so greatly improved, that one person may spin 100 English hanks of cotton yarn per day, each of which consists of 840 yards. The next operation which cotton undergoes, is that of weaving it in a loom, in the same manner as flax or hemp.—See Calico.

In June, 1796, a patent was granted to Mr. Robert Miller, calico-printer, Dumbartonshire, Scotland, for a method of weaving all hinds of cotton, linen, and worsted-cloths, by means of looms worked by water; and which may be farther facilitated by steam-engines, horses, or any other power: the weaving is performed at considerably less expence, and more expeditiously, than it can be accomplished by the hands of weavers; the cloth thus woven is of a more regular texture, and superior to that wrought by the hand. But, as this patent relates purely to a mechanical operation, solely calculated for manufacturers, we refer the reader to the 8th vol. of the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures.

Another patent was granted in April, 1790, to Mr. W. Nicholson, of New North-street, Red Lion-square, for his invention of a machine for printing on cotton, woollen, and other articles, in a more neat, cheap, and accurate manner than is effected by the contrivances now in use. The leading principles of this invention, appear to consist of three particulars—1. The manner of preparing the original models, casts, types, engravings, carvings, or sculptures from which the impression is to be made; 2. In applying the ink, or colouring matter to such models, &c.; 3. In taking off the impression, or transferring the ink, or colouring matter from those models, &c. to the paper, cloth, or other materials, upon which it is intended to remain. Those of our readers, who may wish farther to investigate this subject, will find an accurate and minute account in the 8th volume of the work last mentioned.

The utility of cotton is not merely confined to the manufacture of different cloths: it is also capable of being converted into hats and paper. Experiments have shewn, that, if raw cotton be beaten to a sufficient degree, and then reduced to a proper pulp, it will produce a smooth, strong, white paper, little inferior in texture to that commonly made of linen rags.—See Paper.