Edition of 1802.

STAG, or Cervus Elaphus, L. an animal of chace, which is common in Britain, as well as in other parts of Europe, in the northern parts of Africa, Asia, and America. It is of a reddish-brown colour, with black spots on the face, and a dark stripe in the direction of the spine.

The stag is furnished with fine branching horns, which it generally sheds in the spring. The female produces one, and sometimes two fawns, towards the end of May, or early in June, after a gestation of 40 weeks. These animals attain the age of 35 or 40 years; are remarkable for their quick eye, sagacious scent, and acute ear; and, as they listen with delight to the sounds of the shepherd's pipe, this instrument has been successfully employed by hunters, for the purpose of decoying them.

The flesh of fawns is sweet and tender; but, when the stag advances in years, it acquires a strong and disagreeable flavour. Their most useful parts are, the skin and horns; the former being advantageously manufactured into leather; while the latter are converted into handles for knives, or other instruments; and, on being disstilled, they yield a volatile spirit, which is of considerable use in medicine.—See also Hart's-horns.