Edition of 1802.

THIRST, is an uneasy sensation, which arises from a deficiency of saliva, for moistening the mouth, and lubricating the throat.

Thirst is generally occasioned by the use of strong, salted, or highly-seasoned food: a moderate degree contributes to the preservation of health; as it requires a certain proportion of drink, to promote digestion; but, if it become excessive, it is in most cases a symptom of fevers, dropsies, &c.

The most effectual way of alleviating thirst, will be the use of diluted vegetable acids; or the chewing of a crust of bread with a little water, which liquid may be gradually swallowed. Where this unpleasant sensation, however, is consequent on any disease, the removal of the latter, together with the aid of diluent liquors adapted to its nature, and taken in small quantities, will also prevent the return of thirst. In other cases, where the use of acids or profuse draughts of diluents, might be productive of injury to the constitution, this complaint may sometimes be obviated, by chewing the root of the pellitory, or some similar substance, which excites and increases the flow of saliva. Lastly, as thirst is often the concomitant of excessive Hunger, and may sometimes occur at sea, the adoption of the expedients pointed out in that article, will generally afford relief.