Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Trefoil, the Common

Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 4 (1802)
Trefoil, the Common

Edition of 1802.

2675861Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 4 — Trefoil, the Common1802

TREFOIL, the Common Bird's-foot, or Lotus corniculatus, L. an indigenous perennial, growing in meadows, pastures, heaths, and road-sides, where it flowers from June to August.—This plant is eaten by cows, goats, and horses; but, according to Linnæus, is not relished by swine or sheep; though it is propagated in Hertfordshire as pasturage for the latter animals.—Dr. Anderson strongly recommends it to be cultivated for cattle; and Mr. Woodward remarks, that it may be raised to great advantage; as it attains a considerable height in moist meadows, and makes good hay.—Its flowers, when dried, acquire a greenish cast; in which respect, they resemble those of the plants producing Indigo: it is, therefore, probable, that they may be advantageously employed for obtaining a substitute for that expensive dyeing material.

According to Bradley, an infusion of the seeds, flowers, and leaves of the Common Bird's-foot, in wine, operates as a diuretic; and at the same time tends to allay the irritation of the urinary canal.