Edition of 1802.

2692474Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 4 — Tumbrel1802

TUMBREL, a machine employed chiefly in the county of Lincoln; for the purpose of giving food to sheep, during the winter.

In the 4th vol. of the "Repertory of Arts," &c. we meet with a description of a contrivance which is equally simple and useful: we have, therefore, been induced to give the annexed Cut, representing its structure.

It consists of a circular cage or crib, which may be made of willow, osiers, or similar pliant brush-wood. The whole is ten feet in circumference, being closely wattled to the height of one foot, above which it is left open for the space of about 18 inches; when it is again wattled to the height of 8 or 9 inches; an opening, 18 inches broad, being left at the top, for the purpose of putting in turnips, or other provender. The staves, forming the skeleton of the machine above reprpsented, are 10 inches apart, so that 12 sheep may feed at one time in each tumbrel.

Considerable advantages are derived from this method of feeding sheep; as it greatly reduces the expence of provender, which is thus prevented from being soiled with dung, or trodden under foot. In such a state of separation, the stronger animals cannot drive away the weaker sheep; each being secured by the head, while they are eating. Farther, the construction of the tumbrel being attended with no difficulties, it may be readily procured, and be daily conveyed to any part of a farm: if proper care be taken, this utensil may be preserved in constant use, for eight or ten years.