Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Volume 2/Index to Synonyms

Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 2 (1802)
Index to the Corresponding Synonyms, and Inversions of Terms, occurring in the Second Volume
2425289Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 2 — Index to the Corresponding Synonyms, and Inversions of Terms, occurring in the Second Volume1802


To the Corresponding Synonyms, and Inversions of Terms, occurring in the Second Volume.

  • Citric Acid; see Acids (in Supplem.)
  • Citron-water; see Distilling.
  • Clove-water; see Distilling.
  • Colds, in Dogs; see Dog.
  • Colewort; see Cabbage.
  • Confectionary; see Paste and Pastry.
  • Conger-eel; see Eel.
  • Congo-tea; see Tea-tree.
  • Copying-machine; see Writing.
  • Corinthian Brass; see Brass.
  • Corker; see Liverwort, the Dark-coloured.
  • Corn-crow-foot; see Crow-foot.
  • Corn-marigold; see Ox-eye, the Great White.
  • Corroborants; see Debility.
  • Corstorphine Cream; see Cream (in Supplem.)
  • Cos-lettuce; see Lettuce.
  • Cottenham Cheese; see Cheese.
  • Cotton; see Bleaching.
  • Cotton-thistle; see Thistle, the Cotton.
  • Coughs, in Dogs; see Dog.
  • Cow-itch; see Couhage.
  • Cow-pox; see Small-pox.
  • Cowslips of Jerusalem; see Lungwort.
  • Cows-lungwort; see Mullein, the Great White.
  • Crack-willow; see Willow.
  • Crap; see Buck-wheat.
  • Cross-bow; see Bow.
  • Crow-berries, the Black; see Heath, the Berry-bearing.
  • Culm-coal; see Coal.
  • Cyclopædia; sec Encyclopædia.
  • Daisy, the Greater; see Ox-eye, the Great White.
  • Damask-rose; see Rose.
  • Dead-nettle, the Yellow; see Weasel-snout.
  • Dead-tongue; see Hemlock Dropwort.
  • Deafness; see Ear.
  • Decyphering; see Deciphering.
  • Dee-nettle; see Dead-nettle.
  • Deglutition; see Swallowing.
  • Denshiring; see Burning of Land.
  • Dentition; see Teeth.
  • Dentrifice; see Teeth.
  • Devil's-bit Scabious; see Scabious.
  • Diary; see Journal.
  • Dibber; see Dibble.
  • Dill; see Fennel.
  • Dills; see Sea-wrack, the Palmated.
  • Distillation; see Distilling.
  • Dock, the Small-grained; see Blood-wort.
  • Dog-fish; see Shark, the Spotted.
  • Dog-wood; see Cornel-tree.
  • Dor; see Chafer.
  • Draft; sec Draught.
  • Drawers; see Flannel.
  • Dress; see Flannel, Shirt, and Stockings.
  • Dullesh, Dulls, or Dulse; see Sea-wrack, the Palmated.
  • Dutch-cheese; see Cheese.
  • Dutch-rushes; see Horse-tail, the Rough.
  • Dwarf-elder; see Elder.
  • Dwarf-thistle; see Thistle.
  • Dyer's Mulberry-tree; see Fustic.
  • Dyspepsy; see Indigestion.
  • Earth-worms; see Worms (in Supplem.)
  • Eglantine; see Rose
  • Elastic-rubber; see Caoutchouc.
  • Essential Oil; see Essence.
  • Evil; see Scrophula.
  • Experimental Farm; see Farm.
  • Fair-maids-of February; see Snow-drop, the Common.
  • Falcon, the Dove-coloured; see Hen-harrier.
  • Feeling; see Touch.
  • Fenberries; see Bilberry.
  • Fern, the Flowering, see Osmund-royal.
  • Fetch; see Vetch, the Common.
  • Field-eryngo; see Eryngo.
  • Filly; see Colt.
  • Fire-blast; see Blast.
  • Flake-white; see Colour-making.
  • Flooding of Land; see Irrigation.
  • Fold-meadow-grass; see Meadow-grass, the Roughish.
  • Fool-stones, the Male; see Early Orchis.
  • Framboise; see Raspberry, the Common.
  • Frankfort-blacking; see Blacking.
  • French-bread; see Bread (in Supplem.)
  • French Tamarisk; see Tamarisk, the French.
  • Fresh-water-soldier; see Water-aloe.
  • Frog-cheese; see Puff-ball, the Common.
  • Frog-hopper; see Flea-locust (in Supplem.)
  • Fuller's-teasel; see Teasel.
  • Furmenty; see Frumenty.
  • Fustoc; see Fustic.
  • Galangal, the Common; see Zedoary.
  • Galiagale, the English; see Cyper-grass.
  • Garden-nightshade; see Nightshade, the Woody.
  • Garden-parsnip; see Parsnep.
  • Garden-radish; see Radish.
  • Garden-rocket; see Rocket.
  • Garden-spider; see Spider.
  • Garden-thyme; see Thyme.
  • Garden-tulip; see Tulip.
  • Gargarism; see Gargle.
  • Garnet; see Granate.
  • Gatteridge-tree; see Spindle-tree.
  • Geneva; see Gin.
  • Gentil-falcon; see Falcon.
  • Gerard, the Herb; see Gout-weed.
  • German-flute; see Flute.
  • Giant-turtle; see Turtle, the Common.
  • Glastonbury-thorn; see Haw-thorn.
  • Glimmer, or Glist; see Mica.
  • Gloucester-cheese; see Cheese.
  • Goose-tongue; see Sneezewort Yarrow.
  • Go to-bed-at-noon; see Goat's-beard, the Yellow.
  • Grafting; see Engrafting.
  • Grass-poly; see Loose-strife, the Purple.
  • Grayling; see Umber.
  • Gray-millet; see Gromwell.
  • Great Burnet; see Burnet, the Great.
  • Green-house-bug; see Coccus.
  • Green-ink; see Ink.
  • Green-tea; see Tea-tree.
  • Grig; see Heath.
  • Ground Pease; see Ground Nuts.
  • Growse; see Grouse.
  • Gum-elastic; see Caoutchouc.
  • Gum-secretion; see Gum (in Supplem.)
  • Gunpowder-tea; see Tea-tree.
  • Hæmatites; see Blood-stone.
  • Hafod-cheese; see Cheese (in Supplem.)
  • Hairy-tare; see Vetch, the Corn.
  • Halm; see Haulm.
  • Hard-beam-tree; see Hornbeam tree.
  • Hardened Rock-oil; see Fossil-pitch.
  • Hare-lip; see Lip.
  • Hare's-foot-trefoil; see Trefoil.
  • Hare's-tail-rush; see Rush.
  • Hart's-clover; see Melilot, the Common.
  • Haugh; see Haw.
  • Hautboy; see Strawberry.
  • Hawn; see Haulm.
  • Hazel-crottles, or Hazel-rag; see Lungwort Liverwort.
  • Hearth-cricket; see Cricket.
  • Heath Polypody; see Polypody.
  • Hedge-reed; see Reed.
  • Hemlock Water-Dropwort; see Dropwort.
  • Hemp-nettle; see Nettle, the Hemp.
  • Herb Trinity; see Heart's-ease.
  • Hiccup; see Hiccough.
  • High-taper; see Mullein, the Great White.
  • Hind-berry; see Raspberry, the Common.
  • Hollands; see Gin.
  • Hore-hound, the Indian; see Spice.
  • Horse-bane; see Hemlock, the Water.
  • Horse-beech-tree; see Horn-beam.
  • Horse-hoeing; see Hoeing.
  • How; see Hoe.
  • Hyson-tea; see Tea-tree.
  • Ice-boat; see Boat.
  • Ice-house; see Milk-house.
  • Jeffery-cock; see Chafer.
  • Jer-falcon; see Falcon.
  • Jesuit's-bark; see Peruvian Bark.