Early soliloquies, as also, the daily sacrifice, or The Lords Prayer paraphrased

Early soliloquies, as also, the daily sacrifice, or The Lords Prayer paraphrased (1719)
3266768Early soliloquies, as also, the daily sacrifice, or The Lords Prayer paraphrased1719




The daily Sacrifice:


LORD'S Prayer



Printed and Sold by Robert Brown in Forrſster's-Wynd, where are to be had ſeveral other Pamphlets, 1719.

Early Soliloquies.


IN ſilent waiting while I muſe,
And ſolitary lie,
When Sleep departeth from mine Eyes,
Then unto GOD I'll cry.


Who in Still small Voice doth appear,
Unto his hidden ones,
Who from his Law turn not their Ears:
He notice their Groans.


Of humane Converſe when depriv'd,
Give Fellowſhip with Thee,
Eternal Fountain of all Bleſs,
That better'd I may be.


Jacob with th' Angel wreſtl'd all Night
Unbleſs'd would not depart:
Mount, mount my Soul, till Day dawn, and
Day-ſtar riſe in my Heart.


Many they have their Bodies pain'd,
And troubled are in Mind:
Grant Health unto thy Servant, LORD
And true Peace make to find.


Some mortal Tutelars do chooſe
Their Watch-men for to be;
Let Angels, Spirits miniſtring,
Be Guardians to me.


When I do hear the Winds to blow,
Of Changes every where;
Bleſs'd Spirit breath, and elevate
Unto a higher Sphere,


The ſtriking Clock ſhews winged Time
ſtill flees moſt ſpeedily;
Time to Redeem, Lord teach, and let
Me ever be with Thee


The merry Birds, the LORD them feeds,
Who neither Sow nor Reap;
Let me not Murmure upon whom
Great Bleſſings Thou doeſt heap.


The Cock by crowing, ſlothful Man
To Diligence doth call;
Make good and faithful then, my GOD,
In thee rejoice I ſhall.


This early Wakener e're he Crow,
Himſelf doth move and raiſe;
Let all within me be ſtir'd up
Thy holy Name to Praiſe.


Saint Peter heard the Cock to Crow,
For's fault wept bitterlie;
Let Sin, the Source of ill, be ſtill
Diſpleaſing unto me.


Fowls of the Air they ſing becauſe
Of Light that draweth near;
In greateſt Troubles I will hope.
For JESUS ſhall appear.


His preſence with poor ſinful Man,
Whilſt in this Houſe of Clay,
It doth the darkeſt Mid-night turn
Into a pleaſant Day.


This ſpotleſs Sun all Clouds diſpells
Of Sin and Miſerie.
Happy they are, who look to him
In Life, and when they Die.


When Night is gone, then all the Stars
From our Horizon run;
Our Star-light Knowledge will away,
When ſhines the brighteſt Sun.


The Planets King aſcends till from
Zenith he dart a Ray,
In Grace help more and more to grow
Until the perfect Day.


In pureſt Regions all are pure,
No ill can enter in,
Where the Inhabitants are free
From Puniſhment and Sin.


For Mine and Thine there is no Noiſe,
And no Contention,
Their Heav'nly Father's Glory, and
Their Intereſt are one.


Divided Subjects, tott'ring Crowns,
In Heaven are not found.
Subjects are Kings without Foes,
For all in Love are bound.


The Revolutions of this Life,
Do make me think upon
That State where dwells Eternity,
With Satisfaction.


Where Verity is joined with
Truth and Sincerity.
And Holineſs doth truly reign
With perfect Charity.


The King is Love, the Law is Love,
And there Love faileth never.
Make me to dwell in Love on Earth,
That live I may for ever.



WE are the children & the Church our Mother
Our only Comfort is, thou art --Our Father
Thou dwells above the Spheres, and Planets ſeven,
Thy Aid is ſtrong, O GOD --Which art in Heaven
And Thou does Aid, and therefore for the lame,
We Praiſe thee. Praying, --Hallowed be thy Name
Our Foes are Mighty, whom we cannot ſhun,
Here give us Grace, and let. --Thy Kingdom come
Thy Will is Good always in Life and Death,
In croſs or loſs --Thy will be done on Earth,
Our Changes many and our Days bereaven,
Bleſt be thy Name on Earth --As it is in Heaven
Our Wants are many, LORD, we humbly Pray,
That Bread of Life, thy ſelf --Give us this Day
Our Souls refreſht, our Bodies ſtill may Feed
On what Thou giveſt, give us. --Our daily Bread
Our Debts are great, our Life away it runs,
Pardon us, O GOD -- And forgive our Sins,
Give us Grace, and Strength, ſo long's we live
Others to Pardon freely -- And forgive
Our Neighbours ſo of all Unrighteouſneſs,
We may forgive -- Them that Treſpaſs againſt us.
Our Foes are many, our Way is dangerous
Forſake us not, O LORD our GOD -- And lead us
In all our Ways, to thy Salvation.
And lead us, LORD, but -- Not into Temptation
Thou art our GOD and ſhall continue ever,
Suffer us not to periſh -- But deliver
Us from the World, Dangers and the Devil,
And Fleſh, ſo ſhall thou free -- Us from all Evil
Kingdoms on Earth, are like the fading Bloom,
Are vain and frail -- For thine is the Kingdom,
All Pow'rs are nothing but a fading ſtory,
The Angels Praiſe thy Name with -- Power and glory
So theſe Petitions, let all Church and Lay-men,
With one conſent of Heart & Voice, ſay -- AMEN


This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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